The Meaning Behind The Song: メリーゴーランド (Merry Go Round) by 優里 (Yuuri) - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: メリーゴーランド (Merry Go Round) by 優里 (Yuuri)


The Meaning Behind The Song: メリーゴーランド (Merry Go Round) by 優里 (Yuuri)

メリーゴーランド (Merry Go Round) is a beautiful song by the Japanese singer-songwriter 優里 (Yuuri). Released on December 22, 2022, the song is part of the soundtrack for the television drama series かがみの孤城 (Lonely Castle in the Mirror). With its heartfelt lyrics and melodic composition, メリーゴーランド (Merry Go Round) has captivated listeners and touched many hearts.

Song Information:

Title メリーゴーランド (Merry Go Round)
Artist 優里 (Yuuri)
Writer/Composer 優里 (Yuuri)
Album かがみの孤城 (Lonely Castle in the Mirror) – Soundtrack
Release Date December 22, 2022
Genre Pop

Now, let’s delve into the meaning behind the touching lyrics of メリーゴーランド (Merry Go Round) and explore the emotions it evokes.

The song opens with the question, “好きになるってどんなこと?” which translates to “What does it mean to fall in love?” The lyrics depict the introspective thoughts of the singer, reflecting on experiences she had previously been unable to express. It speaks of meeting a new version of oneself, confessing feelings of love that were once difficult to say out loud, and accepting the fact that she was not a part of her loved one’s past happiness.

In the lines “一人泣いてた バスタブの中 顔が痛くて 貴方に会いたくて” (I was crying alone in the bathtub, my face hurt, I wanted to see you), the singer conveys her deep longing to be close to the person she loves. The raw emotions are palpable, emphasizing the pain and yearning she feels in their absence.

The recurring phrase “アイシテルをもう何度 私、口にしたのだろう” (How many times have I said, ‘I love you’?) reveals the singer’s repeated expressions of love, yet she questions why there is no one by her side in the present. It highlights her loneliness and the lingering emptiness in her heart.

Continuing with the theme of unrequited love, the lyrics express the singer’s feelings of longing and disconnection. She wonders how it feels to love someone and acknowledges the importance of being there for them, especially in times of sadness.

The lines “一人泣いた ベッドの中 声も顔もこころも愛せない 違う場所に生まれてたなら 違う私だったのかな” (I cried alone in bed, unable to love your voice, your face, or your heart. If I were born in a different place, would I have been a different person?) evoke feelings of self-doubt and contemplation. The singer questions her own identity and wonders if circumstances had been different, would she have been able to love more freely?

The lyrics also touch upon the desire for reunion and the weight of regrets. The singer expresses her wishes to meet the person she loves once more and shares her longing to speak words of reconciliation. However, the only thing that remains in her heart is regret.

The lines “もしもあの日 あの瞬間に わがままを口にできたら 思い切り泣いてその胸に また会える また会える また会える を言えたなら” (If only on that day, at that moment, I could have expressed my selfishness. I would cry my heart out and tell you that we can meet again, we can meet again, we can meet again) convey a profound yearning for a second chance. It reflects the desire to mend a broken relationship and express the love that remained unspoken.

The powerful metaphor of a merry-go-round is introduced in the lyrics: “どんなに追いかけても追いつかない メリーゴーランド” (No matter how much I chase, I can’t catch up to the merry-go-round). It symbolizes the difficulty of chasing after love and the pain that can accompany it. The singer acknowledges the hardships of love and the deep emotional struggle it can bring.

Personally, this song resonates deeply with me. It beautifully captures the complex emotions and vulnerabilities that come with love. The lyrics remind me of times when I have struggled to express my feelings, longing for someone who was not by my side, and questioning what it truly means to love. It serves as a poignant reminder of the power of love and the importance of cherishing those precious moments when they come our way.

Overall, メリーゴーランド (Merry Go Round) by 優里 (Yuuri) is a heartfelt song that explores the depths of love, loss, and the delicate nature of human emotions. Its lyrics paint a vivid picture of longing and regret, resonating with listeners and touching their hearts. Through its evocative melody and powerful message, the song has the ability to create a profound emotional connection, making it a truly unforgettable piece of music.

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