BBC Archive 1960: Lilian Lenton Suffragettes - BBC

1960: Lilian Lenton

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As a prominent, militant member of the campaign for women's suffrage, Lilian Lenton gained a reputation as a skillful fugitive of the police. In this talk for BBC Radio, she outlines some of her adventures, including the time she evaded capture thanks to the help of 50 other women.

Lilian Lenton was interviewed again by the BBC in October 1961, on the subject of author D H Lawrence, who she met just prior to World War One. She had fled from the police and escaped to the Lake District. She was introduced to him as "a man who's only got one subject, and that's sex".

She confessed during the interview that the only one of his works she had read since that meeting was the scandalous Lady Chatterley's Lover, though she noted "it must have been an expurgated edition, because I don't remember anything special about it".

BBC Archive: Originally broadcast 1 January 1960.

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