43 Facts about the movie Battle of the Bulge - Facts.net
Merrile Mccready

Written by Merrile Mccready

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Pbs.org

The movie Battle of the Bulge is a classic war film that depicts one of the most impactful battles of World War II. Released in 1965, this epic historical drama directed by Ken Annakin offers a thrilling portrayal of the infamous Battle of the Bulge. With a star-studded cast, including Henry Fonda, Robert Shaw, and Telly Savalas, the movie brings to life the intense struggle between Allied forces and the German army during the winter of 1944.

In this article, we will take a closer look at Battle of the Bulge, delving into 43 fascinating facts about the film. From behind-the-scenes anecdotes and historical accuracy to the cast’s preparation and the film’s reception, this comprehensive list of facts will provide an entertaining and informative insight into the making of this remarkable war movie.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Battle of the Bulge” is a classic war film from 1965, featuring intense battle scenes and an all-star cast, despite facing historical inaccuracies and mixed reviews.
  • The movie highlights the resilience and sacrifices of soldiers during World War II, while also exploring the complexities and human cost of war.
Table of Contents

The movie Battle of the Bulge is a 1965 war film

The movie Battle of the Bulge is a 1965 war film that depicts the Battle of the Bulge, a significant World War II battle fought between the Allied and Axis forces in the Ardennes region of Belgium.

It was directed by Ken Annakin

Ken Annakin directed the movie Battle of the Bulge. He is known for his expertise in directing epic war films.

The film boasts an all-star cast

The movie Battle of the Bulge features an all-star cast, including Henry Fonda, Robert Shaw, Robert Ryan, and Telly Savalas.

It was a box office success

Despite receiving mixed reviews from critics, the movie Battle of the Bulge was a box office success, grossing over million worldwide.

The battle scenes were meticulously recreated

The battle scenes in the movie were meticulously recreated to capture the intensity and chaos of the real Battle of the Bulge. The filmmakers utilized a large number of tanks and extras to bring the scenes to life.

The film’s budget was over $10 million

The movie Battle of the Bulge had a significant budget of over $10 million, making it one of the most expensive films of its time.

Many of the tanks used in the film were authentic

To ensure authenticity, the filmmakers obtained and used several authentic World War II tanks during the production of the movie.

The movie faced historical inaccuracies

While the film aimed to depict the Battle of the Bulge accurately, it faced criticism for several historical inaccuracies and creative liberties taken with the events and characters.

The movie features intense action sequences

Battle of the Bulge showcases intense and gripping action sequences, including tank battles and infantry combat scenes.

The film’s score was composed by Benjamin Frankel

Renowned composer Benjamin Frankel composed the score for the movie Battle of the Bulge, providing a powerful and emotive musical backdrop to the film.

Battle of the Bulge was shot in Spain

To recreate the European setting of the Battle of the Bulge, the film was shot in various locations in Spain, which provided similar landscapes and architecture.

The movie was released in Technicolor

Battle of the Bulge was released in Technicolor, a revolutionary color technology at the time that enhanced the visual impact of the film.

The film depicts the German offensive during the battle

Battle of the Bulge primarily focuses on the German offensive during the Battle of the Bulge and portrays the strategic decisions and military tactics employed by the German forces.

Several real-life veterans served as advisors

To ensure accuracy and authenticity, several World War II veterans who participated in the Battle of the Bulge served as advisors during the production of the film.

The movie depicts the importance of intelligence in warfare

Battle of the Bulge highlights the crucial role of intelligence in warfare, depicting the efforts made by the Allied forces to gather information and outsmart the German forces.

The film’s release was controversial in Germany

Upon its release, Battle of the Bulge faced controversy in Germany due to its portrayal of the German military and its historical inaccuracies.

The movie received an Academy Award nomination

Despite its mixed critical reception, Battle of the Bulge received a nomination for Best Sound Effects at the 38th Academy Awards in 1966.

Battle of the Bulge inspired other war films

The movie served as inspiration for future war films due to its large-scale battle sequences and ambitious storytelling.

The film showcases the hardships faced by soldiers

Battle of the Bulge depicts the harsh weather conditions and difficult terrain that soldiers had to endure during the Battle of the Bulge.

The movie portrays the determination of the Allied forces

The film highlights the unwavering determination and courage displayed by the Allied forces in their fight against the German offensive.

Battle of the Bulge features thrilling aerial combat scenes

The movie includes thrilling aerial combat scenes, showcasing the dogfights between Allied and German planes during the battle.

The film’s production faced logistical challenges

Due to the large-scale nature of the film, the production of Battle of the Bulge faced numerous logistical challenges, including coordinating the movement of tanks and managing the extensive cast and crew.

Battle of the Bulge was released during the peak of the Cold War

The film’s release in 1965 coincided with the height of the Cold War, adding a layer of political and historical significance to its thematic exploration of World War II.

