Simple Hearts of Palm Pasta is made with hearts of palm noodles, instead of traditional pasta. A grain-free, low-carb and keto-approved recipe that is super easy to make with minimal ingredients. Make this healthy vegetarian (or vegan) recipe in less than 20 minutes!

I only discovered heart of palm pasta a couple of weeks ago when someone on TikTok posted a meal with something that looked like the perfect low-carb pasta alternative. I was intrigued, so when I was shopping at Trader Joe’s, I picked up a package of their hearts of palm pasta.

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The first hearts of palm pasta recipe I made was this simple hearts of palm pasta. You will only need palm pasta, olive oil, garlic, cherry tomatoes, and an optional sprinkle of grated Parmesan and fresh basil.

Hearts of palm pasta topped with parmesan cheese and cherry tomatoes.

Ingredients needed

Nothing too fancy in this delicious hearts of palm pasta recipe. All you need are high-quality, basic ingredients. Here’s the lineup:

  • Hearts of palm pasta. Made from hearts of palm, this has a veggie texture, but the flavor is very subtle. That means you can pair it with just about any pasta sauce and it won’t overwhelm the dish. You can sub with miracle noodles or veggie noodles, if you’d prefer.
  • Olive oil. To cook the garlic and tomatoes and dress the hearts of palm noodles.
  • Garlic. A must in any pasta dish!
  • Cherry tomatoes. For juicy bursts of freshness in every bite.
  • Salt + pepper. Brings out all of the delicious flavor!
  • Sugar. A pinch of sugar balances the overall taste of the dish. 
  • Basil. Finishes this dish with that special something!
  • Parmesan cheese. I love to use freshly grated parmesan cheese! You can find the highest quality blocks of parmesan cheese in the speciality cheese area in most grocery stores. If you’d like this recipe to be vegan-friendly, Violife makes a great parmesan cheese, or try my recipe for vegan parmesan cheese.

How to make this recipe

This hearts of palm pasta recipe couldn’t be more simple! It’s ready in just a few easy steps! Here’s a quick rundown of the process, but for full instructions, reference the recipe card at the bottom of the post.

  1. Pasta. Prepare and cook the pasta according to package directions.
  2. Cook garlic + tomatoes. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add in garlic and cook for 1 minute. Then add in the tomatoes, salt, pepper and sugar. Mix to combine and toss often and cook until the tomatoes begin to burst, about 6 minutes. 
  3. Combine ingredients. Stir in the cooked pasta and basil and cook for 2 additional minutes and until the pasta is heated through.
  4. Serve. Garnish with parmesan and additional pepper to taste. ENJOY!
Pasta noodles and cherry tomatoes cooked in a large skillet.

Frequently asked questions

What is hearts of palm pasta?

Palm pasta is a lower-carb, gluten-free, veggie alternative to traditional noodles. Made from hearts of palm, these noodles pair perfectly with most sauces, and unlike other veggie noodles, require zero extra cooking time. For this recipe, I used Trader Joe’s hearts of palm pasta. However, Palmini is the most well known brand and is available at many grocery stores and Amazon.

What does hearts of palm pasta taste like?

Palm heart pasta has a very light, mild taste, not totally unlike zucchini noodles. Many people compare it the taste of artichokes. While not overwhelming, the slightly savory flavor pairs well with oil, cream or tomato-based sauces.

How do I prepare hearts of palm pasta?

Place the hearts of palm noodles in a colander and rinse. Then shake the colander and allow the hearts of palm to dry as you cook the garlic and tomatoes. There’s no need to cook hearts of palm, just add your favorite sauce, heat, and serve!

Is hearts of palm pasta healthy?

Not only is palm pasta low in carbs, it’s also low in calories and naturally gluten-free. It’s a great source of fiber, potassium, and copper. This pasta alternative is definitely a great addition to your diet!

What other sauces go well with this low-carb pasta?

We love the pairing of hearts of palm with this simple mix of olive oil, garlic and tomatoes; but there are lots of ways to serve palm pasta! Low carb hearts of palm linguine is also delicious with creamy tofu pasta sauce, white wine pasta sauce and a homemade Pomodoro sauce.

Noodles topped with fresh basil, parmesan cheese and tomatoes.

More quick + easy recipes to try

If you love this hearts of palm pasta recipe and you’re looking for more easy dinner recipes, here are some of our favs:

As usual, PLEASE let me know if you make this recipe and how you like it! You can come back here and leave a comment or tag me on instagram (@foodwithfeeling).

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Simple Hearts of Palm Pasta in a large skillet.

Simple Hearts of Palm Pasta

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5 from 2 reviews

  • Author: Brita Britnell
  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Yield: serves 2
  • Diet: Vegan


Simple Hearts of Palm Pasta is made with hearts of palm noodles, instead of traditional pasta. A grain-free, low-carb and keto-approved recipe that is super easy to make with minimal ingredients. Make this healthy vegetarian (or vegan) recipe in less than 20 minutes!


  • 1 package of hearts of palm pasta (mine was 9 ounces)
  • 1/4 cup of olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 pint of cherry tomatoes, about a cup
  • Salt + pepper to taste
  • Pinch of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of fresh basil, chopped
  • Freshly grated Parmesan, optional for serving (Violife makes a delicious vegan version!)


  1. In a large skillet over medium heat. Add in garlic and cook for 1 minute. Then add in the tomatoes, salt, pepper and sugar. Mix to combine and toss often and cook until the tomatoes begin to burst, about 6 minutes. 
  2. Stir in the pasta and basil and cook for 5 additional minutes and until the pasta is heated through.
  3. Garnish with parmesan and additional pepper to taste. ENJOY!


If you’d like this recipe to be vegan, Violife makes a great parmesan cheese, or try my recipe for vegan parmesan cheese.

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Category: Dinner
  • Method: Stovetop
  • Cuisine: Italian, American