Plastic Surgery Melbourne - Dr Rodrigo Teixeira, Specialist Plastic Surgeon

Specialist Plastic Surgeon Focusing On Surgery of the Face and Nose

“We take excellent care of our clients, providing tailored solutions to help them achieve the best possible outcome.”



Dr Rodrigo Teixeira - Specialist Plastic Surgeon
Dr Rodrigo Teixeira - Plastic Surgeon

Specialist Plastic Surgeon Focusing on Surgery of the Face and Nose

“We take excellent care of our clients, providing tailored solutions to help them achieve the best possible outcome.”




Dr. Rodrigo Teixeira
Plastic Surgeon

Dr Rodrigo Teixeira, FRACS is a highly skilled Plastic Surgeon in Melbourne, Australia, with extensive experience in facial surgery, rhinoplasty, and breast surgery. As a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS), he has a commitment to high standards of care and continuous professional development. His practice is conveniently located at Unveil Plastic Surgery in Ivanhoe East, Melbourne.

Dr Rodrigo is a dedicated and compassionate plastic surgeon who takes a personalised approach to each patient’s care. He respects each person’s unique identity and strives to achieve a defined technique that is carefully tailored to their individual needs. His focus is always on ensuring patient safety and providing excellent patient care.

As a specialist plastic surgeon, Dr Rodrigo has the training and experience necessary to deliver safe and effective surgical procedures. He is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest techniques and advancements in plastic surgery to ensure that his patients receive the best possible outcomes.


Surgery Successfully Completed


Years of Expertise
Taking Patient Safety Seriously

High standards of care and approved treatments for every patient

Surgical Procedures


Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure that can alter the shape and size of your nose. This procedure can be performed for cosmetic or functional reasons to improve breathing difficulties.


We offer a variety of facial surgery procedures. From non-invasive treatments to surgical procedures such as blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and meloplasty (facelift). All of our solutions are customised to meet your individual needs.


Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, can address cosmetic and functional concerns around the eyes such as hooded eyelids or droopy eyelids. It can correct sagging or excess skin, including fat pads, and wrinkles.


Breast surgery procedures can improve the size and shape of your breasts, whether you want to enhance your curves with breast augmentation, reduce discomfort with breast reduction, or lift and firm them with a mastopexy.

Cosmetic Surgery Checklist


Check your surgeons’ qualifications

Every Specialist Plastic Surgeon has undertaken 8 to 12 years of surgical training beyond their medical school and has qualified to become a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS).


Understand what your surgery involves

It is important to know what your treatment involves and the anticipated results. Your surgeon should discuss possible side effects and complications that may occur, as well as what you will need to do after surgery.


Surgery performed in accredited facilities

Your specialist plastic surgeon should work in reputable hospitals and clinics that comply with the highest Australian standards of safety, cleanliness, infection control, staffing and equipment.


Your surgeon will supervise your recovery

Get the peace of mind of knowing you will receive the best of care after your cosmetic surgery. Your specialist surgeon should supervise your care throughout your entire recovery process.

Patient Journey

Embarking on a plastic surgery journey can be an exciting but also daunting experience. At Dr Rodrigo Teixeira’s practice in Melbourne, we understand the importance of providing comprehensive care to ensure our patients feel informed and supported throughout their journey.


First Step

The first step is to make a decision about undergoing plastic surgery, which requires careful consideration of all the steps involved. A referral is now required for cosmetic surgery



During your initial consultation with Dr Rodrigo, he will take the time to discuss your concerns, expectations and perform a medical assessment. He may request further information or investigations.



We encourage our patients to take time in making an informed decision regarding their treatment. If there are any further questions, we are always happy to arrange another appointment.


Preparing for Surgery

Once you have made your decision, it’s important to prepare yourself physically and mentally. Some procedures may require pre-operative care to optimise your results.


Your Surgery

On the day of your surgery, Dr Rodrigo will see you and perform markings as required. You will also meet your anaesthetist and other theatre staff to ensure that you are well prepared for your hospital stay.



Following post-operative instructions given by your surgeon is crucial for avoiding preventable complications and achieving a good recovery.

Plastic Surgery Blog

Ponytail facelift
Facial Surgery

What is a Ponytail Facelift?

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The Risks and Benefits of Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Lip Lifts

Lip enhancement procedures can dramatically improve the appearance of the lips and mouth area. There are various medical and cosmetic reasons why people of all ...
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Rhinoplasty Before and After
Rhinoplasty Surgery

Most Common Problems After Rhinoplasty

  The nose is a prominent feature on a person’s face and an important element that adds to an individual’s aesthetics. Concerns with the size ...
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Eyelid Surgery

Most Common Problems After Eyelid Surgery

  Once you’ve had blepharoplasty the aftercare routine that you follow must be very meticulous and stringent because the risk of developing complications is always ...
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Eyelid Surgery

Hooded or Droopy Eyelids? Know the Difference, Causes and Treatment

  Droopy or Hooded eyelids, what is the difference? Droopy eyelids, also known as eyelid ptosis, is the condition where the upper eyelid does not ...
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