Worth the Fighting For: A Memoir by John McCain | Goodreads
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Worth the Fighting For: A Memoir

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In 1999, John McCain wrote one of the most acclaimed and bestselling memoirs of the decade, Faith of My Fathers. That book ended in 1972, with McCain’s release from imprisonment in Vietnam. This is the rest of his story, about his great American journey from the U.S. Navy to his electrifying run for the presidency, interwoven with heartfelt portraits of the mavericks who have inspired him through the years—Ted Williams, Theodore Roosevelt, visionary aviation proponent Billy Mitchell, Marlon Brando in Viva Zapata!For Whom the Bell Tolls, who showed McCain the ideals of heroism and sacrifice, stoicism and redemption, and why certain causes, despite the costs, are . . .

Worth the Fighting For

After five and a half years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, naval aviator John McCain returned home a changed man. Regaining his health and flight-eligibility status, he resumed his military career, commanding carrier pilots and serving as the navy’s liaison to what is sometimes ironically called the world’s most exclusive club, the United States Senate. Accompanying Senators John Tower and Henry “Scoop” Jackson on international trips, McCain began his political education in the company of two masters, leaders whose standards he would strive to maintain upon his election to the U.S. Congress. There, he learned valuable lessons in cooperation from a good-humored congressman from the other party, Morris Udall. In 1986, McCain was elected to the U.S. Senate, inheriting the seat of another role model, Barry Goldwater.

During his time in public office, McCain has seen acts of principle and acts of craven self-interest. He describes both ex-tremes in these pages, with his characteristic straight talk and humor. He writes honestly of the lowest point in his career, the Keating Five savings and loan debacle, as well as his triumphant moments—his return to Vietnam and his efforts to normalize relations between the U.S. and Vietnamese governments; his fight for campaign finance reform; and his galvanizing bid for the presidency in 2000.

Writes McCain: A rebel without a cause is just a punk. Whatever you’re called—rebel, unorthodox, nonconformist, radical—it’s all self-indulgence without a good cause to give your life meaning. This is the story of McCain’s causes, the people who made him do it, and the meaning he found. Worth the Fighting For reminds us of what’s best in America, and in ourselves.

396 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2002

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About the author

John McCain

101 books100 followers
John Sidney McCain III was an American politician who served as a United States Senator from Arizona from 1987 until his death. He was the Republican nominee for President of the United States in the 2008 election, which he lost to Barack Obama.

McCain graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1958 and followed his father and grandfather—both four-star admirals—into the U.S. Navy. He became a naval aviator and flew ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers. During the Vietnam War, he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire. While McCain was on a bombing mission during Operation Rolling Thunder over Hanoi in October 1967, he was shot down, seriously injured, and captured by the North Vietnamese. He was a prisoner of war until 1973. McCain experienced episodes of torture and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer. The wounds that he sustained during the war left him with lifelong physical disabilities. He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona, where he entered politics. In 1982, McCain was elected to the United States House of Representatives, where he served two terms. He entered the U.S. Senate in 1987 and easily won reelection five times, the last time in 2016.

While generally adhering to conservative principles, McCain also had a media reputation as a "maverick" for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues. After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five, he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns, which eventually resulted in passage of the McCain–Feingold Act in 2002. He was also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam, and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion. McCain chaired the Senate Commerce Committee and opposed pork barrel spending. He belonged to the bipartisan "Gang of 14" which played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations.

McCain entered the race for the Republican nomination for President in 2000, but he lost a heated primary season contest to Governor George W. Bush of Texas. He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals, but was defeated by Democratic nominee Barack Obama in the general election, losing by a 365–173 electoral college margin. He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration, especially in regard to foreign policy matters. By 2013, however, he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment. In 2015, McCain became Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. In 2017, he reduced his role in the Senate after a diagnosis of brain cancer. He died at the age of 81 on August 25, 2018.

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99 reviews14 followers
June 3, 2008
I read this book after having come to understand that many of Hitler's worst atrocities were predicted by him in Mein Kompf. If the people had read that book, they would not have been surprised (or able to credibly fake it) when the atrocities were occurring. Now, I make no comparison between Hitler and John McCain. That bit of knowledge simply made realize that it should be both very interesting and important to read books written by leaders of your country, and of the candidates who are trying to obtain the presidency. This is the third of the three major candidates' book that I have read, having covered Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton earlier in the year.

