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Okinawa Was Not a Trust Territory:

Understanding History So Taiwan and Okinawa Can Avoid War

2024-05-18 02:55 United Daily News

Lin Man-houng, Adjunct Researcher, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica

The Okinawa-Daitō Agreement signed by the United States and Japan on June 17, 1971 came into effect on May 15, 1972. The United States transferred administrative rights over Okinawa, which it obtained through Article 3 of the Treaty of San Francisco, to Japan. Though absent from the treaty itself, many later descriptions contain the words “return” and “reversion.” With respect to military and political concerns, the agreement allowed the United States to maintain its military base in Okinawa.

Due to tensions in the Taiwan Strait, Okinawans worry that if something happens to Taiwan, Okinawa will quickly follow. On the eve of May 15, there were calls for the demilitarization of Okinawa. When reporting on this matter, the Taiwanese media has cited Article 3 of the Treaty of San Francisco. These reports, however, reflect a misunderstanding of the word “trusteeship.” The media believes that US rule over Okinawa after World War II was a “trusteeship” and that the United States had a legal responsibility to support Okinawan independence. This was not actually the case. This media position most likely comes from academia, as it is often seen in academic works. Since a correct understanding of “trusteeship” as described in Article 3 of the San Francisco Peace Treaty is relevant to current Asia-Pacific security, it is explained here through history and international law:

During the drafting of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, the US military and State Department had different positions on the arrangements to be made for Okinawa. The State Department believed that Okinawa was too far from the United States, that cultural differences were too great and that the acquisition and governance of the territory would create a huge financial burden. Hence, the State Department advocated forgoing territorial expansion, following the principles of the Atlantic Charter and the Cairo Declaration. However, the military opposed the State Department because of the important strategic position of Okinawa. They wanted to establish strategic US control. Among the other Allies, some thought that sovereignty over Okinawa should reside with the United States; others maintained that it should be returned entirely to Japan. Faced with this divergence, the United States believed that the best way out forward was to grant residual sovereignty to Japan while placing the islands under the United Nations trusteeship system with itself as the administrative authority.

Article 3 of the Treaty of San Francisco describes the administrative rights held by the United States before it established the trusteeship, which was military occupation under international law. Occupied territories are enemy territories that are controlled by an opposing country during a war. The sovereignty of the territory does not change with occupation. Thus, the United States did nothing inconsistent with the Atlantic Charter's principle that “their (the Allies’) countries seek no aggrandizement, territorial or other.” Also, because this declaration was not legally binding, the US trusteeship could not technically compose a breach of treaty. Reference to Japan's “residual sovereignty” over Okinawa first appeared in a joint statement issued by Nobusuke Kishi during his visit to the United States in June 1957. However, there was no consensus between Japan and the United States or within the United States on the specific meaning of this term.

The United Nations held no discussions related to Article 3 of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, even though the treaty stipulated that “the United States shall be the administering authority under the United Nations trusteeship system.” In the 1950s, the United States was unsure whether a motion for the trusteeship would be approved by the United Nations due to likely opposition from the Soviet Union. The People's Republic of China also welcome plans for Okinawa's transfer to Japan in 1972, because if US influence on Okinawa was reduced, it would be easier for China to work with the Soviet Union to turn Japan and Taiwan communist.

The United Nations trusteeship system was established according to Chapter 12 and Chapter 13 of the Charter of the United Nations, and administering states were responsible to support the final independence of trust territories. At least before 1977, the territories mentioned in Article 3 of the San Francisco Peace Treaty were not part of United Nations trusteeship system. Therefore, US exercise of administrative powers under Article 3 of the Treaty of San Francisco cannot be described as a “trusteeship.”

The above developments all followed the Battle of Okinawa, which took place from April to June 1945. Originally, the United States planned to stage an attack on Taiwan, but changed its plan due to strong defenses there. The Battle of Okinawa lasted for eighty days, and Naha was almost completely reduced to scorched earth. The US military suffered heavier casualties here than any other battle in the Pacific War, and a large number of Japanese soldiers were captured. Of Okinawa’s civilian population of around 450,000, 75,000 people were killed or injured.

On November 1, 1943, almost two years after the beginning of the Allies’ Pacific War and one month before the Cairo Declaration was issued, the entire western Pacific region and half of China were still under Japanese control. It is because Chiang Kai-shek secured a position in the Cairo Conference that the People's Republic of China has its current territory and seat on the United Nations Security Council. Understanding these historical and legal principles will help the people of Okinawa and Taiwan avoid the threat of war.

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