Notes from My Travels Quotes by Angelina Jolie

Notes from My Travels Quotes

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Notes from My Travels: Visits with Refugees in Africa, Cambodia, Pakistan and Ecuador Notes from My Travels: Visits with Refugees in Africa, Cambodia, Pakistan and Ecuador by Angelina Jolie
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Notes from My Travels Quotes Showing 1-2 of 2
“What decides where we are born and into what kind of life and why?”
Angelina Jolie, Notes from My Travels: Visits with Refugees in Africa, Cambodia, Pakistan and Ecuador
“I am tired of crying and feeling so helpless. I want to breathe again-just for a little while. Then I will do whatever I can to help these people. How could I not-once I met them, once I saw for myself.”
Angelina Jolie, Notes from My Travels: Visits with Refugees in Africa, Cambodia, Pakistan and Ecuador