And, I was well impressed by the book. Both by its content and by its writing. It is an insightful account of a fascinating man's political career. And it seems strikingly genuine and honest. When he writes about someone who he thinks is a jackass, he writes it in just that language. There are anectdotes of getting fistfights with other Senators in the Capitol building, partying with Charles Keating, visiting Barry Goldwater in his deathbed. One of the reviews on the back of the book says that the book is "packed with extraordinary indiscretions for a still-practicing politician" and it proves true to my ears as well. When he writes about considering a run for the presidency, he mentions how exciting it is to him personally. But the book also carries a strong and valid message about the importance of integrity and of patriotism, McCain's brand of which I really quite like.

5stars for the book, even if I won't be voting for the candidate. A good, strong, competent and wise man he is (and it shows in his book), and I credit him - or my image of him - for the fact that even though I do not agree with him politically on some crucial issues, I respect his views on even those issues and I do hope he continues his exemplary public service for our country - I just hope he does it from the Senate;-)
Profile Image for GoldGato.
1,201 reviews40 followers
December 5, 2012
As an apolitical observer of the American political scene, John McCain used to fascinate me, to the point that when I saw his book at a library sale a few years ago, I snatched it up, wanting to learn more about the "maverick" of the U.S. Senate. I think I may have been looking for his first memoir Faith of My Fathers: A Family Memoir, but this one also sufficed. While describing his life since his return to the States after being a Vietnam War POW, McCain takes the reader through his political education, including the Keating Savings & Loan disaster (bad) and his brokering of efforts to improve the relationship between Vietnam and the United States (good).

Since I've never quite figured out how the radical Republican Party of Lincoln and Thaddeus Stevens became the Tea Party of today (can't even connect the dots), McCain always seemed as though he would somehow be the difference maker, until his submission to the extreme right in his efforts to secure the Presidency made him just another politician from a conservative state. Actually, McCain reminds me most of Cato from the Roman Republic. It's clear he believes in his American Republic and wants others to uphold the same values (not 100% certain what they are, but Americans do have values). I must say I also can't figure out the Democrats, which may explain why I'm apolitical.

In reading this memoir, one thought did strike me quite clearly...how the Americans always seem to come up with leaders who change the world (not McCain, just saying he made me think this). Washington, Lincoln, two Roosevelts, Truman...even Reagan. Is it in their blood? Fascinating country and a decent read.

Book Season = Winter (because that seems to be the Republicans' discontent)
194 reviews
July 4, 2008
If I were in combat, I'd want John McCain with me. I don't doubt the depth of his idealism for what America stands for, and his willingness to give everything to that including - perhaps at a minimum - his life. If life were a movie, say The Magnificent Seven, then McCain would be Yul Brynner, and he'd be as unwavering and iconic as you could dream.
He is also vain, hyper-ambitious and utterly obsessed with his perception of his personal honor. His sense of integrity is inextricably bound into fighting for his ideals regardless of the odds; once he decides on a course of action, he is independently eager for a fight, and while he in looking back, he is occasionally able to see and admit the error in his position, there is little measure in his approach. Moderation is likely to appear as timidity, and on any issue where his integrity or fearlessness could be questioned, he is predisposed to avoid that tack.
But life is not a movie, and the good guys don't always have shiny hats, and the bad guys don't always have bad accents and bad teeth, and sometimes there aren't even good guys and bad guys. I want a leader who gets that and can act accordingly. I don't have a much faith in the clarity of his judgment, colored as it is by his personal need to fly the flag of his patriotism and courage. I don't like fanaticism, even fanaticism that is consistent with my own interests, and I definitely don't think it's part of the job description of president.
March 19, 2019
Apasionante, su biografía y la de sus referentes. Muy interesante. Una personalidad arrolladora y muy atractiva. Worth the reading...
Profile Image for Janet.
148 reviews
March 4, 2008
I am immersed in "Worth Fighting For” John McCain Book 2 and while Book 1 has me a self identified “McCainiac” Book 2 begins with rather sober remembrances of governmental figures and hard times in the House and Senate. Controversial issues that have plagued John McCain’s campaign are answered here in his own words with the thinking and behind the scenes play-by-play recounted. There are some important chapters in here about Bob Dole, Theodore Roosevelt and other historical leaders. The Vietnam POWs left behind drama is thoroughly explored. I feel like I now have a better understanding of events that occurred in the years before I was truly cognizant of politics in America. Several of Senator McCain’s 7 children are serving/have served our nation with the Navy and Marines and as civic volunteers. He and his wife have adopted one of Mother Teresa’s orphans. McCain is clearly a conservative pro-life Republican, personal friends with Ronald Reagan. Yet he is not afraid to cross the street to get things done or stir things up. He is a let’s get this done kind of a guy who clearly enjoys his place in history, a lifetime of public service. Saved from death countless times, John McCain’s life reveals the Lord’s hand in his destiny, his life spared for just this precise moment in history. He is, I believe, the only candidate with the leadership, charisma, and character powerful enough to thwart the gathering dark forces of anti-life that define the Democratic Party. Like the inherently talented naval aviator Maverick in Top Gun, John McCain flies dangerously in defense of our Nation. He believes that America is worth fighting for. President John McCain? It’s time to buzz the tower.

