Aasif Sheikh’s learning from life: Prefer to bank on what is in hand - Hindustan Times

Aasif Sheikh’s learning from life: Prefer to bank on what is in hand

Nov 20, 2023 06:35 PM IST

Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai actor Aasif Sheikh says it’s not advisable to bank on something unseen

With an experience of 39 years since he made his acting debut with the popular TV show Hum Log (1984), actor Aasif Sheikh is putting all his learning into play – in making decisions and bringing variations in acting.

Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai actor Aasif Sheikh at Bada Imambara during his visit to Lucknow
Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai actor Aasif Sheikh at Bada Imambara during his visit to Lucknow

“I have done 125 films, over 1,000 theatre shows and over 25 TV shows in my career, but I did not get so much love and so many accolades before. It is learning from life and I have learnt it the hard way,” says the actor on his recent visit to Lucknow.

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He admitted that offers did pour in, but he was not able to take them up.

“My first commitment is with my current TV show so I can’t take up something which makes it suffer. For a film or an OTT show people ask for long dates which I can’t spare in the current scenario. The urge is there but the fact is that I am enjoying what I am doing. I prefer to bank on what I have than think about something unseen,” says the actor

Sheikh adds, “Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai is like my showcase as an actor. People started to take me seriously and I got a chance to show my progress as an actor. It has been over seven years, but I don’t get frustrated as I get to play different characters every second week which is a serious business. I have done over 350 characters so far and every time we have to work on its look, body language, lingo, costume and so on.”

The actor candidly confesses that it does get tiring at times. “Nothing is hunky dory! I am enjoying my work as this is something very close to my heart. But it’s too hectic and many times I don’t travel back home as the drive is over two hours.”

On handling fatigue, he goes on a holiday. “I handle it very smartly. I pack 2-3 sets of tracksuits and set off for Goa by road. I enjoy the route, nature, enjoying meals on roadsides and staying in a room alone. I listen to music, sit beside the window, read, enjoy meals and just don’t meet or talk to anyone on those days. I don’t even go to the beach and be with myself. It rejuvenates me and I am ready for action,” he says.

Hailing from Varanasi, he gets very little time to visit his hometown.

“It’s tough but when I get chance I do go to Varanasi. This time, I came down to Lucknow for a cause: promoting traffic awareness with UP Traffic Police, as road accidents and mishap deaths are on the rise,” he says on a signing off note.

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    Deep Saxena writes on Bollywood, OTT, television, food and culture for the daily Entertainment & Lifestyle supplement, HT City.

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