Ewen MacAskill | Thomson Foundation

Ewen MacAskill

Ewen MacAskill

Ewen MacAskill

Investigative journalism

Ewen is the former defence and intelligence correspondent for The Guardian having worked for the UK media organisation for 22 years.

He played a key role in reporting the revelations from computer analyst whistle-blower Edward Snowden about the mass surveillance by US and UK intelligence agencies. He has received a number of prestigious awards for this work and was a member of the Guardian team who, along with the Washington Post, received a Pulitzer Prize in 2014.

During his career with The Guardian he held a number of senior editorial roles including Washington bureau chief, diplomatic editor and chief political editor.

Before joining The Guardian he was political editor of The Scotsman.

Ewen has worked on a number of projects with the Thomson Foundation and is acting as a mentor for participants on the Thomson Foundation digital and multimedia summer course. He is also assisting participants from the Journalism Now e-learning programme on investigative journalism techniques.

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