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A Breakup is the eighth and final episode in the first season of the Prime Video spy thriller Mr. & Mrs. Smith. It aired with the rest of the season on February 2 in 2024.


John and Jane are taking a time-out. Find out whether they're able to say sorry or if it's the end of their adventures. Grab some tissues John and Jane, it's a breakup. Only this time, it's life and death.



Only Jane Smith and her cat Max lie on the marital bed of John and Jane Smith. She gets up and brushes her teeth. She goes to a table, opens up and logs into the laptop that was delivered to her. She clicks on an icon, bringing up a communication window for Hihi. A message appears: "TERMINATE! Take out your Smith". She closes the lid of the laptop and pulls out her phone. She starts to type a message, but then stops. She goes out and gets some food, then returns home. She comments to Max that it looks good, then curses, realizing she forgot to feed him. She apologizes and goes for a tin of cat food, commenting that she always comes back to him. Suddenly, she finds herself dodging bullets. She hides under the edge of a table and grabs a knife. "Max?" she asks, but there is blood dripping onto her hand. Max is dead.

Denise, John's mother, is out walking with him. She tells him she's going to have go back and get her nail fixed. "What's this?" he asks, telling her she's not supposed to be eating chocolate, but she excuses it as being dark chocolate. She tells him she only eats one small piece each night and that she saw him eat a whole bagel. He tells her it's because he's depressed. "Staying with me is depressing?" she asks, but he says she might be the best part. She tells him it's going to be okay, that he can do this. She asks if he's considered counseling. He says he'll think about it. Heading inside her home, he sees the door of the bathroom open, and the seat up. He asks if she left it up, but she says she doesn't even use that bathroom. "Must have been you," she says, saying she raised him better, and he agrees she did, suggesting she go to the salon. She asks what's wrong and he tells her to just go, that there's something he wants to check out, and not return until he tells her.

John inspects the entryway, discovering a tripwire connected to a blinking device. He pulls out his phone, showing a conversation with Jane, where they were discussing some plants she thought he was going to take with him. "We need to talk. Now," he tells her. He tells her he's close by and she says that she figured. The two rendezvous by a painting inside the Whitney Museum of American Art. John comments on the painting, but Jane just curses at him. "I'm sorry?" he asks and she tells him to turn and face her. He asks why, but she tells him to just do it. He does and she says that she has to see if there's any remorse. He tells her that whatever she's feeling, he's ten times angrier. She just laughs and sighs. He asks just why she dragged him out there. She tells him he's the cruelest man she's ever met and he says it's because she's never known any others. "But I have," she tells him. He asks just what it's supposed to mean and she says that she has known men. He asks if she had sex with the neighbor. She tells him that she doesn't want to do this there, that they should go outside. "Yeah, let's do that," agrees John.

Feeling safe[]

When, however, they move to exit the revolving doors, Jane exits, but John finds himself trapped inside. He discovers his phone beeping in his bag - he has been set up. He pulls off his jacket and covers the bag. As Jane walks away, there is a massive explosion behind her. She turns, only to see John emerging from the revolving doors, rattled by unharmed. He takes off after her. He eventually catches up to a panting Jane in a park area. Gasping, she pleads for him to stop. "Who am I?" she asks. "What?!" he asks, and she tells him "That's you," pulling out a knife. Backing away, he tells her she doesn't want to do this. He manages to disarm her, but she grabs him in a chokehold. By now, they are creating a public scene and a couple of men come and pull her off of him. She shouts at them to get off of her. "She's my wife, it's okay," he tells them, but she headbutts one while he attacks another. Jane then spots a pair of police officers and runs away, even as John continues to tussle with one of the crowd. John quickly resumes the chase, but they soon realize that the police are closing in on them from all sides. "He's got a bomb! Run!" shouts John. He and Jane escape in the confusion and he shouts after her, but she takes off again.

Jane's phone ring and she takes his call. She tells him that she just wants him to know that after she kills him, she's going to burn all of his stuff. He asks what she first thought when they met. "You tell me," she says and he says that he thought she was the prettiest lonely girl he ever met. She asks why he's telling her this and he says he needs to know if it was real, if she felt the same way. She says that she thought he'd be easy enough to manipulate to get what she wanted out of this. He says he thinks she's just trying to hurt him. "That's all I need to know," he tells her. They end the call. Jane then sees that he is standing just across the street. The chase resumes, continuing until John is slammed into by a cab. Jane turns, seeing him lying in the street. "You okay?" asks a gathering crowd, telling him to take it easy, but he gets up and resumes chasing Jane. Jane runs over to the door of the place and locks him out. "Hello?" asks a voice from inside: John's mother, Denise. Jane starts to pull her gun and Beverly asks what she's reaching for. She claims that it's nothing and Denise tells her to come and sit. She says that she adjusted the air conditioner, that she keeps it cold. Jane asks who she is and she introduces herself as "Denise, Michael's mother." Jane tells her that she needs a little time by herself and Denise says she won't be long. "You're visiting Michael from Baltimore?" asks Jane and Denise tells her that she lives there in New York now. She says he moved her about two months ago. Jane asks if Michael told her to come, but she says that he doesn't even know she's there, that he gave her the emergency key and it's how she got in. "He didn't tell you that, either?" she asks. "No, he didn't," agrees Jane.

