About Us | Tribeca

About Us

About Us.

Tribeca is a venue for creators and community members to engage and consider how art, culture, and film affects the world and city in which we live.

The Crew

Sol Guy

VP, Creative and Content

An Alchemist by trade, he seeks to create gold out of combining cultural elements into all forms of stories. He constantly seeks the perfect story and implicates this crew of clandestine cooks in all these creative endeavors. Depending on the ingredients this can cause an implosion or explosion but another creation is always on the horizon. Think of him as a good Gargamel!

Amanda Martinez

Managing Editor

Before taking the role of Managing Editor at Tribeca, Amanda worked as a Senior Producer for NBC’s national team where she oversaw the video and multimedia content for 10 local television station websites. Her passion is covering art, culture, and community. She received her Masters Degree from the Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley.

Morgan Shockley

Digital Media Coordinator

Instagramming, Tweeting, Tumbling & running all things social for Tribeca.

Matt Barone

Film Editor

A web editor/writer at Tribeca Enterprises, Matt watches hundreds of new movies every year and somehow hasn’t lost his mind yet. He lives in New Jersey, but, oddly enough, doesn’t love Kevin Smith cinema or the movie GARDEN STATE. A lifelong horror lover, he’s more partial to NJ’s underrated fright flick gem ALICE, SWEET ALICE.

Matthew Eng

Contributing Writer

Associate Platform Editor and Contributing Writer at Tribeca Enterprises. Matthew's favorite movies are all psychological dramas about complex women who lie to themselves and he believes Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore, and Meryl Streep to be the real holy trinity.

Kara Baker

Digital Content Development

The time for premium internet content is NOW! Kara's background as an Lit Agent and film producer has led her here, completely obsessed and focused on the fact that smart TV doesn't have to be traditional anymore, engaging and compelling Storytelling in many formats is alive and well and cutting edge here at Tribeca Digital studios. She's a big fan of Street photography and only slightly embarrassed that her Instagram has 6048 posts.

Chris Randalls

Digital Designer

Chris is a quidnunc. He enjoys bicycles, reading on trains, video games, cheap beer and ordering the messiest thing on the menu.

Carly Sloane

Graphic Designer

A woman of a thousand different laughs, Carly loves eating outdoors, fast boats, and traveling to locations where they filmed her favorite movies.

Jaime Fallon

Creative Services Director

Ana Yamel Rodriguez - Cuervo

Creative Coordinator

She was born & raised in the exotic land of Mexico (MEHICO). As a kid she aspired to be part of the British Secret Service…which led her to the perfect cover - filmmaker and Creative Coordinator for the Content Team at Tribeca. Where she facilitates and coordinates various projects through out the department and like a good spy; she has eyes everywhere.

Sebastian Rea

Content Operations Manager

An award winning filmmaker that uses storytelling for social change. He is also on the board of various programs in New York City that engage the community with art and activism. He eats a cup of broccoli a day to keep the radicals away

Debbie Rolf

Video Editor

Editing videos and doing an increasing amount of stuff on YouTube. She loves podcasts, a myriad of nerd culture things and drinks more coffee than you.

Marc Hayes

Director of Web Production

Two parts responsible guitarist, three parts maverick code-slinger, Marc Hayes has established himself at Tribeca as “The guy that computers”. Between putting out fires such as “What is an internet” and “how do I button”, you can find Marc practicing his sleight-of-hand routines in Port Authority.

Andrew Rozal

Lead Developer

Lover of technology, fingerless gloves, and the warmth of friendship. He died doing what he loved the most: eating a cookie. He will be missed.