“We are blessed to be Americans, not just in times of peace and prosperity, but at all times. We are part of something providential: a great experiment to prove to the world that democracy is not only the most effective form of government, but the only form of moral government. And through the years, generation after generation of Americans has held fast to the belief that we were meant to transform history.” “I may yet become the man I always wanted to be.”

Senator John McCain

“Become who you were born to be.” Elrond


Profile Image for Lanette.
664 reviews
March 23, 2008
Presidential elections are a little more interesting for military families. Not only are we voting for a president, we are voting for the person who we'd like to be my husband's boss; Commander-in-Chief. While we will always respect the position if not the person, it's a nice thing to actually be able to respect the CIC. (And no, my husband and I don't always vote for the same person!)

Prior to reading this book, the only thing I really knew about John McCain is that he graduated at the bottom of his class from the Naval Academy. Very last. Or at least that's what any Mid will tell you, I think he was actually 4th from the bottom... Oh, and we saw a model of his POW cell at the Pensacola Air Museum. So when I saw this book at a booksale months ago, I nabbed it... on the off chance he'd make it through the primaries.

I'm glad I did.

While not an easy, brainless read by any stretch of the imagination, it's an interesting look at the mentors and heroes in McCain's life. It also helped me understand where he is coming from and why he's such a rebel. He calls a spade a spade, regardless of whether that spade is a Democrat or Republican. Now I'll be able to actually hold an intelligent conversation about the man during the upcoming election season. Every high school government class should be required to read it.

Mrs. Clinton ran an ad campaign around the 2 a.m. phone call, asking "who do you want answering the phone?" Read the book and decide for yourself, but this independent knows who's getting her vote. Go Navy!
Profile Image for Tanya.
2,765 reviews24 followers
September 23, 2008
When John McCain wrote this book in 2002 he had no intention of running for president again in 2008, and thus his monograph has the tone of summing up a long political career before retiring to the private life. He is very honest about his mistakes and motives, admitting when he has been driven by his own selfishness, and when he has let his temper or his pride mold his actions. He particularly castigates himself for his (albeit limited) involvement in the savings and loan scandal as part of the "Keating Five." Yet he also celebrates his accomplishments and affirms his values, particularly his loyalty and love for America.

I felt the text was a bit drawn out, and could have been more to the point in many instances, but overall I enjoyed learning about McCain's experiences. There are so many things I didn't know about politics in the 80's and 90's, as well as the current decade. I feel I can make a much more informed choice in the 2008 election after reading "Worth the Fighting For."
Profile Image for Laurie.
929 reviews15 followers
October 15, 2008
Welllllll.... this book had its interesting parts, but I can't say I was too enthralled with it. Took me forever to read it seems. The chapters that I liked most were the ones that were actually about McCain, with the exception of the chapter on his involvement with the Keating Five. I thought that chapter would clear a few things up but instead it was long and confusing and about halfway through I just felt like I was reading words. I couldn't WAIT for it to be over with. The other chapters are about people (real and fictional) who McCain finds inspiring. The guy really seems to fancy himself some sort of amateur biographer. It wasn't the best written book ever, but it wasn't bad. He does fess up to his poor temper and some other questionable character traits and actions. He talked a little bit about his "maverick" title and it was interesting to know that at one point in his career, he really was a maverick, going against the Republicans so much that one time the Democrats in the Senate gave him a standing ovation. Somehow, I doubt that would happen today.
Profile Image for Luke.
249 reviews
October 10, 2008
I enjoyed this book, the second book that I've read by Senator McCain. It differs substantially from "Faith of My Fathers" in that it is focused on his career after he left the military. What I enjoy the most about Sen. McCain's writing is that he doesn't pull the punches when cataloging his mistakes or his faults. He admits his failures, describes what he learned from them, and moves on. I respect that greatly. I think that this book is a very interesting look into the Legislative process in this country. While I didn't agree with some of the precepts of his McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform, I do appreciate the motivation behind it. Sen. McCain is a remarkable man, has led a fascinating life, and is becoming an accomplished author.
Profile Image for Terry Earley.
929 reviews12 followers
March 27, 2009
I read this in prep for the 2008 national election. I am glad I did, although it was really a promotional piece written largely by others, touting McCain's cultivated image as a political "maverick".

