Brannon Braga denied Data one of the greatest moments in Star Trek TV history : r/ShittyDaystrom Skip to main content

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Brannon Braga denied Data one of the greatest moments in Star Trek TV history

In the original script the stage is set, Magnum, I mean Data, has the bad guy cornered and looking right down the barrel of his Varron-T disruptor. Angry about the death of his friend

Data: How many others are out there?

Kivas Fajo : You are still a schoolboy, Data, using schoolboy tricks.

Data: [shakes his head] No tricks. Who's next on your collection list?

Kivas Fajo : I have a shuttle to catch. If you are going to shoot me, do it now.

[Data doesn't do anything]

Kivas Fajo:You won't. You can't. I know you, Data. I had you for a week in my collection . I know you better than your creator. Your sense of... honor and fair play. Oh, you could shoot me - if I was armed and coming after you. But like this - Data... never, your ethical subroutines won’t allow it. Goodbye, Data.

Data: Fajo?

Kivas Fajo:[stops] Yes?

Data: Did you see the sun rise this morning?

Kivas Fajo [puzzled] Yes. Why?

[Data turns around and shoots Kivas Fajo]

In what would have been the most stunning moments of all of Star Trek was ruined by none other than Miles Edward O’Brien hitting energize thanks to the last minute rewrite by Brannon Braga. Some say Braga wasn’t ready to bring vigilante justice to Trek, and instead used the episode with an original air date of May 5th 1990 to single handedly bring the window of 80’s tv justice to an unceremonious close. It would be decades until we see 7 of 9 in Picard season one that we get a glimpse of what could have been.

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*Data marches up to Kivas and efficiently snaps his neck*

Data: You are correct. I will not shoot an unarmed man

u/Pdx_pops avatar

I feel like he'd rip off Fajo's arms and that line would land better as he bleeds to death

He's an android, not a wookie...

u/Pdx_pops avatar

Said the EMH...

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u/badgrafxghost avatar

"See you at the party, Richter Kivas!"

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u/FickleDependent1474 avatar

Data: Fajo!

Kivas turns around.

Data: You should have treated Daphne better.

Data vaporizes Fajo.

u/Pdx_pops avatar

Maris was as white as a Soong android. Perhaps she was one of the lost models. Was too thin and slipped through the force field.

u/Billy1121 avatar

I imagine Maris as that bird woman Julian falls for, unable to stand under her own weight due to fragile bones

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I feel like Data could have permanently paralyzed the man without killing him and that would have been okie dokie with his ethical subroutines. Then they could show him floating up in a beep-beep chair, his head barely moving. Beeping.

Data could look at him and then to the guards. "Be sure he has no window."

"Of course, sir."

u/assburgers-unite avatar

Jesus christ

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Data: "Hey Kivas"

Kivas: "Yeah?"

Data: "Did you catch Regis this morning?"

I had your mother…

u/antbaby_machetesquad avatar


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Data should have grabbed him by the eyebrows and spun him around the room.


Kivas Fajo : I have a shuttle to catch. If you are going to shoot me, do it now.

[Data doesn't do anything]

Kivas Fajo:You won't. You can't. I know you, Data. I had you for a week in my collection . I know you better than your creator. Your sense of... honor and fair play. Oh, you could shoot me - if I was armed and coming after you. But like this - Data... never, your ethical subroutines won’t allow it. Goodbye, Data.

Data: Sir, you are correct my ethical subroutines require that I use the minimum amount of force required to protect people from you. Instead, as you know I am "fully functional", I shall leave you with sufficient psychological trauma to prevent you from further collection attempts. Data starts to remove his uniform...

u/Late-External3249 avatar

Full functionality for the win

u/AggressiveScience445 avatar

Should this have been moved to the SexyDastrom subreddit?

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[Sultry techno music starts playing]

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u/SingleSampleSize avatar

What were they wearing?

Fajo was very sweaty in a tank top and towel around his waist, wiping mustard from a sandwich on himself.

Data was wearing ONLY a Hawaiian shirt.

u/dimgray avatar

It's important to remember that in the original script, Fajo was played by that dwarf who killed himself

A lot of midgets tend to kill themselves. A disproportionate amount, actually. Hervé Villechaize off of Fantasy Island. I think somebody from the Time Bandits did.

I suppose they must get really sad about like... being really little and that... people looking at them, laughing at them, calling them names. You know, "short arse". There's another famous midget. I miss him but I can't remember.

It's not the R2D2 man; no, he's still going.

u/dimgray avatar

I heard about a blind circus midget who killed himself when a rival midget kept cutting bits off his walking stick. Thought he was getting taller and didn't want to end up just a blind short guy with no income. Sad shit

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u/rnt_hank avatar

Well at least we managed to dodge the bullet for 20 years or so.

u/Reg_Broccoli_III avatar

OP, O'Brien's involvement is something I hadn't really considered until now.  

Real talk, some straight up Daystrom shit, Miles saved his friend from the trauma of what he would become if he killed Fajo.  

Imagine though if the episode has ended with Data pleading from the transporter pad to send him back...

Yet O’Brien had no issues with violence when he tried to take over the USS Missouri …..

I think instead Data would realize that he is a cold killing terminator and gone around the federation dispensing some justice.

u/QWOT42 avatar

O’Brien didn’t know what was going on; that was just an emergency beam-out of a kidnapped officer. The question about the disruptor was more along the lines of “WTF is down there and do we need more phasers to deal with it.”

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u/Altruistic-Map1881 avatar

Data - "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men..."