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45 Reviews

"UN-GO" is a full-fledged detective story about a detective and handsome boy combo who tackle the world's most difficult crimes together for reasons of their own.

Fuji Creative Corporation

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(2 reviews)10 November 2011
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Interesting, well written, good characters.

I'm writing this at the time of episode 5's release. I wasn't at all sure about this anime after watching the first one. The first episode dumped a ton of information on you, and looking back at it from episode 5, I understand it much better (this seems to happen to me pretty frequently). A few things: Inga is definitely NOT a little boy. Inga may possibly be a woman, but I think it much more likely that Inga is an Inga, and not necessarily subject to human gender identification. The animation and music are first rate, and the voice actors are simply perfect. I don't know if I've ever watched anime as well cast as this one before. The stories are (so far) one or two episodes long, and are nicely wrapped up at the end. I don't know if you whippersnappers ever watched Columbo, but these stories sort of remind me of that show somehow. There are some seriously twisty interesting minds at work behind the scripts. Episode 6: The creepy shit hits the fan! This is just getting better and better... I hope this anime goes on for many more episodes, as I am enjoying it very much. Excellent job getting the simulcast Crunchyroll!

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(1 review)25 December 2011
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the mystery of un-go

storyline: i usually find myself sorely dissapointed when i watch mystery shows, or read mystery novels(like sherlock holmes for example. in the book i read i knew who did it in the middle of the begining). i watched un-go almost completely on whim. the first episode intrigued me so much i kept coming back for more. in this series the writers always seem to be thinking of different ways to trick the audience,and they seem to enjoy doing it. i had no idea what was going to happen next, and who would be the victim or the culprit. for reasons i would've never geussed. of course as is the rule in mysterys it's never the first person you suspect, and man is it never the first person you suspect in un-go! music: the music was extremely catchy and i often catch myself singing along to the beginning and ending theme. i usually skip the beginning theme. preferring to get straight to the story at hand. characters: the defeated detective is nothing like you'd expect a defeated detective to be like. he is witty, handsome, and an amazingly gifted observationalist to boot. his motives aren't the same as you'd see other detective' motives. he doesn't solve crimes for the sake of the victims, oh no he has his own completely original selfish motive. inga is energetic and seems a little thick headed. he's wildly cute, adn get a smile on my face even when im feeling serious. he is the comic relief for even the most serious scenes. kaishou is in my mind the perfect combination of good cop/bad cop. he tries to stop our detective in almost all of his cases, and covers up the truth that he has uncovered. animation: the people move smoothly, and seem to move naturally. something that always been annoying to me is when the mouths stop talking even when the voice actor is stil speaking. there is none of this in un-go. even the fast paced scenes in which there is alot of movement it all seems to flow naturally. overall:in the end un-go is like crack, and i'm glad i'm an addict. so i love this anime for all the reasons above, and i HIGHLY reccomend this to anyone thinking of checking it out.

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(18 reviews)26 July 2015
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Books may be better.

I can see why some might like the ideas behind this anime, but to put it clearly, there aren't many that pertain to an actual main plot. It's good to know before you watch this that it's based off of a number of short stories that have no significant connection and there is no main focus behind that. There is no main character background story, etc. If you're okay with that, and you really like detective genre, this might be for you.

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(1 review)21 December 2011
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Why I enjoy the anime Un-Go

Before Un-Go, I had never watched a detective anime ever (unless you count the few times Gintama gets serious, which I don't) and had only watched a couple of supernatural shows. However, the description for Un-Go looked interesting, so I decided to try it out. This is what I found: Storyline: Though I'm not sure of the over-arching storyline of Un-Go, from what I have seen, it proves to be very deep and mysterious, something I like in anime. It doesn't hand you everything from the beginning, it spoon feeds you a bit at a time. This makes the series more enjoyable, and keeps me coming back for more, always wanting to know what's going to happen in the next installment. Music: The music in the anime is amazing. It's catchy, and always fits the mood set by the scene. The opening and ending themes are especially gratifying to the ear. I often find my hand tapping on my desk to the beat of the music in this anime. Characters: Rather than focusing on one character and gradually adding more into the story, the very first episode introduces you to the main cast and gives you a concept of their relationships with each other. Shinjurou is different from the common image of detectives in books and TV shows, solving cases for his partners' benefit rather than for his own selfish needs or completely selfless desires to help victims. Inga is an uncommon partner, not only being a child, but a child with as-yet-not-completely-understood-supernatural-powers. Kaishou makes for a good antagonist (that's what I see him as anyways, but I'm still not completely sure that's true), working against the main character to solve cases before him (maybe more of an Anti-Hero, perhaps?) and cover up the truth if he sees fit. His daughter Rie is torn between her love for her father and the doubt in her mind that he may not be what she thought him to be, and calling on Shinjurou's help numerous times if she believed her father might be doing something or may do something wrong. Animation: The anime runs smoothly from one frame to the next, continuity is upheld, and it is of high graphical quality. Very pleasing to the eye. Overall: I believe this anime to be well-thought out, with an intriguing storyline and gripping characters ready to jump out at you from the screen the moment they appear. I love this anime for all of the reasons stated above, and full-heartedly recommend it to anyone thinking of watching it.

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(3 reviews)12 December 2011
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The BEST Anime Ever.

Okay so I wasn't too sure about this one, but I first saw it at an anime convention in a screening room, so I didn't really have time to form an opinion on it. A girl I met told me it was worth watching, so I gave it a shot. Long story short: I was glad that I did. Because not only does the fact that it's a mystery-murder show draw you in, but the fact that the characters are a mystery themselves is what really keeps you watching. Is Inga a boy, or a girl, or both? What caused this so called "war"? And how exactly is Shinjuro the Defeated Detective if he hasn't been wrong not once about solving any of the cases he's decided to take on? I hope to receive these answers and many more once the series comes to an end. Bottom line is, IT'S ABSOLUTELY AMAZING AND I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT.