Marvel Studios’ original plans for ‘Daredevil: Born Again’ were “heartbreaking” says Charlie Cox – F*XOXO

Marvel Studios’ original plans for ‘Daredevil: Born Again’ were “heartbreaking” says Charlie Cox

by indig0sixalpha


  1. midnightmoose on

    Every interview I’ve seen with Deborah Ann Woll and makes me wish she was offered more roles. She spoke pretty openly about being unsure for acting career was over after her offers dried up after the original Netflix run.

  2. Charlie Cox is garbage. Terrible actor. Hopefully Marvel continues to bomb at the box office and their shows continue to get shit on.

  3. Shadowmazer on

    Whoa, that’s fantastic news that Deborah Ann Wolf and Elden Henson are back together. I had no idea.

  4. Disney: A daredevil show is what we want to create.

    People: fantastic! Will it carry over from the episode?

    Disney: A show based on Daredevil?

  5. Sounds like an adult in the room realized the show was going to be shit and needed a complete shift in direction.

    It remains to be seen how it’ll turn out, but the fact that this seems to be a continuation, gives me hope that this will return to seasons 1+3 quality.

    I still like 2..had some amazing Punisher moments especially with Fisk.. but the ninja storyline Meh!

  6. The Charlie Cox timeline of opinions on Daredevil production issues:

    Cancellation – “This is awful. I’m beside myself. We had so much story left to tell. I feel lost.”

    Revival – “This has to be a reincarnation, it has to be different, otherwise why are we doing it?”

    Second revival – “Yeah what I said before was just PR as it always seemed. We’re trying to do it right now.”

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