
  • Harvey Weinstein, once a Hollywood God, was sentenced to 23 years in prison for sexual assault and rape in 2020.
  • Daughters Lily (Remy), Emma, and Ruth have all cut ties with him following the scandal's outbreak in 2017.
  • Lily struggles with the most visible fallout, but India, too young during the scandal, remains happy and unaffected.

Movie mogul, producer, and sexual predator Harvey Weinstein once referred to as "God" in Hollywood was convicted on sexual assault and rape charges and sentenced to 23 years in prison in 2020.

The man who co-founded Miramax and The Weinstein Company and the guiding hand behind movies such as Shakespeare in Love, The King's Speech, and TV's Project Runway was at one point the most powerful man in Hollywood. Careers were made or broken on his say so. Only thing is, he is said to have required certain "favors' from actresses in exchange for his cooperation.

The proverbial hit the fan in 2017 when The New York Times ran a story claiming that more than 12 women had come forward accusing Weinstein of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape. Actresses such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Beckinsale were among his most vocal accusers. For years and years, Weinstein got away with it. It was an open secret in Hollywood. But to its shame, no one in Hollywood put their hand up and said "enough".

Harvey Weinstein's 23-Year Jail Sentence Overturned As He Wins Appeal
The appeals court determined the judge in Weinstein's original case was prejudiced, leading them to overturn his conviction.

He leaves behind him three daughters with his first wife, his former assistant Eve Chilton. Lily, 25, and her younger sisters Emma and Ruth have disowned him and refuse to have any contact with him.

His two children with English fashion designer Georgina Chapman, 10-year-old daughter India, and 7-year-old son Dashiell live with their mom and have some contact with their father.

So, what have his daughters been up to since that fateful day in 2017 when The New York Times outed Hollywood's most notorious sexual predator, Harvey Weinstein? Let's have a look.

Updated April 2024: Harvey Weinstein was convicted of sexual abuse in 2020. While multiple women claimed they were abused by Weinstein, it was the 2006 and 2013 incidents that the jury found Weinstein guilty of. As such, Weinstein was given a 23-year sentence. A sentence that now may be null and void with the Court of Appeals overturning the 2020 conviction. The ruling was announced on April 25, 2024, and the judges cited the reason for overturning the case had to do with testimony being allowed during the trial that showed Weinstein in a "prejudicial light." Because of this, the women who testified and thought they were done with the ordeal will likely have to testify again.

Lily (Remy) Weinstein

Eldest daughter with Eve Chilton

Harvey Weinstein daughter
Credit: Mauceri/Alequin/INFphoto.com
  • Born: 1995

It's fair to say that Lily (now Remy)'s, life has pretty much been wrecked by the scandals surrounding her father. As the oldest child, she was hit the hardest by the revelations. It was she who in 2017 called the Los Angeles police to say that her father was "suicidal and depressed" after the news of his sexual misconduct went viral. It seems he had been staying at her place and she became alarmed when he disappeared.

Remy still lives in Los Angeles, but seldom goes out, depending on assistants to run errands and do most of her shopping for her.

Does Harvey Weinstein Still Talk To His Kids?
Harvey Weinstein has children from each of his two previous marriages, but does he have a relationship with them?

A couple of years ago, she was spotted in New York City visiting her former step-mother Georgina Chapman. But it is a rare sighting. Remy is pretty much a haunted recluse. And she has, of course, cut off all ties with her father.

Emma Weinstein

Middle daughter with Eve Chilton

Harvey Weinstein and Eve Chilton
via Instar
  • Born: 1998

Weinstein's daughter Emma, was born in 1998, and is keeping a rather low profile these days. There is no indication of where she is living these days or what she does for a living.

Ruth Weinstein

Youngest daughter with Eve Chilton

Harvey Weinstein and Eve Chilton
via Instar
  • Born: 2002

Ruth is apparently fine. She was 15 when the scandal broke and was not as much on the front line.

After Eve Chilton divorced Weinstein in 2004, she married businessman Sal Martirano. She and her 3 daughters moved into Martirano's house in a New York suburb. He had two sons. So, for a time it was one big happy combined family.

Apparently, Eve and Sal are no more and Eve and Ruth have moved back to New York City. To say they keep a low profile is a complete understatement.

Yellowstone Would Not Have Happened Without Harvey Weinstein
Before he was a disgraced movie producer, Harvey Weinstein held clout in Hollywood and may be responsible for the success of 'Yellowstone.'

Like her older sisters and her millionaire mom Eve, Ruth has no time for Harvey Weinstein.

Weinstein's defense team sometimes bemoans Harvey being cut off by his oldest daughters. However, this has not done anything to change the relationship with the eldest Weinstein children.

India Weinstein

Daughter with Georgina Chapman

Harvey Weinstein daughters with Georgina Chapman
Credit: Rob Davis/startraksphoto.com
  • Born: 2010

India is the daughter of Harvey Weinstein and his second wife, multi-millionaire English fashion designer Georgina Chapman. They live with her brother Dashiell in some luxury in New York City.

There is some "cooperation" between Chapman and Weinstein as far as his youngest children are concerned. But that did stop her suing him in 2017 for some $5 million in child support. For once, Harvey won.

India has some contact with her older half-sisters, particularly Lily. She seems a happy, well-balanced little girl.

So, that's what's going on in the lives of Harvey Weinstein's oldest daughters?

Lily's life is a wreck because of her father's shenanigans. And India, too young to realize what was going on in 2017, seems happy and unscathed.

Although he entertains high hopes for his pending appeal, it is more than likely that Harvey Weinstein will spend the rest of his life in prison. And for most people, including his oldest daughters, that's great news.