The Meaning Behind The Song: Feelin' Stronger Every Day by Chicago - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Feelin’ Stronger Every Day by Chicago

The Symbolic Power of “Feelin’ Stronger Every Day” by Chicago

When it comes to iconic rock bands, Chicago is undoubtedly at the top of the list. Having achieved unparalleled success in the 1970s, the band continues to resonate with audiences across generations even today. One of their most emblematic songs, “Feelin’ Stronger Every Day,” has stood the test of time as a symbol of resilience, perseverance, and hope. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the meaning behind the song’s lyrics and explore why it continues to inspire so many people.

The Birth of a Classic

“Feelin’ Stronger Every Day” was written by James Pankow and Peter Cetera of Chicago while they were on tour in 1972. The song was later included in the album “Chicago VI,” which was released in the same year. While the lyrics are relatively simple, they pack a powerful punch. The song is an anthem to those who have experienced setbacks, losses, and difficulties but have managed to overcome them and emerge stronger on the other side.

The Lyrics: A Message of Resilience

The opening lines of “Feelin’ Stronger Every Day” provide a glimpse into the song’s message: “I do believe in you / And I know you believe in me.” The song is a statement of support, a message of encouragement, and an acknowledgment of the power of human connection. Throughout the song, the lyrics speak to the idea of overcoming adversity, and how it can be done by staying focused, grounded and positive.

Some of the most memorable lyrics from the song include:

  • “I’ve been lost in the middle of my own way / And I’m trying to find the words to say / I’m feeling better every day / And if I put my mind to it, I know I can find the way.”
  • “I was feeling so bad / I asked my family doctor just what I had / I said, ‘Doctor, doctor, Mr M.D. / Can you tell me what’s ailing me?'”
  • “When I think of the sorrow that you brought me / I cry / And the tears just won’t go away / No, they just don’t go away.”

The Song’s Legacy

Since its release in 1972, “Feelin’ Stronger Every Day” has become a staple of Chicago’s live performances and has been covered by many other artists. The song’s popularity is partly due to its upbeat rhythm, which makes it incredibly catchy and easy to sing along to. But more than that, the song’s message of resilience has struck a chord with audiences worldwide. It has become a symbol of hope and empowerment, inspiring countless people to keep moving forward in the face of adversity.

Final Thoughts

“Feelin’ Stronger Every Day” is a testament to the enduring power of music and its ability to convey universal emotions and experiences. The song has remained a beacon of hope and strength for millions of people across the globe, and its legacy shows no signs of fading anytime soon. As long as people continue to face challenges and setbacks, they will always turn to songs like this one for inspiration and motivation.

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