Still kicking: Barrie man wins oldest furnace contest, dating back to '72 - Barrie News Skip to content

Still kicking: Barrie man wins oldest furnace contest, dating back to '72

Win means Barry Smith gets new replacement furnace from Custom Comfort ClimateCare

Custom Comfort ClimateCare, a leading provider of heating, cooling, and indoor air quality solutions in Barrie and Simcoe County, is thrilled to announce the winner of the Oldest Furnace Contest.

Barry Smith, of Barrie, has been named the winner of this exciting contest. Barry’s furnace, which has been in operation for an impressive 52 years, was the oldest among the 54 participants.

“Oh, wow. That’s great. Thank you so much," exclaimed Barry Smith, the delighted contest winner, upon hearing the news.

The contest, which ran from Feb. 1 to March 1, 2024, was open to all residents of Barrie and Simcoe County. Participants were invited to submit their furnace’s age along with other details and after careful verification, the oldest furnace would be awarded a shiny, new furnace installed free of charge by Custom Comfort ClimateCare.

“We were blown away by the number of entries we received and the age of some of the furnaces still in operation,” says Rod Mysko, owner of Custom Comfort ClimateCare. “However, Barry’s furnace was the oldest and we are thrilled to provide him with a brand-new furnace that will keep his home warm and comfortable for years to come.”

Barry’s furnace, which has been operational since 1972, is a testament to the durability and quality craftsmanship of the time.

“We are proud to be a trusted HVAC partner of this community and to be able to give back in this way,” Mysko added.
