Madonna, Sean Penn, and the toxic, tempestuous marriage that inspired True Blue

Madonna, Sean Penn, and the toxic, tempestuous marriage that inspired True Blue

Despite a hellish wedding, raging jealousy and media mania, Madonna's marriage to Sean Penn inspired her best and most controversial work

Stormy: Sean Penn and Madonna's marriage lasted just four years
Stormy: Sean Penn and Madonna's marriage lasted just four years Credit: Getty

It wasn’t the view she expected. It was early 1985 and Madonna was standing at the top of a fake staircase on the sound stage of Ren-Mar Studios in Los Angeles waiting to shoot the video for her song Material Girl. Wearing a replica of the pink gown that Marilyn Monroe had worn in the film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, the 26-year-old singer looked down at the scene beneath her, eager to crack on. 

There, in the corner of the studio, she spotted a stranger in dark sunglasses and a leather jacket. His intense stare appeared to be fixed on her. It was Sean Penn, the Hollywood actor known for his bad boy roles.

The take over, a flirtatious exchange took place between the rising stars of the pop and film worlds. Shot through with sarcasm and an undeniably erotic charge, the conversation ended with Madonna adopting Monroe’s coquettish whisper to tell Penn it was “nice to meet” him. “Why I fell for him that day, I can’t say. I have no idea. I just know I wanted him,” Madonna would say. 

She and Penn married six months later and the actor became the inspiration for True Blue, Madonna’s third album that was released thirty-five years ago today. “This album is dedicated to my husband, the coolest guy in the universe,” the singer famously wrote in True Blue’s sleeve notes.

True Blue is one of the towering albums of the Eighties. Packed with MTV-friendly hits, it made Madonna a superstar. It sold 25 million copies and its five singles – which included La Isla Bonita, Live To Tell and Open Your Heart ­– topped the charts around the world. It marked the moment Madonna shed her early trashy streetwise image. Gone were the net vests and rosaries, the bangles, the hoop earrings and the unkempt hair of the Like A Virgin days. 

Madonna and Sean Penn in 1990
Madonna and Sean Penn in 1990 Credit: Getty

In their place were short blonde hair and a grown-up aesthetic. Its cover was a simple image of Madonna’s head in profile, taken by photographer Herb Ritts. With Madonna’s eyes closed and her neck thrust back, the picture evoked both the glamour of George Hurrell’s Hollywood portraits of the 1930s and the pop art of Andy Warhol.

Musically, True Blue was more adventurous than any of Madonna’s previous work; it retained her glossy dancefloor pop but encompassed Latin influences, chamber music and snippets of film dialogue. The Minnie Mouse girliness in her voice was gone, replaced by a deeper timbre. Lyrically, True Blue was shot through with swooning romance. But it also attracted controversy. The single Papa Don’t Preach – about a young pregnant woman who tells her father that she’s “keeping my baby” – whipped up a moral panic. While anti-abortion groups saw Papa Don’t Preach as a positive “pro-life” song, critics panned it as an advert for teenage pregnancy. Madonna had truly arrived.

True Blue paved the way for arguably Madonna’s best LP, 1989’s Like A Prayer. But it also stands alone as a pop classic. Unlike True Blue, however, Madonna’s marriage to Penn didn’t endure. The relationship ended in divorce after four years, countless arguments, endless clashes with the paparazzi, and one extremely dodgy movie. However as a love letter to a man and a snapshot of a moment in time, True Blue’s power can’t be doubted. As Madonna sang on Open Your Heart: “Don’t try to resist me.”

Madonna in the 1989 video for Like A Prayer
Madonna in the 1989 video for Like A Prayer Credit: PA

By the time she met Penn, Madonna was already enjoying significant success, fame and wealth. Having moved to New York from her native Michigan in 1978 (with, so the story goes, just $35 in her back pocket) she’d carved out a career as a musician. Her first two albums (1983’s Madonna and 1984’s Like A Virgin) had been hits and, at the start of 1985, she seemed on the cusp of further success with the imminent release of her big movie debut, Desperately Seeking Susan. And Madonna’s ambition wasn’t confined to her professional life.

According to the book Madonna – An Intimate Biography of an Icon by US journalist J. Randy Taraborrelli, Madonna had had relationships with the likes of artist Jean-Michel Basquiat and her producer John ‘Jellybean’ Benitez in the early years. However she felt that they weren’t her equals in status terms. “Simply, she was a practical woman who didn’t want to be in a relationship with a man who had less money than her,” Taraborrelli wrote. He quotes Madonna as saying, “I want to be taken care of. I don’t want to be the one doing the taking care of.” In finding Penn (their encounter at the Material Girl shoot is relayed by Taraborrelli in great detail) she’d met her match in almost every way.

The pair began a passionate relationship. Their chemistry and feistiness made them perfect for one another. “I was a smart ass,” Penn said. “And so was she. It was a relationship made in heaven, two smart asses going through life together. How romantic.” They were celebrity royalty. The press lapped it up. One of their first dates was to Monroe’s crypt at LA’s Westwood Memorial Cemetery.

