Australian Schools Directory

Blackburn High School






Blackburn High School

60 Springfield Road
Blackburn, VIC 3130
Tel: 03 8804 6464
Fax: 9894 2435

Key Details
Type: Government
Level: Secondary
Gender: Coed
Religious Affiliation: Non-Denominational
Learning Extension: Yes
International Students: Yes
Performing Arts Academy: Yes

Excellence in Education

Blackburn High School provides a comprehensive education to all students. Our reputation in the community has evolved through a lot of hard work by staff, students and parents with a common belief that Blackburn is a premier school where learning is a lifelong pursuit and improved student outcomes is our priority.

Blackburn High School is vibrant, innovative and student centred, with a reputation for academic achievements at VCE, with an all Study score of 30.2 in 2008. As a result we have a high proportion of students entering tertiary education institutions.

Blackburn High School is proud of our highly regarded music program which is second to none in terms of achievement while our sports program has won Australia-wide awards for its inclusive spirit. Both programs emphasise co-operation, opportunities for cross-age experiences and promote extensive opportunities in the development of leadership skills.

Blackburn High School is entering an exciting phase with our building modernisation program. This will support the development of a learning community actively engaged in thinking, research, practical experience, team teaching, innovation and understanding, therefore promoting improved learning outcomes for our students.


Blackburn High school has performed well in the area of student learning particularly with our Yr9 NAPLAN results which are above the average level expected for Victorian schools given the background and characteristics of our students. These results are not necessarily reflected in our teacher judgements indicated by our VELS assessments, particularly for all other subjects but we are very proud of our VCE performance over the last 4 years.

A focus on professional learning teams at Blackburn High School continues as a priority to improve our VCE results and to review our VELS teacher judgements. Teacher learning partners will be implemented to share best practice and improve teacher capabilities. eLearning will continue to be a focus for all staff to explore all opportunities for improving student learning outcomes in their classrooms.

Student Engagement and Wellbeing

Blackburn High School students have a good attendance record with results slightly higher than those of other Victorian government schools.

Blackburn High School prides itself on our extra-curricular programs, particularly in music, sport and leadership - which share a high level of student participation. This is not specifically reflected in the student connectedness data but still in the similar range for all government schools.

Strategies of tracking attendance and immediate feedback to parents will continue, as we have seen improvements in our attendance levels. The current student management policy is under review in conjunction with clarification of expectations of classroom teachers.

Teachers will formalise agreement around what is a stimulating classroom and what constitutes 21st century teaching skills. This will position teachers to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the innovative designs within our new buildings.

Improvements at Blackburn High School will be further supported through encouraging strategies to build staff-student relationships, ensuring a whole school approach.

Student Pathways and Transitions

Blackburn High School encourages positive exit destinations of students who are continuing with further studies or full time employment, which are statistically above the results of other schools. Our ability to retain students to Yr 10 is similar to other Victorian government schools.

We will continue our ongoing involvement in the Whitehorse Pathways Trade Training Centre alliance. The aim is to seek better provision of VET education for Schools in the Whitehorse Pathways Alliance including School-based Apprenticeships at years 11 and 12 and Trade Taster Programs at years 9 and 10 from which our students can articulate to VET courses.

Student Pathways will be further supported through the appointment of a leading teacher to this area. This will strengthen and develop a whole school approach at Blackburn High School, which will include a comprehensive use of managed individual pathways for students.



More Information

Please email or telephone the office and request that an Inquiry Pack is sent to you.

Visit the School

To arrange a meeting to find out more about our school and to tour the school to see classrooms and activities please contact reception.
