United Kingdom of the Netherlandsball - Polandball Wiki
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    Polandball Wiki

    United Kingdom of the Netherlandsball or simply U.K. of the Netherlandsball was formed in 1815. It is the parent of, Belgiumball and Luxembourgball and the predecessor of Netherlandsball.


    U.K. of the Netherlandsball was born as a 2ball and later adopted by HREball. It became independent as the Lower Provinces when HREball and Spanish Empireball were in a personal union. After Napoleon, it was officially born from Netherlandsball and Belgiumball. It had a successful empire that spanned the seven seas. The first empire where the sun never set.

    How to draw

    Drawing U.K. of the Netherlandsball isn't difficult:

    1. Divide the basic circle shape into three horizontal stripes, orange, white and blue
    2. Draw the eyes and you've finished.





    • Belgiumball - Ungrateful child who wanted independence.
    • Luxembourgball - The other ungrateful child who wanted independence.


    pt:Reino Unido dos Países Baixosball

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