Outside, John curses, locked out of the home. The hot neighbor then appears next door. He notes John's head injury, asking what happened, and John claims to have fallen off the balcony. "I should be dead," he tells him, but says he's okay. He continues that he lost his keys, that they fell down the grate, and he can't get in. He says he left the back door open, asking if he can cut through his place. "Sure," agrees the neighbor, telling him he'll have to walk through the house. He meets the neighbor's dog, Poet. Back with Denise and Jane, Jane tells Denise that she and "Michael" are splitting up. Denise says that she's not blind, that she doesn't break into people's houses for fun. She tells Jane that Michael just needs to know that she loves him. She says he's a kid who was always very attached, and had to be with her. She says she had to put him in a car seat in the bathroom to take a shower every morning, that she's discovered that he needs to feel safe. Once he does, he will be Michael, but if not, he'll be whoever you want him to be. She tells Jane that before she calls it quits to make sure what Michael she's breaking up with. Jane asks what he's said about her and Denise tells her it's been nothing but great things. She says that she has a sense about people and that Jane seems cold. Jane admits that she pushes people away. Denise tells her that Michael understands complicated people. Jane replies that there's more at stake. "Oh, are you pregnant?" asks Denise. Jane tells her that she's not and Denise gets up, saying that the stakes really aren't that high. She says it's a shame, that it looks like they have a wonderful life. She leaves.

The hot neighbor's true purpose[]

At the neighbor's place, John asks for a towel to cover his wound so he doesn't drip all over the place. John calls his place beautiful and the neighbor says it's not as nice as theirs and the green tiles in their kitchen. John asks about him being in his house and he says that he lent Jane a book. John asks what he knows about Jane, snooping around. The neighbor admits that Jane is kind of mysterious. He says the neighborhood all talks about them. "The balcony's this way," he tells John, but John asks to sit, and to get some water and ice. The second he is gone again, John resumes snooping. He asks to use the bathroom, and the neighbor tells him to use the one upstairs, not downstairs, that there isn't one downstairs. He suggests he call Anthony, the doctor across the street. John, however, has discovered a room filled with blueprints and pictures of his and Jane's house and them. The neighbor appears, saying that he wasn't supposed to see it. John shoves him against a wall and pulls out a gun. He tells him not to move, asking who he is and who he works for. He tells him that his name is Harris Materbach and that he's an agent for Sotheby's. John asks if Sotheby's is counterintelligence, or a CIA division. "Are you Hihi?" he asks him. Harris says that he has no idea what he's saying. John cocks the gun, saying to tell him who he works for or he'll kill him. He tells him that Sotheby's is a real estate agency, that he's a real estate analyst and they want his house bad. He continues that nobody can figure out how they were permitted to build it, that there are no records of the permits being filed. They combined two historical brownstones into one residence, something which is unheard of, and they added a garage and a pool, which would cost millions on the salary of two software engineers. He says that the only people capable of this are Russian oligarchs and Saudi royals and that they don't have the palate for it. He calls their home his "Moby Dick." He begs John not to kill him.

John comments that Harris wasn't flirting with Jane because he likes her, that it was about their house. Harris asks if he wants him to like her. John lowers the gun and walks away, apologizing and calling it unbelievable. He goes to Harris's kitchen, pulling out some wine and asking if he wants some. "Sure," agrees Harris, asking if he and Jane are going through something. John agrees that they could say that and he agrees that his divorce made him a little crazy. "It's a little more than that," John tells him. Harris says that marriage is a house that you build, but that sometimes your tastes change, or you never had any to begin with. He tells John that he doesn't want to be with his ex, but it's not better alone. John comments that he doesn't like to read, but Jane does. Harris tells him he doesn't have to like it, just start doing it, that he could lend him a copy of The Prophet. Yeah, thanks, agrees John, leaving.

