The Best 'South Park' Episodes Featuring Towelie
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The Best 'South Park' Episodes Featuring Towelie

Mike Bedard
Updated June 1, 2024 35.9K views 10 items
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693 voters
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Episodes that are about (or at least feature) Towelie in more than just a passing cameo.

South Park’s known for introducing some crazy characters (ManBearPig, Mr. Hanky, Saddam Hussein), but none or as popular—or as consistently stoned—as Towelie. Making his debut back in 2001, some of the best Towelie episodes feature everyone's favorite pot-smoking towel getting stuck in some sticky situations. Once described as “the worst character ever,” Towelie’s gone on to nab himself a top stop in South Park’s ever-rotating totem of recurring characters. As Randy’s right-hand man towel on Tegridy Farms, recent South Park episodes have included Towelie in a more prominent role, proving he’s way more than just your everyday weed-lovin’ towel.

What are your favorite Towelie episodes? After his self-titled inaugural debut, his next big part came in the episode "A Million Little Fibers," where he promoted his autobiography on Oprah but failed to mention that he exaggerated some of the details, including the fact that was claiming he was a man and not, in fact, a sentient towel. And then there's "Crippled Summer," the so-called Towelie intervention episode, where the boys have to help Towelie get clean once and for all. 

Whether you think he's one of the best (or worst) characters on the show, vote up the best Towelie moments that feature him in a major role. 


  • 1
    175 VOTES

    The boys come across a sentient towel, but while they want nothing to do with him at first, the government ends up taking their Gamesphere so that they'll bring the towel to them. They get caught in the crosshairs of government espionage, but all they want is to go back home and play video games. 

    In his first South Park appearance, Towelie initially shows up to give the boys towel-related advice and how you should always dry yourself off with a towel after a shower or bath. The boys try to take Towelie back to his owners, but far too frequently, Towelie just ends up getting high. Aliens and buff towels ensue as the fight for Towelie commences. 

    Best line: "Hold on, let me get high THEN I'll remember where it is!"

    175 votes
  • 2
    200 VOTES

    Mexican Joker

    Cartman decides to pull a prank on Kyle by calling ICE on his family and getting them sent to detention camps. There, Kyle informs the agents that by treating everyone so poorly, they're going to end up creating a supervillain. Kyle leads the Hispanic children in a Jewish ceremony, and as soon as the agents become worried about how this looks, they release everyone immediately. 

    Meanwhile, Randy and Towelie get in an argument. Randy wants to sell the company to a big corporation while Towelie wants to keep it small. Towelie berates Randy by calling him a towel, which apparently is used as some sort of insult.

    Best line: "Med Men? But, those guys are posers."

    200 votes
  • 3
    121 VOTES

    Timmy and Jimmy have their sights set on winning the camp game at Lake Tardicaca. However, Nathan and his cohort Mimsy have other plans in mind. They stage various schemes to get Jimmy killed or maimed, which always end up backfiring on Nathan. Jimmy's team ends up winning the big game. 

    Meanwhile, the boys stage an intervention for Towelie, who's now addicted to crystal meth. Afterward, Towelie agrees to go to rehab, and at the end of the episode, it's revealed he's gotten back together with his girlfriend and son, Washcloth. 

    Best line: "Who wants to get their d**k sucked by a towel?"

    121 votes
  • 4
    369 VOTES

    Tegridy Farms

    Randy is disheartened that there's no longer any "tegridy" in society. He decides to move his family to a farm and start growing weed. Meanwhile, Cartman, and Butters are selling vape pens to the other kids at school, getting them addicted. 

    Towelie turns up at the farm to inspect Randy's product. He proceeds to smoke a lot of weed and proclaiming that it's "good sh*t." Randy is ecstatic he can stay in business. 

    Best line: "I don't know what Tegridy is, but... that is some good sh*t!"

