The Meaning Behind The Song: Lover Lover Lover by Leonard Cohen - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Lover Lover Lover by Leonard Cohen

The Meaning Behind The Song: Lover Lover Lover by Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen’s Lover Lover Lover is a song that captures the essence of romance while conveying feelings of disillusionment. A deeply personal and emotional single, the song has resonated with audiences across the globe since its release in 1974.

The lyrics of Lover Lover Lover reveal a complex and somewhat ambiguous meaning, with different interpretations possible depending on the listener’s perspective. Here we explore the different themes and meanings behind this iconic song.

The Lyrics of Lover Lover Lover

The song’s lyrics are simple and direct. In the opening verse, Cohen likens his lover to a bird, a symbol of freedom. The imagery of the “sky of longing” and “the cold black sea” suggests a longing for escape and a desire for something beyond what is readily available.

The chorus features Cohen’s romantic yearning for his lover, with lines like “I asked her to stay but she wouldn’t listen/she left before I had the chance to say/Oh the times that I’ve cried, the things that I’ve done/Only God could forgive me for what I’ve done.”

Towards the end of the song, Cohen pleads with his lover for a reconciliation, confessing that he needs her in his life. He acknowledges his errors and promises to change his ways.

The Themes of Lover Lover Lover

While love and romance are central themes of the song, the lyrics tackle several deeper ideas, including forgiveness, the search for meaning and purpose, and the inevitability of change and loss.

At its core, the song is an exploration of the complexities of human relationships, particularly the tension between self-interest and devotion to others. Cohen’s intense longing for his lover is counterbalanced by his recognition of his own failings, a recognition that makes the song both heartbreaking and hopeful.

The Symbolism of Lover Lover Lover

In addition to the themes of the song, the lyrics of Lover Lover Lover are rich in symbolism. The bird metaphor recurs throughout the song, representing the bird itself as well as freedom, release, and the aspiration to transcendence.

At the same time, the “cold black sea” evokes the opposite of freedom, suggesting a sense of confinement and entrapment. This sense of being trapped is intensified by the recurring image of a jail cell that appears throughout the song.

Together, these symbols create a complex tapestry of meaning that is open to interpretation and has captured the imaginations of listeners worldwide.

The Significance of Lover Lover Lover

Lover Lover Lover is a defining song of Cohen’s catalog. With its rich imagery, haunting melody, and deeply personal lyrics, the song has become a staple in the world of popular music.

At the same time, the song’s themes of love, spirituality, and personal transformation have made it an enduring anthem for listeners who seek to connect with something deeper than themselves.

For many, Lover Lover Lover is emblematic of Cohen’s artistic vision, which combined literary sophistication and musical grace to create a body of work that remains as important and relevant today as it was during its heyday.

The Legacy of Leonard Cohen

While Cohen passed away in 2016, his work continues to resonate with music lovers around the world.

His career was marked by a singular artistic vision and an unwavering commitment to exploring the complexities of the human experience. His music inspired generations of fans and fellow artists, including Bob Dylan, Nick Cave, and Kurt Cobain.

In many ways, Cohen was a true artist in the sense that he used his music as a form of personal expression and exploration, tackling topics that were often taboo or difficult to discuss.


1. What inspired Leonard Cohen to write Lover Lover Lover?

While it’s impossible to say for sure what inspired Cohen to write the song, many speculate that it was a reflection of his own personal relationships. The themes of love, longing, and personal transformation that are present in Lover Lover Lover were also common threads in many of Cohen’s other works.

2. What other works by Leonard Cohen are similar to Lover Lover Lover?

Cohen’s body of work is vast and varied, but many of his other songs explore similar themes to Lover Lover Lover. Some notable examples include Song of Solomon, Dance Me to the End of Love, and I’m Your Man.

3. Why did Lover Lover Lover resonate with audiences so strongly?

Lover Lover Lover’s appeal lies in its ability to capture the human experience in all its complexity. Its themes of love, longing, and transformation resonate with audiences across generations and cultures.

4. How has Leonard Cohen’s legacy influenced other artists?

Cohen’s influence on music is immeasurable. His work has inspired generations of musicians, including Nick Cave, Rufus Wainwright, and Kurt Cobain, among many others.

5. What can we learn from Lover Lover Lover?

At its core, Lover Lover Lover is a reflection on the human experience and the search for meaning and purpose. By exploring themes of love, devotion, and personal transformation, the song reminds us of the deep emotions and struggles that define our lives.

6. What is the song’s message about forgiveness?

The lyrics of Lover Lover Lover suggest that forgiveness is a key element of any successful relationship. The song acknowledges that people make mistakes and emphasizes the importance of asking for and offering forgiveness in the pursuit of love and connection.

7. Why is Leonard Cohen’s work still so relevant today?

Cohen’s work remains relevant today because it speaks to universal themes and experiences that transcend time and place. His music captures the essence of the human soul, offering listeners a sense of connection and understanding that is timeless.

8. What role does imagery play in Lover Lover Lover?

Imagery is a central element of Lover Lover Lover. The recurring use of birds, the cold black sea, and the jail cell all serve to create a vivid and complex tapestry of meaning that engages listeners on multiple levels.

9. How has Lover Lover Lover been received by critics?

Lover Lover Lover has been widely praised by critics since its release. It has been described as a “haunting masterpiece” and a “defining work” of Cohen’s catalog.

10. What is the significance of the song’s mournful melody?

The mournful melody of Lover Lover Lover reinforces the song’s themes of longing, loss, and personal transformation. It creates an atmosphere of melancholy that serves to heighten the emotion and intensity of the lyrics.

11. How did Leonard Cohen’s career influence the music industry as a whole?

Cohen’s career had a profound impact on the music industry as a whole. His unique blend of literary sophistication and musical grace opened up new avenues of artistic expression, inspiring countless musicians to explore similar themes and styles.

12. What is Leonard Cohen’s legacy as an artist?

Leonard Cohen’s legacy as an artist is one of unmatched artistic vision and a commitment to exploring the complexities of the human experience. His music has inspired countless fans and fellow artists, and his influence on music and popular culture will be felt for decades to come.

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