John sneaks into his and Jane's house, gun drawn. He enters a room where a TV is playing, pointing his gun, but the room is empty. Jane then appears from another door, firing her weapon. John curses, but she calls him a bad liar, and he emerges from another opening, firing as she ducks away. She turns and fires again, then rolls, dodging more fire from him. He comments that it's been a long day. "It's your last," she tells him. He pulls out a bigger gun and starts firing. She runs off. "Babe? Pumpkin? Love?" he asks. He fires again, asking if she's alive. "Yeah," she tells him, tossing a knife. She pulls a gun and opens up on him. He slides his gun she tells him he should be careful. He tells her she's going to ruin the expensive art she bought and she notes that you probably shouldn't hit expensive tile with a shotgun. He emerges, another gun blazing, but she hides behind the door of the refrigerator. They continue their fight, John reaching her in the library. "Here's a book you'll never read, asshole!" she shouts, pelting him with books. As they go hand to hand, he shouts at her to let go and she tells him to stop telling her what to do. "You're acting crazy," he tells her, but she kicks him in the chest. He tells her to calm down and she says she is, even as she squares for another round. He tells her he needs to talk to her. She says he's making it all about him. She continues coming at him at any way she can, even hitting him in the balls. "Don't do it," he tells her as she looks towards her gun. As she goes for it, he beans her with a plant pot. He then ties her up with the cord from a lamp.

Truth serum[]

Over Jane's protests, he then injects the both of them with truth serum. He then frees her legs and hands of the duct tape he tied them with. "I hate you!" she shouts and he tells her he hates her too. "What is this doing to me?" and he says that it's making her honest, that she never has been, ever. She says that she has been, that just because he doesn't understand her doesn't make her a liar. He calls it bullshit, saying that she makes people build a filter around everything she says so she doesn't have to. "That's unfair!" he shouts. She laughs, saying that everyone around him thinks he's a sweet idiot. She asks why he can't just be competent. He asks if she even loved him. She says that she did. "Wow, this feels unreal," she comments. John agrees, saying he felt like he had a broken finger, but now it's like sex on his hand. Jane says it's like a bee in her body going buzz. She tells him that she failed her psych exam for the CIA because she has sociopathic tendencies. He asks if she's a sociopath. She says that she has a jar on her table that she puts a marble in whenever she does something sociopathic. He asks how many she has. "78," she tells him. She asks if he thinks she's a sociopath and he says that she's Japanese in America and a woman, that she puts too much on herself. She says she thought she was white to him, but he tells her he just says it bother her because it bothers him. He tells her he won't say it anymore, and she says it makes her feel closer to her dad when he calls her Japanese. She says that she doens't like her dad and he judges her for not talking to him. He agrees that he does. "I do, too," she says "but he doesn't want to know me." She asks if he knows what that does to a woman. He tells her got kicked out from the Marines early. She asks if he killed someone he wasn't supposed to, but he says it's because of his asthma. He says it makes him feel like less of a man.

John tells Jane that what he's ashamed of is that it's really more anxiety than asthma. He asks why she didn't let him love her and she says she doesn't do it to feel safe, like him. She says she likes him feeling jealous for talking to the hot neighbor. He tells her he felt jealous of her for sleeping with the two targets. She says that she didn't, that she said it to hurt him. He agrees that he did hurt her and she says it hurt her that he wanted to sleep with Bev. "It was fake," he tells her. She says the sadness was real. He asks what makes her most sad. "My mom's body when she died," she tells him, that she was in a horrible car crash. She asks what makes him the most sad. "That I can't pay dad back. That I can't pay my grandmother back," he tells her, sobbing, saying that he would give them kids, that he wants children more than anything. She asks if he would have children with her, even if she's a sociopath. "Are you exactly the same as you are now, but just a sociopath?" he asks. "Yes," she tells him and he says he'd do it a heartbeat. "You're making my heart jump," she tells him. They admit they both had clear shots at each other and didn't take them. They giggle over each other's laughter. They kiss. She tells him she hates how his voice goes low when he wants to be charming. He says he hates how she mirrors other people when she wants to impress them and loves how she never does that with him. "I love when you watch me," she tells him. They continue complimenting each other's good qualities, until Jane asks him why he killed Max.

John tells her that he didn't try to kill Max. She says that he tried to shoot her and shot him instead. She asks why he tried to kill her, but he tells her that he didn't. He says that he hates the cat, but he didn't try to kill her, or kill Max. He asks why she tried to kill him and his mom. "No, I didn't," she tells him and he says he went to her house and found the trap. "That wasn't me," she tells him. Just then, there is a noise at the door and they hear the voice of the Other Jane, the "super high risk" one. "What a mess," she comments, with the other John agreeing "wow." He comments that they're party animals, the other Jane saying that they must have used every gun in the place and she was expecting to find two corpses. John and Jane giggle, John asking how they got in. "The Supe," says the other Jane, the other John agreeing that the Supe gave them the key. The other Jane tells them not to be dramatic, raising her gun and telling them to put their hands in the air. The other John, however, suggests they have a sit-down. He asks if they want a drink, but Jane tells him no, that they're on truth serum. John, however, agrees to a drink.

