Saoírse Ruane: Mum has moving moment with stranger at grave
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16th May 2024

Mum of Saoírse Ruane reminds us that there are still good people out there

Kat O'Connor

Saoírse Ruane sadly passed away this year

The mother of Saoírse Ruane has opened up about her little girl after a touching interaction with a stranger.

Her mum Roseanna explained that she met an incredible stranger during a recent visit to her daughter’s grave.

Writing on Instagram, her mum said she bumped into a lovely man who spoke so fondly of her daughter.

“I met a lovely man while visiting Saoirse. He was visiting her also.

“He walked up the path with two bunches of flowers for her,” she shared.

“A dad, and a husband told me we don’t realise the impact Saoirse had on people. How lucky am I to be her Mamma,” the proud mum shared.

Her mum said that visiting Saoírse’s grave has been a source of comfort for her.

“I never thought I’d find such comfort here. I could sit and talk to you for hours, it’s so mild.

“Maybe it’s because you’re here. I feel safe I’m not on my own,” she continued.

Her mum said she will never get tired of talking to her little girl and vowed to always visit her, no matter what.

The interaction Roseanna had with this man has reminded us that there are still good people in the world.

That man went out of his way to pay respect to little Saoírse, despite having never met the young girl in his life.

But doesn’t that sum up the impact Saoírse had on this country in such a short space of time?

