Inside the Tumultuous Making of 'the Nightmare Before Christmas'
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Screaming, smashing editing machines and a 'snorted salary': Inside the tumultuous making of 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'

The Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Skellington
"The Nightmare Before Christmas" is a cult classic. Buena Vista Pictures Distribution
  • Screenwriter Caroline Thompson spoke to Insider about Tim Burton's iconic movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas," which, it turns out, was quite a ride to make.
  • Thompson, who also wrote "Edward Scissorhands," said that a previous screenwriter "snorted his salary" and so she was brought on for "The Nightmare Before Christmas."
  • Thompson added that she had arguments with director Henry Selick, as well as producer Tim Burton who screamed at her and attacked an editing machine after she said she wanted to redraft the ending.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

"The Nightmare Before Christmas" reached cult status a while ago. It didn't set Disney executives alight, which is why it was moved to Touchstone (Disney after dark), and it didn't connect with audiences upon release, either.

But Caroline Thompson, the screenwriter who wrote the movie, told Insider that she knew the movie would find its audience eventually when she saw the daughter of her then-partner Danny Elfman ("Nightmare" composer) singing and dancing to the movie's songs non-stop.

And become iconic it did, with endless merchandise and video games and theme park presence only helping to catapult it to cult status. Add to that the fact that the film is, as Thompson so firmly puts it, both a Christmas movie and a Halloween movie, the 24/7 love and yearly obsession with "The Nightmare Before Christmas" isn't waning anytime soon.

Caroline Thompson attends Universal Pictures and DreamWorks Pictures' premiere of 'Welcome To Marwen' at ArcLight Hollywood on December 10, 2018 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Rich Fury/FilmMagic)
Caroline Thompson wrote "The Nightmare Before Christmas." Rich Fury / FilmMagic

But behind Henry Selick's stop-motion genius and Danny Elfman's catchy songs and the spooky-yet-Disney tale of warning weaved by Thompson is a different sort of legend altogether.


What became clear during Insider's chat with Thompson is just how much of it was, as she herself put it, a "f---ing grind" to make. From clashes with producer Tim Burton to a previous screenwriter more concerned with drugs than words to characters that could be interpreted as racist, the project wasn't the smooth ride it is to watch.

In fact, you might even say that the making of "The Nightmare Before Christmas" was, well, a nightmare.

Edward Scissorhands disability post 2
Caroline Thompson also wrote "Edward Scissorhands." 20th Century Fox

Thompson wrote 'Edward Scissorhands,' but wasn't invited back for 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'

Thompson worked with Tim Burton, the executive producer of "Nightmare," in 1990 on "Edward Scissorhands" — another gothic masterpiece. That movie was a roaring success, launching the careers of both Burton as a director and Depp as one of the most interesting and talented leading men around. It was also a masterclass in character-led writing with minimal dialogue (for its lead character, anyway).

So when the time came for the next Burton project, which also featured "Scissorhands" composer Danny Elfman, Thompson was surprised not to be asked to join the movie. The fact that she was going out with Elfman at the time didn't help.


"I was really p---ed off I wasn't invited to join the project because I'd just done 'Edward' with Tim. But Tim's a funny person," Thompson said.

Danny Elfman The Nightmare Before Christmas
Danny Elfman wrote the songs for "The Nightmare Before Christmas." Desiree Navarro/WireImage

The original writer 'snorted his salary and didn't write,' so Thompson was brought on

"When it was time to turn in the script, Michael [McDowell,] who had a serious drug problem, I guess snorted his salary and didn't write, and he delivered nothing," Thompson said. "He just took Danny's lyrics and reformatted them as if they were a screenplay. And that's all he turned in."

To make matters worse, Burton, Selick, McDowell, and company were already shooting by this time. In fact, they were actually animating Lock, Shock, and Barrell's song "Kidnap the Sandy Claws."

"They were up s---'s creek," Thompson said. "So the head of the studio came to me and said could you help us."


'It was like building a house that people were already living in'

"Nightmare" follows Jack Skellington, king of Halloween Town, discovering Christmas Town amidst inner personal crisis. It's a fairly meaty story, but Thompson's issue was that "it was like building a house that people were already living in." Production was underway, animation had begun, as had shooting, and the story was really told by Elfman's songs.

"It was a very difficult thing to help. There was nothing really to tell, so the story that was left to me was Sally's story," Thompson said. Sally was redesigned into a match-stick-like girl at Thompson's request, and she managed to develop her character with just two images as inspiration.

With these two images, Thompson managed to create the story for Sally about her need for independence and rebellion against her creator, the Frankenstein-like Dr. Finklestein. And she did it in just one week when she and Elfman went on a seaside retreat.

"It sounds really impressive but it isn't because in those days an animated film was only 75 minutes. And Danny had written all the songs, so it was like writing 45 pages."

However, Eflman didn't like one part of Thompson's work. The Mayor of Halloween town was inspired by American politics and their "two-faced bulls--- in general." Thompson even compared the Mayor to Donald Trump: "He is the apotheosis of that impulse, but not the only embodiment of it."


But Elfman wasn't a fan, and told Thompson while on their couple's retreat that the idea "was terrible" and "not what [he] had in mind at all."