Like a God[]

The other Jane seems troubled by them being on truth serum. She asks if they're armed, to which they answer no, or if there are any other weapons in the house, to which Jane tells her that there's one taped in the freezer. As she continues, John starts answering as well, listing various places around the house weapons have been stashed. The other Jane calls it bizarre and the other John agrees, saying that they've finalized a lot of Smiths, but never before on truth serum. Jane asks what he means by "finalized." "That's when you take out other Smiths," the other Jane tells her, that the company calls it finalizing. John asks how often they do this and she says that it's all they do. "What else could 'extremely high risk' be?" the other John asks. The other John and Jane say that it's a shame, that they really liked them. John and Jane agree that they liked them to, until the end. John asks about the guy in El Salvador and the other Jane agrees that he was a Smith. She says that he was a Smith, that everyone wants to try to make a break for it, but it's silly. The other John continues that the more you submit to Supe, the stronger your faith, the easier it becomes.

Jane asks why they talk about "Supe" like he's a god. "'Cause he is," replies the other John. He asks how they thought he knew where to find them. "That wasn't a coincidence," realizes John and he tells him that "Supe" is never wrong, that he told him exactly where and when to find him, that he's never wrong. "He knows what you're gonna do before you do it," agrees the other Jane. She continues that he knew them all before they were Smiths. The other John says it's like you do what he tells you to do and you are rewarded with the gift of the present. "'Cause the future isn't guaranteed," says the other Jane. "Amen," agrees the other John and he sneezes. John and Jane take this as their cue, remembering what they were told about him sneezing in threes. John starts running, while Jane takes a gun and shoots him in the eye. He shouts that he's blind and the other Jane shouts at him to be quiet, that she needs to hear where they are. "Jane!" shouts John and the other Jane comes out shooting, but he and Jane make it to the elevator.

They arrive upstairs, where John points his gun in the direction of the stairwell. "Clear," he tells Jane as the other John tells his Jane that he's fading, saying that there's too much blood and he's going to die. She tells him to calm down. Jane grabs a gun of her own, calling out that it's clear as well. They lock themselves in the safe room, Jane watching the other Jane on a monitor. John is wounded. Jane applies first aid as the the other Jane bangs on the door. She tells him it's only to slow it down, that they're not going to leave yet. He asks her how many bullets she has. "One," she tells him. She asks how many he has. "I never had any," he admits. She tells him to let her think, but as she looks at the monitor, he tells her not to open the door, that the other Jane is banking on that. He says there's no use in them both dying. Putting the gun on the floor, she tells him to stop, that they're not doing that. She asks what his plan is. "You're asking me?" he says and she agrees that she is. He says that it's going to be dark in a couple of minutes, that the other Jane will either have to turn on the lights or she'll be sitting in the dark. He says they're both to their advantage. "Okay," agrees Jane, saying they just wait.


They sit together. "Is it bad?" John asks her. She shakes her head, but he calls her a liar. She tells him to look at her, that she wants to tell him something important. "We can have one kid, alright?" she tells him. "Five," he says. "Two," she tells him, saying she's not negotiating anymore. He tells her he wants to live in the mountains, that they have to find a place for his mom. He asks for her real name. "Alana," she tells him. He says that he likes Jane. She nods, telling him she likes John. She sobs, then watches the monitor as the other Jane tries and fails to enter via inputting a code in the keypad outside. She pleads with John to stay awake as the other Jane again tries and fails. She tells John she's going to shoot her, that she's going for it. She tells him to just breathe, to stay with her. She tells him she's going out on the count of three, that she'll shoot and get out. "You okay?" she asks. "Yeah," she tells him. She says he's going to do it and they'll get out of there. "One, two, three," she counts, opening the door. From the windows outside, there are two flashes of gunfire.

Sometime following this, Harris Materbach enters the house. He knocks, saying that he brought Jane a book. He opens the door, seeing the massive destruction inside. "I'll leave it here," he says, putting the book on the doorstep and holding up his hands. "Okay, bye," he says and walks back down the stairs. He takes out his phone and calls someone named Seth. "So, I think they might be ready to sell," he tells him. He laughs. "Gonna sell the shit out of this Moby D," he tells him.



Guest starring[]



  • Danny Hilt as Bystander



