The Meaning Behind The Song: Lakini's Juice by Live - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Lakini’s Juice by Live

Behind the Music of Live’s “Lakini’s Juice”: Deciphering the Hidden Message

For years, the captivating sound of Live’s “Lakini’s Juice” has sent chills down the spine of its listeners. Despite a mix of cryptic lyrics and hard-hitting drums, this song has managed to become a fan favorite due to its ear-catching riffs and powerful vocals. However, many people have been left wondering about the true meaning behind the song’s mysterious title and haunting lyrics. In this article, we will explore the hidden message behind Live’s “Lakini’s Juice.”

The Inspiration Behind “Lakini’s Juice”

Before diving into the lyrics and symbolism of the song, it’s essential to understand the inspiration behind “Lakini’s Juice.” The title is a reference to Lakini Shakur, a woman who worked in the music industry and acted as a mentor to the band. According to Ed Kowalczyk, the lead vocalist of Live, Shakur was someone who inspired him greatly and helped him find his voice. Her guidance was a crucial factor in the band’s success, and the title of the song is a tribute to her.

Deciphering the Lyricism in “Lakini’s Juice”

Now that we’ve explored the role of Lakini Shakur in the production of the song, it’s time to analyze the meaning behind the lyrics of “Lakini’s Juice.” The song contains many cryptic lyrics that seem to allude to something deeper than the words on the page. One interpretation of the song is that it is a commentary on the music industry and how it can chew up and spit out artists who don’t fit the mold.

The opening lyrics of the song depict the feeling of being lost or unwanted in the industry. The line “Down the wishing well, spreads the wish and swells the wish you’ll never fail” seems to imply that the music industry promises success to artists but never delivers. The phrase “Swells the wish you’ll never fail” implies that the more you wish for success, the less likely it is to happen. This opening sets the tone for the rest of the song, which discusses the harsh realities of trying to make it in the music industry.

In the chorus, the lyrics “Lakini’s juice, is love and music, the juice of the carob bean” appear repetitively. One interpretation is that “Lakini’s juice” represents the purest form of music and artistic expression, which Shakur embodied in her work. The reference to the “juice of the carob bean” is also significant as the carob bean is often used in Middle Eastern cultures to make sweet treats. The sweetness of the carob bean could represent the joy and fulfillment that comes from pursuing music for the sake of art rather than chasing commercial success.

The second verse of the song is especially poignant as it discusses the difficulties of navigating the music industry. The line “I polished up my teeth, I polished up my boots, I polished up my resume, I polished up my roots” seems to imply that an artist has to be polished and perfect to make it. The use of the word “roots” here is also significant as it alludes to the idea that an artist has to change or abandon their roots to be successful.

The Symbolism Behind The Music

Apart from the lyrics, “Lakini’s Juice” has many other symbols that make the song incredibly memorable. The drums, for example, are intense and fast-paced, almost as if they’re trying to keep up with the lyrics. This drumming creates a sense of urgency, implying that the theme of the song is crucial and should not be ignored.

The music video for the song also plays a significant role in the symbolism of the song. The video depicts a man (presumably Ed Kowalczyk) walking down a dark tunnel, with various people standing in his way. The use of monochrome colors, combined with a lack of light, creates a sense of confusion and despair. The video ends with Kowalczyk in a white room, seemingly lost and alone. This imagery could be symbolic of the difficulties that an artist faces in an industry that often seems dark and unsympathetic.

The Legacy of “Lakini’s Juice”

“Lakini’s Juice” has become a fan favorite over the years, with many people finding solace in its lyrics and powerful sound. The song has influenced countless musicians, and its message continues to resonate with artists today. In 2020, Ed Kowalczyk released a solo acoustic version of the song, which received positive reviews from fans and critics alike.

In conclusion, “Lakini’s Juice” is a song that continues to captivate and inspire music lovers worldwide. The inspiration behind the song and the symbolism it holds are significant, and the commentary it provides on the music industry is still relevant today. As the song concludes, “wake me up with laughter, wrap it up in dreams,” it seems to suggest that the only way to survive the music industry is to hold on to the joy and laughter that music can bring and to continue to dream.

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