But Madonna and Penn were different too. While she knew that publicity was part of the fame game, he hated it. In June 1985 he was arrested for attacking two journalists with a large rock in Nashville, Tennessee, where he and Madonna were staying. The freelance journalists told police they were working for The Sun and wanted some pictures of the recently engaged couple. This temper also allegedly raised its head when Penn found out that Madonna had been dating Prince around the time they’d met. According to the legend, Penn was so furious that he punched a hole in the wall of Madonna’s apartment. Madonna is said to then have telephoned Prince to ask him to come and fix the damage “because you’re responsible for it, after all”. Prince, apparently, did as he was told.

Appetite for Madonna-Penn news grew and grew. Shortly after they got engaged, both Penthouse and Playboy announced plans to print years-old nude pictures of Madonna. And the maker of a low budget semi-erotic movie called A Certain Sacrifice that Madonna had starred in half a decade before announced a VHS release. It seemed open season. But this was nothing compared to the wedding.

The big day was meant to be shrouded in secrecy. But when Penn married Madonna on her 27th birthday – 16August 1985 – on a clifftop in Malibu, it was anything but a secret. Press helicopters hovered so closely overhead that the couple’s vows were rendered inaudible. It was one of the earliest instances of large-scale tabloid TV intrusion. It looks hellish. The YouTube footage is extraordinary: at one point, a hovering chopper seems to be at the same level as the wedding party. The footage captures a defiant Madonna lifting her finger directly at the camera. snsTmi9N9Gs

Some reports suggested that Penn even fired pistol shots at the helicopters (“Welcome to the remaking of Apocalypse Now,” Penn is said to have shouted at guests). The wedding was a high-profile circus. And so, unfortunately, was a joint artistic enterprise that the newlyweds embarked on soon afterwards: a film called Shanghai Surprise.

The George Harrison-backed caper saw Madonna play a missionary and Penn a con man. It was panned for its terrible script and meandering story. It bombed at the box office, taking just $2.3 million on a $17 million budget. The Philadelphia Inquirer gave it one star. In the UK, Smash Hits strained to give it a mediocre review but even the pop magazine noted that its stars had gained a reputation for “biffing photographers and being a bit snooty”.

It was against this backdrop that True Blue was recorded: an occasionally rocky relationship, unbelievable press attention, unprecedented fame, and an unsatisfactory movie (the film was shot before True Blue’s release but came out after). It’s no wonder that Madonna reverted to what she knew best: making music.

Box office bomb: Shanghai Surprise
Box office bomb: Shanghai Surprise Credit: IMDB

True Blue was a hymn to Penn. The title track was a sweet 1950s-tinged pop song that found Madonna bursting with excitement because her lover is also her best friend. “I’ve had other guys / I’ve looked into their eyes / But I never knew love before / ‘Til you walked through my door… I’m gonna be True Blue, baby, I love you.” Meanwhile Open Your Heart found her singing, “I hold the lock and you hold the key.” Another standout track, La Isla Bonita, was originally written for Michael Jackson but you simply can’t imagine anyone but the Queen of Pop singing it.

But Papa Don’t Preach caused the biggest stir. The belter of a pop song was co-produced with Madonna’s former bandmate and boyfriend Stephen Bray, who also co-wrote Into The Groove. When they were writing Papa, Bray was forced to tell his New York neighbours that the person who’d turned up at his apartment was a Madonna lookalike rather than the real thing, he recently admitted on Twitter. Amid the outcry following its release, the Catholic church (Madonna was brought up a Catholic) claimed the song celebrated premarital sex. 

When Madonna dedicated the song to Pope John Paul II on the 1987 Who’s That Girl world tour, the Vatican urged Italian fans to boycott her concerts. Madonna’s relationship with Catholicism has remained headline-grabbingly complicated since: her Like A Prayer video featured a love scene with a black Jesus-like figure while she was mock-crucified on her 2006 Confessions tour. 

But sex and controversy sell. And no one has been more aware of this than Madonna. In a bizarre twist to the Papa Don’t Preach story, the actor who played her father in the video (Danny Aiello of Moonstruck and Do The Right Thing fame) released an ‘answer song’ called Papa Wants The Best For You. Its video featured a real life Madonna lookalike.

The singer’s knotty marriage to Penn didn’t last. The saga was sad and uncomfortable to follow. They divorced in September 1989. Madonna had long hinted at the transient nature of relationships. Quoted in a 1986 Smash Hits profile, she said: “Sometimes I feel guilty because I feel like I travel through people. I think that’s true of most ambitious, driven people. You take what you can then you move on. If the people can’t go with me or move – whether it’s a physical or emotional move – I feel sad about that. But that’s part of the tragedy of love.”

The tragedy of love, indeed. There were suggestions a few years ago that Madonna and Penn were friends again. In 2016 the Page Six gossip column wrote how the couple had “reignited romance rumours” by appearing at a gala together. Who knows the truth. But to her, he was once the coolest man in the universe. And to pop fans around the world, he remains the muse for Madonna’s copper-bottomed Eighties classic.

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