孕前檢查項目| 產前身體檢查 - 香港仁和體檢
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婚前 / 孕前檢查服務項目



Women Health Check Plan

婦女基本體檢套餐透過檢查身體狀況認知全面身體健康狀況 ,檢查項目包括腫瘤標記,適合關注癌症的人士,另外,人類乳頭狀瘤病毒測試(基因分型) (HPV DNA) 為婦科檢查必備之一。


  • 18歲以上的女性

  • 想接受針對性全面婦科檢查的女士

 Women Health Check Plan is a comprehensive health check-up. It includes tumor marker test for cancer and HPV DNA test, which is mandatory for gynaecological examination.


 Recommended for: 

  • Women aged 18 or above

  • Women who want to undergo a comprehensive gynaecological examination



Detecting Down's Syndrome

唐氏綜合症(Down's Syndrome) 是21號染色體的三體現象造成的遺傳疾病,常見症狀有發育遲緩、不同的面部特徵以及輕度到中度的智能障礙。唐氏症青年人的智商大約接近八歲到九歲兒童的心智年齡,但也有些差異較大。針對唐氏綜合症的產前身體檢查,適用於懷孕10週以上女性,可以找胎兒染色體異常。唐氏綜合症檢查采用NIPD Zplus 無創性胎兒染色體異常產前檢測技術,是一種非入侵性胎兒染色體非整倍體檢測技術。 查詢產前體檢收費,唐氏綜合症檢查費用,聯絡香港仁和體檢中心。


  • 希望為胎兒進行高準確度唐氏綜合症檢驗的準媽媽

  • 35歲或以上的高齡孕婦

  • 血清學篩查顯示高風險的孕婦

  • 試管嬰兒或習慣性流產的孕婦

  • 不適合接受羊水穿刺或臍血穿刺的孕婦

  • 懷孕10週以上的孕婦

  • 適用於雙胞胎孕婦

 Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genomic disorder of intellectual disability and is caused by trisomy of chromosome 21. DS is characterised by delayed development, different, dysmorphic features and mild to moderate range of intellectual disability. The average IQ of a young adult with DS is equivalent to the mental ability of an eight- or nine-year-old child, though there is some wide variation. Prenatal Testing for DS is indicated for women who are at least 10 weeks pregnant and look for foetal chromosomal abnormalities. The NIPD Zplus non-invasive prenatal foetal chromosome abnormality test is a non-invasive foetal chromosome aneuploidy detection technique for DS. For enquiry on prenatal check-up fees and DS screening fees, please contact re:HEALTH. 


 Recommended for: 

  • Expectant mothers who wish to have their babies tested for DS with high accuracy

  • Pregnant women aged 35 or above

  • Pregnant women with high risk of DS on serological screening

  • Pregnant women with IVF or habitual miscarriage

  • Pregnant women who are not suitable to undergo amniocentesis and umbilical cord blood testing

  • Pregnant Women over 10 weeks

  • Pregnant women expecting twins



Pre-pregnancy Check-up



A multitude of pregnant women would go for antenatal check-up for the sake of maternal and infant health. But prior to that, women planning pregnancy should take a pre-pregnancy test along with their partners. The pre-pregnancy check-up includes thyroid function screening, routine blood test, blood analysis test, blood type test, STD screening, hepatitis screening, hormone index test and so on to prepare for best physical condition for the birth of your baby. Please contact re:HEALTH for booking or enquiring about the cost of pre-pregnancy check-ups.      

Recommended for: pre-marriage, married couples planning for their pregnancy.


人類乳頭狀瘤病毒測試(基因分型) HPV DNA

HPV Genotyping DNA Test

人類乳頭狀瘤病毒測試,或稱 HPV DNA 檢查,能在子宮頸細胞發生變化前識別有否感染HPV特定基因型。早期檢測出HPV感染,以及高危的HPV分型,更有效地預防子宮頸癌。子宮頸癌威脅著現今女性並有年輕化趨勢。子宮頸癌於本港女性致命癌症中排第七位。2017年,共有150名女性死於此癌症,佔女性癌症死亡人數的2.6%。近年,子宮頸癌個案患者有年輕化趨勢,有子宮頸癌個案患者年僅十九歲。可見子宮頸癌仍然威脅著現今女性,不容忽視。


HPV DNA分型測試則可以在早期檢測出HPV感染,以及高危的HPV分型。因此,進行早期的高危HPV分型測試,再結合持續的子宮頸細胞學監測,可以更有效地預防子宮頸癌


  • 性生活活躍之人士

  • 曾經感染HPV之人士

  • 吸煙婦女

  • 有持續感染HPV者

Cervical cancer is a grave threat to women's health, ranking seventh most fatal cancer among women in Hong Kong. In 2017, 150 women died from the disease, accounting for 2.6% of all female cancer deaths. In recent years, the prevalence of cervical cancer among young women has been increasing, with a cervical cancer patient diagnosed at the age of 19. It is evident that cervical cancer is still a threat to women today and should not be ignored.


 Recommended for: 

  •  People who are sexually active

  •  People who have been infected with HPV

  •  Women who smoke

  •  People with persistent HPV infection



Premium Health Screening Package for Women




  • 18歲以上的女性

  • 想接受針對性全面婦科檢查的女士

Gynaecological diseases might occur at any age. Be rest assured by conducting regular check-ups targeting common female diseases. Our package allows women to better understand their health conditions so that they can improve their health and live their lives to the fullest. 


 Our package includes cervical cancer screening, cervical cell infection testing, calcium screening, breast and ovarian tumor markers, hormones test, and breast & pelvic sonography. For charges of gynaecological examination, please contact re:HEALTH. 


 Recommended for: 

 Women aged 18 or above

 Women who want to undergo comprehensive gynaecological examination


HPV 篩查

HPV 病毒檢測
Cervi Clear HPV Test

Cervi Clear 宮證清 HPV 病毒檢測

Cervi Clear HPV Test

Cervi Clear 宮證清™ HPV 尿液樣本測試採用諾輝健康自主研發的 HPV 高危型檢測技術,取樣無創無痛,只需 20 – 30 mL 尿液,即可檢測 14 種高危型 HPV 病毒。


✔️HPV 16 / 18 檢測的精準度高於94%






Cervi Clear utilises a non-invasive and pain-free high-risk HPV detection technology developed by New Horizon Health. With just 20-30 mL of urine sample, it can accurately detect 14 high-risk HPV types: 16,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,66,68

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