    369 votes
  • 5
    86 VOTES

    Christmas Snow

    Everyone in South Park is disappointed that alcohol is no longer permitted during the holiday season because they all wanted to drive drunk. Everyone loses their holiday spirit, but then Randy starts selling a special kind of weed called Christmas Snow that's laced with cocaine. 

    Eventually, Santa passes a bill outlawing weed for the holiday season. Randy and Towelie react to this by selling weed-free Christmas Snow, which is literally just pure cocaine. Jesus and Santa try some, and they both come to the conclusion that it's pretty amazing. Jesus makes it snow cocaine all over the town, and everyone gets to driving. 

    Best line: "Okay, so how about we combine- what's left of the Mexican Joker with some of the Season Finale?"

    86 votes
  • Towelie has no money and needs to pay rent. He decides to write an autobiography, but no publisher will touch it because people don't want to read about a towel—even if it's a talking, pot-smoking towel. Instead, he revises his autobiography to make it sound like it's about a real person and ends up going on The Oprah Winfrey Show to promote it. It's soon discovered that Towelie is, in fact, a towel, and Oprah and her followers turn on him. 

    Towelie has to safeguard some hostages while Mingey and Gary have a gun pointed at the police. Towelie saves the day by getting high, and the hostages end up apologizing for trying to kill him. 

    Best line: "Every time I get high I come up with ideas that get me in more trouble."

    88 votes
  • 7
    88 VOTES

    Bike Parade

    There's chaos at the local Amazon Fulfillment Center as the workers go on strike. This proves to be a godsend for Randy because everyone wants to smoke weed to cope. Meanwhile, the boys are upset because they can't get the parts they need to complete their bikes for the upcoming bike parade. 

    Randy's worried this boom in business won't last. Fortunately, Towelie comes up with the idea to deliver weed to people on e-scooters. That way they'll be completely unaware of all the other weed farms in town. It turns out to be a success because with everyone in town high on weed, they no longer need Amazon. 

    Best line: "We now have three levels of membership for our weed. There's Tegridy, Tegridy Plus, and Tegridy Elite. But you don't want to be elite, 'cause elite's got no Tegridy."

    88 votes
  • The boys are mistakenly shipped to Afghanistan when they try to return a goat sent to them. There they meet their Afghan counterparts who give them an important lesson into why the rest of the world hates America. They also run into Osama bin Laden, who falls for Cartman's zany antics. 

    Towelie appears briefly in the episode to give the boys towel-related advice. He's also worried about there being a 'Towelie ban', which is an obvious play on words. 

    Best line: "So am I to understand that there's been a ...Towelie ban?

    46 votes
  • 9
    49 VOTES

    Let Them Eat Goo

    Randy has a meeting with everyone to figure out how to make more money. Towelie has the only idea he likes, who suggests that they sell off the parts of the weed no one likes. They take this idea to its logical conclusion and start selling burgers made from weed to ride high off the idea formed from Impossible Burger. 

    At the same time, a farmer dumps off a bunch of cows at Tegridy Farms because no one wants them anymore. Randy and Towelie proceed to get really high and shoot all the cows. Video footage leaks of them killing animals, destroying their reputation for offering a no-meat alternative burger. 

    Best line: "It's like, we sell all the good parts of the weed, but we throw away, like, tons and tons of all the leftover sh*t. You can sell that crap as mulch to a hardware company."

    49 votes
  • 10
    50 VOTES


    Despite everyone in the town wanting him to get vaccinated, Cartman refuses to get his shot. His mother doesn't know what to do, but when the townspeople put Cartman in a shot rodeo, Ms. Cartman intervenes and insists that it's her child and her right to decide what happens to him. 

    Meanwhile, Randy takes Towelie to a hill to apologize for what happened in the last episode. Randy apologizes for, that's right, losing his "tegridy," while Towelie insists that he stop working with the Chinese government. begrudgingly, Randy obliges. 

    Best line: "I'm never workin' for a company that's regulated by a communist government!"

    50 votes