Biblis - From Nuclear Power To Volcanoes To The Rhine Rift

Biblis — From Nuclear Power To Volcanoes To The Rhine Rift

I know a place where you can find everything from long extinct volcanoes to a nuclear power plant. Wow, isn’t that one huge spectrum of a place? Yeah, and you can find it in the Hessian town of Biblis.

Now you might think, what’s the big deal about a nuclear power station? For some of us, nothing. For others, the worst. And for those of you who appreciate the science of things, then everything. If you’re not the science person, you might prefer the historical side of Biblis.

In an interesting piece of Biblis’ history, back in 1936 there was a Luftwaffe airfield that was disguised as a farmstead. Today it’s a restaurant with an equestrian center nearby.

During the same time in Biblis’ 20th century history, the town’s Jewish community suffered; which had been here since the 18th century. On Kristallnacht (November 1938) the town’s 19th century synagogue was destroyed. The building itself was eventually torn down in 1981, but there’s a memorial plaque where it once stood at Enggasse 6.

If you want to see one of Biblis’ other historical buildings, the St. Bartholomew Church (built 1865) is a nice place to start.

OK, history lesson’s over. So, let’s talk about volcanoes. Biblis lies within the Rhine Rift which was once a hotbed of volcanic activity. Though they’ve long been extinct, the countryside is just beautiful with rolling hills with numerous hiking and cycling paths.

Often, the town of Biblis offers guided bird watching groups; and you couldn’t ask for a more lovely place than the Rhine Rift to do it.

In addition to all the bird watching, Biblis likes its festivals. Mid-March brings on the Spring Festival, with the Summer Party in early June, the Forest Festival mid-June, and the Cucumber Festival later in the same month. June sure sounds likes the best time to come to party.

However, Christmas time is no slacker time, either. There’s the Christmas Party, the obligatory Christmas Market, and many Christmas concerts.

So, hop the Autobahn from Lorsch or Heppenheim; or, take the train from Mannheim, Frankfurt, and Worms to Biblis. It’s a town that’ll take you from the nuclear, to volcanoes, and everything in-between.


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