"I gave Danny the script on the retreat, and he said: 'Oh, no that's terrible. That's not what I had in mind at all.' And I was like sorry, it's not about you."

Thompson hated Oogie Boogie, who she perceived as racist

In a mirrored scenario, Thompson found herself unsatisfied and very uncomfortable with a different character. The villain of the piece, Oogie Boogie. Voiced by Ken Page, the character is the bogeyman of Halloween Town with a penchant for gambling, and his song is a Cab Calloway-inspired blues number. But Oogie Boogie was, and still is, "a big controversy" for Thompson.

"First of all, he looks like a Klu Klux Klansman. Secondly, 'Oogie Boogie' is an old, southern, derogatory phrase for an African-American, and I'm from Maryland, which is just on the cusp of the south, so I'm hyper-aware of that and sensitive to it," Thompson said. She also took issue with a black man being cast as the character.


"I was just flipped out about it. I went to Tim, I went to Henry, and I said we got to change this," Thompson said. But Burton, whose final decision it was, wasn't interested in the matter and told Thompson she was being "oversensitive."

"I'm still really embarrassed by it. It's all kind of 'urgh,' and I thought it was incredibly insensitive."

Thompson told Tim Burton she didn't like the ending, so Burton attacked an editing machine

This wasn't the end of conflict, between Thompson and Burton. The production was littered with disagreements and spats, she said.

Tim Burton
Tim Burton produced "The Nightmare Before Christmas," but didn't direct it. Denise Truscello/WireImage

Thompson said she told Burton she felt Jack and Sally's relationship needed "another couple of beats" in order to feel truly earned and not just tacked on for the sake of some sort of romance. She did admit that on a recent reviewing, she was glad to see Jack climbing the hill to Sally to join her instead of the other way around: "at least it's a little feminist correct. Over the years, I thought Sally was kind of a tool."


Still, Thompson wanted to have another go at the ending to get it right. But Burton wasn't interested.

"He just basically turned around and started screaming and attacking an editing machine. They make Tim look like a ten-pound weakling, these things are huge, metal machines you can't move off of the floor," Thompson said.

She continued: "Tim was there ramming it, screaming at me. I was okay. People have their ways of dealing with stress, and that was his and that's fine. But I never got a chance to take another crack at it. I didn't get the impression that if I arrived with more pages, they would be even be read let alone welcomed.

"Sadly, Tim and I are not in touch," Thompson said. "We've had what I would call our 13th breakup. I hope he regrets it."


Henry Selick has never gotten credit he deserves for the movie, Thompson said

Henry Selick Coraline
Henry Selick also directed "Coraline." David Livingston/WireImage

The topic of "director" is an interesting one when discussing "The Nightmare Before Christmas." Similar to Steven Spielberg and director Tobe Hooper on 1982's "Poltergeist," there's a general confusion-come-debate over who was truly in charge of "Nightmare." Henry Selick is credited as director, but Burton produced and conceived it, based, apparently on a poem he wrote when he was younger. The movie is even called "Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas."

"That tells you the whole story right there. The mythology that it was based on his poem — I never read that poem. I don't recall ever seeing it," Thompson said. She also said the same of the mythology surrounding "Edward Scissorhands," wherein the idea was supposedly based on a drawing of Edward Burton did when he was a teen. Thompson never saw this, either.

"Tim, to be perfectly honest, swooped in to be involved with 'Nightmare' but wasn't there by any stretch of the imagination," Thompson said. "It was Henry's project. And I sincerely don't feel that Henry has ever really gotten the credit that he's due for it. He did a beautiful, beautiful job."

Dumbo Disney remake
Tim Burton also directed the critically-panned live-action remake of "Dumbo." Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Thompson says a Disney live-action remake would be 'greedy and stupid'

"'Nightmare' seemed like an endless experience. It was at least two years, maybe more. That's a f---ing grind," Thompson said.


However, she's still proud to have been involved in one of the most iconic animated movies of all time, and loves the passion and fervor people feel for the film. Thompson recounts seeing life-sized status of Jack Skellington in Spain, and all around the world, and is touched every time she sees a slice of merchandise of her movie.

"It's very cool. It's such an amazing gift to have been able to have contributed positively, I hope, to the culture," Thompson said.

Before his fall from grace, Thompson said Disney heavyweight and "Toy Story" director John Lasseter told her that Pixar would never have existed without "Nightmare."

"He said it told Disney that they didn't have to keep plumbing the old Disney songbook. That they could be original."


But would Disney ever return to "Nightmare?" A sequel has been touted several times, but always squashed by Burton himself. However, Disney is ploughing through their back catalogue of animated classics and transforming them into live-action remakes, to varying degrees of success.

"Nightmare" would be the boldest remake yet for Disney. A live-action Jack Skellington in a live-action Halloween Town. Would Thompson be down for that?

"That would be so awful," she said.

"I hope Tim has enough rights that they can't do that. It's superfluous. That's greedy and stupid."


Read more:

18 things you probably didn't know about 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'

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'Edward Scissorhands' screenwriter said she cried when she realized the movie's importance to people with disabilities

Halloween Christmas
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