
  June 6, 2024 LEVIATHAN, COME DOWN! “My Forces of Light, I AM issuing ORDERS to DIRECT your FIRE POWER against the LIES, INTIMIDATION, and FEAR that the LEVIATHAN media continues to SPEW. The power of this MESMERIZING STRONGHOLD must be BROKEN so that those help CAPTIVE to its MIND-BINDING SPELL can AWAKEN and begin to SEE the TRUTH. The more that know the TRUTH, the SOONER the evil empire can be OVERWHELMED with CRIES and DEMANDS for the REAL TRUTH and for REAL ACCOUNTABILITY for their DARK and EVIL AGENDAS. Once Leviathan’s voice is CRUSHED and SILENCED, the TSUNAMI of TRUTH and EXPOSURE will be HELD BACK NO LONGER, and the world will DEMAND JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. Come before Me dressed in your ROYAL SALVATION ROBES and with ONE VOICE CRY OUT, ‘Leviathan, your voice is now BOUND on the earth as it has already been BOUND in Heaven. We DECLARE that our VOICE of TRUTH will now be LOUDER and MORE POWERFUL than his voice of LIES, INTIMIDATION, and FEAR. We BIND MIND-BINDING spirits and SI
  June 5, 2024 UNJUST JUDGES, UNRIGHTEOUS DECISIONS  “Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, declares to the UNJUST JUDGES that your DAYS ARE NUMBERED, and your UNRIGHTEOUS DECISIONS will be WIPED AWAY.” ISAIAH 5:23-24a (TPT) ‘(Woe to the) judges and politicians who acquit the guilty for a bribe and take away the rights of the innocent. Therefore, just as tongues of fire lick up the straw and dry grass, they will be destroyed…’ ISAIAH 29:5,6 (TPT) ‘Then suddenly, in an instant, your ruthless enemies will become nothing more than dust in the wind and your vile tyrants like wind-driven chaff! She will be visited by the Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, with thunder, earthquake, and deafening noise, with whirlwind, tempest, and the blaze of a consuming fire!’ “I AM the JUST JUDGE, and My Remnant have come before Me asking for a DECISION to be made on their behalf. They have PETITIONED for UNJUST JUDGES and UNRIGHTEOUS DECISIONS to be SWEPT AWAY, and I have DECREED, ‘PETITION GRANTED!’ T
 ACTION ITEMS: Video THE CRACK IS WIDENING - June 4, 2024 ACTION ITEMS: *We are to pay attention to spiritual intelligence that comes in many ways: dreams, encounters, prophetic words, a spiritual knowing. It will weaponize our prayers and direct our authority where it will do the most good. We are to take authority over all the schemes of death, chaos, and destruction; command them to come down, to be stripped of their power to cause death, and for the plans to blow back into their faces. Declare that the schemes will only serve to awaken the sleeping and the brainwashed. Seek Him, and He will reveal specific targets and plans for you to come against. *Ask to be made sensitive to the flow of the Holy Spirit in our lives; learn to tune to the flow inside of you; trust His leading and guiding in your life. If you mess up, don’t give up! *We are to stop telling lies to ourselves and tell ourselves the truth: we are totally accepted and loved, He loves how He made us. We are not to
June 4, 2024 I WILL MAKE THEM SWEAT “Waiting for the FULFILLMENT of the promised Rescue Operation has been a CHALLENGE to your FAITH, but you have responded by STRENGTHENING yourself in My PRESENCE and My LOVE. Your FAITH ROOTS have grown DEEP and UNSHAKEABLE. You are no longer MOVED by circumstances—you MOVE circumstances with your FAITH-FILLED DECLARATIONS and DECREES. You have found a place of PEACE with Me in the midst of a HEATED BATTLE, and you are continually REFRESHED in My presence. It is not so for those partnered with DARKNESS. The enemy cannot give them PEACE or COMFORT because he HAS NONE to give. Those partnered with EVIL are on a daily ROLLER COASTER. Their CORRUPT plans will APPEAR to SUCCEED and then, SUDDENLY, they are BACKFIRING on them. Their EVIL GLEE gets turned to FRUSTRATION and ANXIETY. One minute they are SURE their plans to gain CONTROL will SUCCEED and the next, they are PLUNGED into FEAR and DESPERATION as another victory is SNATCHED from their GREEDY clutc
  June 3, 2024 A SEASON OF UNVEILING  “The Kingdom Era that you are entering will be A SEASON OF UNVEILING. Many in the Body of Christ have been taught that the book of Revelation is about the RISE of EVIL and a CATASTROPHIC END to the world. I AM telling you the book of Revelation is a book of UNVEILING. First and foremost, it is the UNVEILING of Jesus as the VICTORIOUS, UNSTOPPABLE King over all. The POWER of His RESURRECTION is being UNVEILED against the darkness that has been allowed to ENCROACH on the earth. The DEEP DARKNESS and DEPRAVITY of the enemy and his followers is being UNVEILED—not to cause you FEAR but to show you the TERRITORY I have called My Sons and Daughters to TAKE BACK in the NAME and POWER of the UNVEILED CHRIST. Army of Light, you are being UNVEILED before the world as a FORCE TO BE RECKONED with, as you learn to walk in your AUTHORITY and SHOW FORTH the POWER of My love. This is also A SEASON OF UNVEILING NEW DISCOVERIES and of FINDING the TREASURES that have
  June 2, 2024 ANOINTED AND APPOINTED “Each of you have been ANOINTED AND APPOINTED for this STRATEGIC TIME in the history of the world. Because you are entering My Kingdom Era, these are GREATER ANOINTINGS AND APPOINTMENTS than the world has ever seen. Some of you have begun to WALK in your ANOINTINGS and your APPOINTMENTS, and some of you are still WAITING for that DOOR to OPEN to the EXPRESSION of your ANOINTINGS AND APPOINTMENTS. To those still waiting, let Me ENCOURAGE you to MAKE THE MOST of these days by LEARNING to KNOW My Heart and to HEAR My voice. Your DEEPENED FAITH ROOTS in who I AM and your TRUST and REST in SURRENDERING to My TIMING will EMPOWER and STRENGTHEN your ANOINTINGS, and your APPOINTMENTS will be FRUITFUL with no STRIVING and no DEAD WORKS. My FINEST, most POWERFUL, and truly BEAUTIFUL preparations are done in the SECRET PLACE and in HIDDENNESS. I have NOT FORGOTTEN you, and your DOORS will OPEN at just the right moment. For those of you who are walking in a ME
  June 1, 2024  THE CRACK IS WIDENING Sometimes the Father uses a natural circumstance in my life to paint a picture of a spiritual reality. Two years ago, we had new tile installed in our bathroom. One of the workers dropped a heavy tool in my sink, and it caused a very small crack in the bowl. Over time, this crack began to widen until I realized my sink was leaking into the cabinet below the sink. That tiny crack that looked harmless had become a fissure that split open the sink. The Father spoke to me about this life parable: “What you see happening in your sink is a PICTURE of how I AM DESTROYING the evil empire. Eight years ago, a POWERFUL TRUTH BOMB was dropped on the structure of the evil empire when your rightful leader first took office. The darkness tried DESPERATELY to GET RID of the EFFECTS of that TRUTH BOMB by CONTROLLING the MEDIA and using the JUSTICE SYSTEM in a CROOKED manner. They thought the WIDENING CRACK would be STOPPED when they INSTALLED a PUPPET LEADER. They