The Meaning Behind The Song: American Dream by Crosby - Stills - Nash & Young - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: American Dream by Crosby – Stills – Nash & Young

The Meaning Behind The Song: American Dream by Crosby – Stills – Nash & Young

“American Dream” is a song by the iconic folk rock band, Crosby- Stills- Nash & Young, that was released in 1988. The song was written by Neil Young, who uses his songwriting skills to give a powerful social commentary. It was featured in their album “American Dream,” which was widely discussed for its highly political overtones.

The song tackles issues such as greed, capitalism, and corruption. The meaning of the song lies in its lyrics, which speak of not only the American dream but the reality of how it has gone astray.

Young is not shy from calling out injustice and educating people on the workings of the American economy. The song resonates with people who believe in change, equality, and fairness. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the song and the various themes covered.

The Opening Lines

The opening lyrics of “American Dream” already reveal the motif of the song:

“Got a job doing radio promo; and none of the jocks can even read, every stop is neatly packaged, every corner is neatly clean.”

Young paints a vivid picture of how the American media industry is corrupt and how people who are undeserving are given opportunities. This line also highlights how talent and hard work are often not enough, as there is corruption and foul play behind the scenes.

Themes in the Song

There are several dominant themes highlighted in “American Dream.” Let’s take a look at some of them:


One of the most discussed themes in the song is the idea of greed among those who have power. Young sings:

“Too many people are just like me, too many people are just like you; we’re all livin’ too high on the hog, and we all got better things to do.”

The lyrics suggest that people with power are too focused on their own gain and do not pay attention to what’s happening around them. This is an alarming trend as it leads to increased inequality and poverty.


The song takes a keen look at how capitalism has its roots firmly within the American society. Young sings:

“All those headlines save your breath; you got pictures they’ll scare to death, people starving everywhere you look, malnutrition in the book.”

These lyrics represent the harsh reality behind the American dream. The American dream has become a system of rich-get-richer and poor-get-poorer. Capitalism relies on the exploitation of human beings, where the rich get richer, and the poor remain in poverty.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some FAQs about “American Dream” by Crosby – Stills – Nash & Young:

What is the background of Crosby – Stills – Nash & Young?

Crosby – Stills – Nash & Young is an iconic American rock band formed in 1968. The band originally formed from different previous bands. David Crosby was a member of The Byrds, Stephen Stills was in Buffalo Springfield, and Graham Nash was in The Hollies. Neil Young is a solo artist who joined the group in 1969.

What is the meaning behind the song “American Dream”?

The song “American Dream” is a social commentary on greed, capitalism, corruption, and inequality. Neil Young highlights how the American dream has become a dystopian reality where people are finding it hard to survive. The song is a powerful critique of the American economy and how it has gone astray.

What was the public reaction to “American Dream”?

The album “American Dream” and the song was released amid a lot of public discussion and political turmoil. The critical response to the album was mixed. Some felt that the album was overly political, while others felt it was an essential commentary on the state of the nation. The album peaked at #16 on the Billboard 200 chart.

What inspired Neil Young to write “American Dream”?

Neil Young was inspired to write “American Dream” after reading a book titled “America: What Went Wrong?” by Donald Bartlett and James Steele. The book raised the issues of how the American economy was in danger of collapsing due to greed and corruption.

Was “American Dream” a protest song?

Yes, “American Dream” is often considered a protest song. The song is a poignant commentary on the American economy and how people have exploited the American dream for their gain. It highlights how capitalism has failed and how the poor and the marginalized have been left behind.

Did “American Dream” influence other musicians?

Yes, “American Dream” has influenced many musicians. The song’s social commentary and powerful message have been used by others in their work, such as Nina Simone, Public Enemy, and Bob Dylan. The song has become an anthem for those who stand for equality, justice, and fairness.

Did Crosby – Stills – Nash & Young perform “American Dream” live?

Yes, Crosby – Stills – Nash & Young performed “American Dream” live several times. The song was featured in their 2000 tour, which was their first tour together since the 70s. It was also performed on their 2006 tour.

What impact has “American Dream” had in American society?

“American Dream” has had a significant impact on American society. The song’s message has reverberated over the years and has become a timeless classic. The song is a symbol of hope and the fight against inequality, injustice, and corruption.

Has “American Dream” been featured in movies or TV shows?

Yes, “American Dream” has been featured in several movies and TV shows. It has been used in their entirety, or sometimes a small portion of the song or a cover version has been used. These include the movies “Forest Gump,” “The People vs. Larry Flynt,” and “Out of Sight.”

Who wrote the lyrics for “American Dream”?

Neil Young wrote the lyrics for “American Dream.” Young is known for his political views and activism. He has been involved in several movements, such as the anti-war movement, the rock against Reagan campaign, and the Farm Aid movement.

What is the message of the song “American Dream”?

The message of the song “American Dream” is to highlight the economic, social, and political issues that are currently ravaging American society. The song is a call to action for individuals to stand up against corruption, greed, and inequality. It is a reminder that the American dream has gone astray, and people need to work together to reclaim it.

Which album features “American Dream”?

“American Dream” is the title track on their album, “American Dream,” which was released in 1988. The album is known for its political overtones, and the song has become a defining track on the album and in the band’s legacy.

What genre does “American Dream” belong to?

“American Dream” belongs to the genre of folk rock. Crosby – Stills – Nash & Young is one of the most influential bands in the history of rock music, and their unique sound has influenced several other genres.

What is the legacy of “American Dream”?

The legacy of “American Dream” lies in its message of hope and progress. The song has become an anthem for those who believe in equality, justice, and fairness. It is a reminder that the American dream has gone astray, and people need to work together to reclaim it. Many have used “American Dream” as a symbol of hope and inspiration.

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