The movie’s runtime is approximately 2 hours and 47 minutes

Battle of the Bulge has a runtime of approximately 2 hours and 47 minutes, allowing for a comprehensive portrayal of the battle and its aftermath.

The film’s screenplay was written by Philip Yordan

The screenplay for Battle of the Bulge was written by Philip Yordan, who adapted the story from a treatment by Milton Sperling.

Battle of the Bulge was released in Cinerama

The film was released in the Cinerama format, which provided a widescreen and immersive viewing experience for audiences.

The movie explores the human cost of war

Battle of the Bulge delves into the human cost of war, depicting the personal sacrifices and tragedies experienced by soldiers and civilians alike.

The film’s release coincided with the Vietnam War

Released during the era of the Vietnam War, Battle of the Bulge served as a reminder of the sacrifices made by soldiers throughout history.

The movie’s title refers to the battle’s nickname

The title “Battle of the Bulge” refers to the battle’s popular nickname, which originated from the bulge-like shape of the German offensive on the Allied front lines.

Battle of the Bulge features high-stakes confrontations

The movie showcases high-stakes confrontations between the Allied and German forces, portraying the strategic maneuvering and intense clashes that characterized the Battle of the Bulge.

The film features memorable performances

Battle of the Bulge boasts memorable performances from its cast, with Henry Fonda delivering a standout portrayal as a determined Allied officer.

The movie emphasizes the importance of teamwork

Battle of the Bulge emphasizes the significance of teamwork in warfare, showcasing the coordination and cooperation required to achieve victory in the face of overwhelming odds.

The film’s release was accompanied by a novelization

As is often the case with major film releases, Battle of the Bulge was accompanied by a novelization, allowing audiences to further immerse themselves in the story.

Battle of the Bulge received mixed critical reviews

Upon its release, the film received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising its spectacle, while others criticized its historical inaccuracies.

The movie’s cinematography captures the scope of the battle

The cinematography in Battle of the Bulge is masterfully executed, capturing the vastness and chaos of the battle, as well as the human emotions at play.

The film draws parallels to contemporary conflicts

Despite its World War II setting, Battle of the Bulge draws parallels to contemporary conflicts, exploring themes of resilience, sacrifice, and the complexities of war.

The movie underwent extensive editing

The production team put considerable effort into editing Battle of the Bulge, ensuring the film flowed smoothly and maintained a gripping pace.

Battle of the Bulge received recognition for its special effects

The film was praised for its impressive special effects, particularly in the depiction of explosive battle scenes and the recreation of war-torn landscapes.

The movie’s release contributed to the popularity of war films

Battle of the Bulge, along with other war films released during the same era, contributed to the popularity and enduring appeal of the genre.

The film showcases the resilience of the human spirit

One of the main themes of Battle of the Bulge is the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity, highlighting the determination and courage displayed by both soldiers and civilians during wartime.

The movie is a testament to the sacrifices made during the war

Battle of the Bulge serves as a testament to the sacrifices made by soldiers and civilians alike during World War II, honoring their bravery and the monumental impact of the conflict.

The film explores the complexities of war

Battle of the Bulge delves into the complexities of war, raising thought-provoking questions about tactics, morality, and the human cost of conflict.

Battle of the Bulge remains a classic war film

Over the years, Battle of the Bulge has become a classic war film, remembered for its gripping battle sequences, stellar performances, and enduring exploration of the Battle of the Bulge.


Overall, Battle of the Bulge is a remarkable war movie that showcases the intensity, bravery, and sacrifices of the soldiers who fought in one of the most significant battles of World War II. With its stellar cast, stunning visuals, and gripping storytelling, the film has become a classic in the genre, capturing the attention and admiration of audiences for decades.

From its accurate portrayal of historical events to its suspenseful and action-packed sequences, Battle of the Bulge continues to be a favorite among movie enthusiasts and war history buffs alike. Whether you are a fan of war movies or simply interested in learning more about the events of World War II, Battle of the Bulge is a must-watch film that will leave you captivated from start to finish.


Q: Is Battle of the Bulge based on a true story?

A: Yes, Battle of the Bulge is based on the real events that took place during the Battle of the Bulge, which was a major offensive campaign fought by the Allied forces against the German army in 1944.

Q: Who are the main stars of the movie?

A: The movie features a stellar cast including Henry Fonda, Robert Shaw, and Robert Ryan in the lead roles.

Q: Is the movie historically accurate?

A: While the movie captures the essence of the Battle of the Bulge, some aspects have been fictionalized for dramatic effect. However, the filmmakers made efforts to stay true to the overall events and context of the battle.

Q: When was Battle of the Bulge released?

A: Battle of the Bulge was released in 1965.

Q: What makes Battle of the Bulge different from other war movies?

A: Battle of the Bulge stands out for its large-scale action sequences and its focus on the strategic and tactical aspects of the battle. The film also delves into the personal stories and struggles of the soldiers involved.

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