Machine Gun Kelly's Classic Ride: A Look at His Favorite Car | TORK US

Machine Gun Kelly's Classic Ride: A Look at His Favorite Car

Machine Gun Kelly: Rapper or Car Connoisseur? This rockstar has a secret passion for luxury rides. Swipe to peep his sweet Rolls-Royce and get the scoop on the price tag for one of these bad boys.

The American singer Machine Gun Kelly.

Machine Gun Kelly, the rapper who is not afraid of controversy or extravagant tattoos, also has an incredible taste in cars. And we're not talking about just any car, but a British classic that would make any motor enthusiast drool: the Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud I.

The Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud I: MGK's Vintage Toy

Machine Gun Kelly and his Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud i. 
Machine Gun Kelly and his Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud i. 

Forget modern sports cars, this vehicle is a time machine that transports you to the golden age of Hollywood. With its elegant design and luxurious interior, it's no wonder MGK and Megan Fox look so happy posing next to it.

And if the exterior impresses you, wait until you see the interior. Leather upholstery, polished wood trim, and shiny metallic details complement a car that, in addition to being classic, is even more comfortable than many new cars.

How Much Does it Cost?

Machine Gun Kelly, Megan Fox and the Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud i.  

That's the million-dollar question! The Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud I is not a car you find at any dealership. It's a collector's item, a vintage treasure that is highly valued in the classic car market.

Prices can vary greatly depending on the year of manufacture, the state of conservation, the mileage, and, of course, the demand. But to give you an idea, a Silver Cloud I in good condition can easily cost $76,000, according to the Classic portal. Yes, you read that right!

Ignacio Gregoroff

Amante de la escritura. Me dedico a cubrir las cocheras de artistas, deportistas y cantantes mainstream. En lo que a marcas respecta, Jeep y Honda son aquellas por las cuales tengo gran afinidad.+ info

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