A RECITAL, party and games were just a few ways students at Farmor's School in Fairford celebrated William Shakespeare's 460th birthday.

The secondary school's passionate librarian Amber Barker-Harrold organised a plethora of activities to mark the esteemed playwright's big birthday on Tuesday, April 23.

A team of dedicated student librarians adorned the book shelves and library staircase with posters and decorations to mark the occasion.

Attendees munched on a celebratory cake, took part in a 'Which Will said this?' quiz, played 'Pin the Tale on the Bard' game and eagerly listened to staff and sixth formers perform some of the poet's most famous pieces.

Mr Andy Smart read out 'Tomorrow and Tomorrow' from Macbeth, assistant head Mrs Claire Wells read 'The isle is full of noises' from The Tempest and sixth formers Will and Terja delivered a spectacular performance of the opening scene from Romeo and Juliet.

Reflecting on the festivities, Ms Barker-Harrold said: "Events like this are hugely important, they show that libraries are fun and interactive spaces that get people talking about topics that they might not have explored further than the classroom.

"The atmosphere at our Shakespeare event was very welcoming, communal and exciting.

"It’s important for students to learn about Shakespeare because his work, despite the centuries between his present and ours, explores complicated emotions like love, grief, greed, jealousy, pride and fear - all of which are an unavoidable part of the human experience. 

"Learning about Shakespeare encourages students to study words and highlights the way our language evolves over time.

"The interactive elements of our events are really accessible way for students to engage with different topics.

"The 'Which William?' and 'Shakespeare or Yoda?' quizzes emphasised the influence of Shakespeare on popular culture.

"Everyone singing Happy Birthday was the highlight of the event for me.

"As a librarian, it is absolutely heart-warming to see students and staff engaging with the library and thoroughly enjoying themselves in the process.

"Shakespeare’s work often explores intense themes and topics so to end the celebration with a silly and uplifting song was perfect."