
10 Interesting Facts About Pharaoh Amenhotep III, Who Led Ancient Egyptian Civilization to Its Most Glorious Period

10 Interesting Facts About Pharaoh Amenhotep III, Who Led Ancient Egyptian Civilization to Its Most Glorious Period

Ancient Egyptian civilization reached its peak during the reign of Amenhotep III. For this reason, Amenhotep III was also known as the “great and magnificent” Amenhotep.

Although the ancient Egyptian civilization disappeared thousands of years ago, many things from that era live on. Fascinating pyramids, mysterious mummies, even inventions in the fields of agriculture and astronomy… And the pharaohs! Some of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt are still remembered today for their interesting and flamboyant lives, others for their contributions to ancient Egypt. One of the unforgettable rulers of Ancient Egypt is Amenhotep III. Moreover, there are very valid reasons why Amenhotep is still remembered today. Because Amenhotep III is the pharaoh who brought the Ancient Egyptian civilization to its peak!

The reign of Amenhotep III between 1386 and 1349 BC is considered to be the peak of Ancient Egyptian civilization in many respects. Thanks to the achievements of Amenhotep III, Ancient Egyptian civilization experienced an unprecedented period in history, especially in political and cultural terms. It is therefore not surprising that more statues of Amenhotep III have survived than any other pharaoh. Here are 10 things you should know about Amenhotep III, who led Ancient Egypt to its most glorious period…

Amenhotep was the son of Thutmose IV, the 8th king of the 18th dynasty of Ancient Egypt

His birth date is estimated to be 1401 BC. Amenhotep III would later claim that his real father was the god Amon.

Amenhotep III married a commoner

Amenhotep III is thought to have ascended to the throne when he was around 12 years old and married during this period. Pharaohs ascending the throne at a young age was extremely common in ancient Egypt. However, until the pharaohs who ascended to the throne at a young age became adults, the country was ruled by regents. However, there is no surviving record of anyone deputizing Amenhotep III! On the other hand, one of the interesting things about Amenhotep III’s life is that he married a commoner! Because it was quite common in the Egyptian dynasty for members of the dynasty to marry each other! Moreover, the fact that Amenhotep did not have any political purpose in his marriage makes this marriage more interesting…

Amenhotep III is estimated to have had at least 6 children

It is known that his eldest child Thutmose died and his second eldest child Amenhotep IV succeeded Amenhotep III. It is also recorded that he had daughters named Sitamun, Henuttaneb, Iset, Nebetah and Beketaten. Still, some researchers believe that Amenhotep III had more children.

Pharaoh Amenhotep was a great master of diplomacy!

While Amenhotep made Ancient Egypt the most important international power of its time, he almost never fought a war! He is known to have organized a military campaign only once during his nearly 40-year rule. Thanks to the Pharaoh’s great mastery of diplomacy, he was able to make other nations indebted to him and thus to dominate them. He also achieved significant political power by arranging important marriages between the dynasties of different countries and the Egyptian dynasty…

Amenhotep III was the first ruler to publish a “royal newsletter”!

Perhaps Amenhotep III’s informing the public about his projects also played a role in taking Ancient Egypt to the highest level! Because the pharaoh shared many developments from construction projects to dynastic marriages with his people.

Art in ancient Egypt flourished like never before during the reign of Amenhotep III

Because the geography of Ancient Egypt had become one of the most important centers of attraction of the period. Prosperity and wealth reigned throughout Egypt. In addition, Amenhotep III was mobilizing all opportunities for the development of art. Thus, a magnificent sense of aesthetics, especially in terms of architecture, dominated the whole of Ancient Egypt! The most beautiful statues and temples in ancient Egypt were built by him.

He was a very religious ruler

Amenhotep III’s favorite god was Amon-Ra, a combination of the sun god Ra and Amon! The Pharaoh was a deeply religious man and his support for the arts enabled the construction of buildings with important religious motifs.

Experienced significant health problems

Examination of the pharaoh’s mummy reveals that he struggled with serious health problems at the end of his life. It is known that he especially suffered from obesity and related joint diseases. It is also estimated that he was in constant pain due to his worn and decayed teeth. Finally, examinations on the mummy reveal that Amenhotep III died between the ages of 40 and 50.

Amenhotep III buried in the Valley of the Kings

Moreover, the pharaoh has the most spectacular and largest tomb in this famous cemetery!

Amenhotep, the Egyptian pharaoh with the largest number of surviving statues

More than 250 statues from almost every period of the pharaoh’s reign have survived! This number makes Amenhotep III the record holder in this field and brings important information about the pharaoh’s life to the present day…

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