thermal imager中文, thermal imager中文意思

thermal imager中文

用"thermal imager"造句"thermal imager" in a sentence"thermal imager"怎麼讀


  • 熱成象器
  • 熱像儀


  • The mtf of thermal imager is mainly decided by the mtf of its irpfa
    焦平面陣列的mtf表征了熱像儀的mtf 。
  • Application of image processing in infrared thermal imager testing
  • Infrared focal plane array ( irfpa ) is the key technology in developing second generation infrared thermal imager
    紅外焦平面陣列( irfpa )技術是發展二代熱像儀的關鍵。
  • Msis is supplied by el - op of israel and includes long - wave thermal imager , tv camera and laser rangefinder / designator
  • Furthermore , primary analyse of temperature distribution has been done with infrared thermal imager technology
  • There ' re many image defects in class i thermal imager because of problems in design and machining , which also leads to inconvenient in assembly and debugging
  • Sophisticated facilities installed on board range from radar , thermal imager , global positioning system ( gps ) to electronic chart and navigation equipment
  • " navigating the craft is also made much easier because it is equipped with state - of - the - art thermal imager , global positioning system , echo sounder , radar , electronic chart plotter and gyrocompass
  • First , this paper discusses the basal characteristic of ir , the difference of radiation of target and background and the characteristic of infrared thermal imager . then this paper concludes the characteristic of ir image and builds the academic foundation
  • After deep analysis of system structure and circuit design , we redesigned all of circuits of the thermal imager . with the hi - speed parallel processing ability of fpga and the event - intensive controlling ability of mcu , we improve image quality effectively , eliminate the image defects and by adopting human - machine dialog mode , make the way of debugging and controlling more intellectualized , and shorten the time of debugging greatly
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"thermal imager"造句  


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