
  May 27, 2024 THE 9TH HOUR “Your Nation has reached the 9TH HOUR in its history. The day My Son was crucified it grew DARK until the 9TH HOUR, and the enemy thought he had WON. THREE DAYS later the enemy was SURPRISED with his most CRUSHING DEFEAT. I used the enemy’s DARKEST PLANS to BLOW BACK on him, and the VICTORY and POWER of SALVATION was released to the world. The GREATEST DARKNESS RELEASED THE GREATEST LIGHT. This pattern will play out in your Nation. The 9TH HOUR will bring about a SHORT TIME of DARKNESS, and the evil empire will think they have WON, and they will COMPLETELY EXPOSE themselves—ALL OF THEM. The LIGHT of My RESCUE will SUDDENLY PIERCE their darkness and SPOIL their victory party. You will see some of their SHOCKED and STUNNED faces, as they are TAKEN AWAY HANDCUFFED and under heavy guard. Once again, a CRUSHING DEFEAT will be the enemy’s PORTION. Those who partnered with darkness will SLAM FACE-FIRST into the ROCK of ALL AGES, and they will receive My JUDGMENT an
May 29, 2024 WISDOM, DIRECTION, AND ENCOURAGEMENT  “When you were BORN AGAIN by the Blood of Jesus, you became a NEW CREATION in Christ. Just like a NATURAL BABY being born, you were just a BABY in LEARNING to live a SPIRITUAL LIFE. The TRANSFORMATION to living a spiritual life is a LIFELONG PROCESS. I have given you spiritual MOTHERS and FATHERS who have taken this journey and can be great RESOURCES for you, as you GOW UP into all I have meant you to be. I have given you My written WORD to NOURISH you with spiritual food that will CHANGE your thinking to ALIGN with My thinking. But the MOST IMPORTANT part of becoming one who is MATURE in spiritual things is the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT. He is the INDWELLING GUIDE who will give you WISDOM, DIRECTION, AND ENCOURAGEMENT for your life. Did you know that Holy Spirit is a CONSTANT RIVER of LIFE FLOWING in your spirit? If you will ASK to be made SENSITIVE to this FLOW in your life, I will GLADLY ANSWER that request. Learn to TUNE to the FLOW
 A LEGAL DOCUMENT FOR PRESENTING TO THE COURTS OF HEAVEN, by Sara P. Here is the document I mentioned in the video “Fire and Fury Will Now be Seen” IN THE COURTROOM OF THE 3 RD  HEAVEN THE HIGHEST COURT   THE KINGDOM OF GOD, ​ ​ ​ ​ ) AND ALL INHABITANTS ON EARTH, ​ ​ ) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ) ​ ​ Petitioners, ​ ​ ​ ) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ) vs . ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ) ​ Case No. Psalm 91 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ) SATAN, and ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ) THE ARMY OF DARKNESS, et al ., ​ ​ ) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ) ​ ​ Respondents. ​ ​ ​ )   PETITION   Come now Petitioners, by and through their attorney, Jesus Christ, and for their cause of action, states and avers to the Court as follows: Petitioners are children of the God of the Universe, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and citizens of the Kingdom of God, authorized to fulfill and do business on earth as it is in Heaven. 1.  Respondents are citizens of hell and darkness. 2.  That on or about the last week of January, 2020, Satan and his workers of iniquity, lies, destruction and evil plotted a
 ACTION ITEMS: Video "FIRE AND FURY WILL NOW BE SEEN" May 28, 2024 ACTION ITEMS: *He asks us if we will join Him on the battlefield and fight with faith, declarations, our authority, and worship. *When the fire and fury of Heaven comes against the wicked, we are not to offer those around us “I told you so.” Instead, offer hope in His powerful Rescue Operation and His promises for a future of peace and plenty. *If we have asked for the eyes of our spirit to be opened, we won’t see just chaos, we will see His plans unfolding. Come near to His heart so that He can show you what He is doing and what the enemy is doing. We support what He is doing with our prayers, and we oppose what the enemy is doing with our authority. Don’t act with suspicion when the Holy Spirit moves in ways that are new to us. The Spirit will come as fire, wind, and water. The Father will freely give us discernment if we ask for it. We must be willing to lay aside preconceived ideas and bad teachings
  May 28, 2024 PAY ATTENTION TO SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE It seemed like I was interacting with Angels all last night. I was shown little and larger markers set up by the enemy’s camp. The Angel told me that Heaven was monitoring all their secret planning sessions; even though the darkness thought they had scrambled their communications. The Angel told me that the darkness has decided to skip all the small plots and go right to the big ones and begin implementing them. “I AM giving SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE across the spectrum of My PROPHETS, PROPHETIC INTERCESSORS, and COVENANT BELIEVERS. This SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE comes in various formats such as DREAMS, ENCOUNTERS, PROPHETIC WORDS, and a SPIRITUAL ‘KNOWING.’ I want you to PAY ATTENTION TO SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE. It will WEAPONIZE your PRAYERS, DIRECT your AUTHORITY where it will be most EFFECTIVE. SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE is NOT to TICKLE your ears—it is for you to ACT UPON and to help you DEVELOP STRATEGIES to TAKE OUT the enemy’s PLANS.
  May 26, 2024 THE SEARCH “Mankind’s life is all about THE SEARCH. It is THE SEARCH for LOVE—finding someone who LOVES you and discovering someone you can LOVE. It is THE SEARCH for SIGNIFICANCE—living a life that MATTERS and CONTRIBUTES something LASTING to the world. It is THE SEARCH for VALUE—finding things that will TRULY SATISFY your mind and heart. All these SEARCHES will be FULFILLED if you FIND and SURRENDER to My LOVE. The LOVE I offer through My Son and His SACRIFICE on the Cross is a PURE and COMPLETE LOVE. You will NEVER know a GREATER LOVE and when you RECEIVE it, your HEART gains the CAPACITY to LOVE others well. When you are SURRENDERED to My love, then I can show you what your life PURPOSES are. This OPENS UP a life of SIGNIFICANCE and FRUITFULNESS for you, and your life BLESSES the world. I AM the GREATEST VALUE in your life. I AM the TREASURE that SATISFIES and is ETERNAL, never fading, and I will make your life RICH. Don’t fall for the enemy’s COUNTERFEITS for THE SE
  May 25, 2024 TUNE TO MY FREQUENCY “Did you know that you can ASK to be TUNED TO MY FREQUENCY—Heaven’s FREQUENCY? My frequencies are always PEACE, POWER, JOY, and REST. If you find yourself STRESSED, ANXIOUS, FEARFUL, and DREADING the FUTURE, you must realize that you are NOT TUNED to My FREQUENCY. You are living out of the EARTHBOUND FREQUENCIES of human reasoning and picking up the FREQUENCIES of the EVIL EMPIRE that has DOMINATED your airwaves. One of the STUNNING and very POWERFUL BENEFITS of being a BLOOD-BOUGHT Son or Daughter is that you are given the ability to be SEATED WITH CHRIST in the HEAVENLY PLACES. This means you VIEW things from Heaven’s PERSPECTIVE and live out of My HEART and My VISION. This gives you a BRAVE HEART that sees that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE for Me. You can face the FUTURE with CONFIDENCE knowing that My plans are POWERFUL and that I will SHOW you how you are to RESPOND and what you are TO DO. Making decisions from My PEACE and POWER will bring great FRUIT