I greatly respected McCain's efforts to help craft bipartisan, workable immigration policy, election reform and his initial stance against torture, though he sadly backed off of that principle.

It is an informative study in the evolution of a principled politician. His concession speech was gracious and gentlemanly, as we would expect after having read this book.
Profile Image for Doris.
1,949 reviews
June 1, 2009
The only real problem with this is the length.

It is touted as a memoir, and it is, but it is also an excellent source of historical data. For instance, it goes into great detail on some historical figures (Teddy Roosevelt, Billy Mitchell) and some current figures (Bob Dole). I learned quite a bit I wish I had known before (how many people knew the reason Bob Dole refused to shake hands was because of a WWII injury?).

The book does not paint McCain as a martyr or a satyr. It is honest and compelling.
Profile Image for Bill.
644 reviews17 followers
January 24, 2010
The three-star rating is supposed to mean "I Liked It". In this case, it means I liked half of it - the first half. After that it got a bit repetitive and lingered on points that I didn't find compelling. If McCain gets elected President today, I'd recommend you read this book (and probably his other for more of his biographical background). If not, then don't worry about it, because he'll just be the maverick senator from Arizona again.
Profile Image for Brian Eshleman.
847 reviews111 followers
July 24, 2011
Somewhere between authentic and lacking polish. At times it seems like the "rebel without a cause" routine with the purposeful swearing that at his age seems pretty old. Not really sure he can go after Obama on maturity just because he is older. The people he admires seems to have been added to give way to his petulance, although he or his co-author did choose some interesting people. Likely they will have time to write another volume in a couple of weeks.
Profile Image for Greg.
103 reviews
August 8, 2007
John McCain is one of the most respectable politicians of the modern era...is a sentence that was true until he proved that he was a little to committed to what things he thought were worth the fighting for. That said, this is still an engaging book (if strongly politically motivated) about an intriguing man.
Profile Image for Thomas.
110 reviews
February 5, 2008
McCain's political memoir gets a little slow at times and he diverges frequently from his topic. (For example, many pages on Teddy Roosevelt.) But the book has many redeeming qualities. His accounts of his own seasoning as a politician, his role in the Keating Five incident, and his role in diplomatic missions to Vietnam are insightful and fill give the reader a lot of inside information.

480 reviews17 followers
July 4, 2015
Loved his commentary on the Hemingway. This is the McCain I thought was going to be running for the presidency, and the man I always respected -- open, bipartisan, self-deprecating, intellectual. How the person who wrote this could have chosen Sarah Palin as his running mate is beyond my imagination....
55 reviews1 follower
May 6, 2009
I loved how he talked a lot about the people who influenced him - including literary character, politician, and family. Read this and Barack o'Bama's [title: Dreams From my Father] during my preparation for the 2009 presidential election and was impressed by both. I respect both men a whole lot more after reading their stories.
Profile Image for John.
19 reviews
November 28, 2008
All-in-all pretty good; suprisingly philosophical and thoughtful. Its cool to see who McCain looked up to when he was starting out. I also thought it was great how he admitted what he did wrong in the Keating 5 situation and all. I found the book to be an insightful and honest look at his past.
5 reviews3 followers
March 12, 2008
This book is not so much about policy but rather about the men who have influenced McCain. I found it to be pretty interesting.
Profile Image for Karl.
80 reviews9 followers
April 1, 2008
I lean to the left myself, but if we end up with another republican I've been hoping for this one since 2000.
28 reviews
November 16, 2014
Great book if you're interested in John McCain's heroes and some of his social positions.
39 reviews
June 30, 2008
A politician I really respect. Not the most enthralling author (the opposite of his opponent, who's a little too flowery as a writer) but a good glimpse into what drives him.
4 reviews
July 23, 2008
Examination of McCain's beliefs. I would have voted for this the old McCain...
July 24, 2008
You don't have to read more than a few sentences to realize that all of McCain's experiences and decisions are seen through a militaristic lens. Scary to say the least.
Profile Image for Afua.
55 reviews6 followers
November 6, 2008
Oh, Senator McCain. This memoir of yours made me see so much potential in you, so much wasted potential.
Profile Image for Ann from S.C..
10 reviews8 followers
September 22, 2008
I found this to be a very interesting book. I learned some things about Mccain that I did not know. He went through alot in his life, and I do admire him a bunch!
Profile Image for Laurie.
64 reviews2 followers
November 24, 2008
Started reading this for the election but dropped off. It didn't hold my attention very well. Seemed like a resume in story format.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews

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