How to Reset Your Windows 10 Tablet without a Keyboard - TechYouLike

How to Reset Your Windows 10 Tablet without a Keyboard

If you own a Windows 10 tablet without a physical keyboard, you may find yourself wondering how to reset the device without the traditional keyboard shortcuts. While the lack of a physical keyboard may seem like a hindrance in performing certain tasks, resetting your Windows 10 tablet is still possible. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to reset your Windows 10 tablet without a keyboard, ensuring that you can restore your device to its original settings and resolve any issues you may be experiencing.

Resetting your Windows 10 tablet can be a useful troubleshooting step if you encounter problems with your device’s performance or if you simply want to start fresh. By resetting the tablet, you can remove any unnecessary applications, settings, or files that may be causing issues or slowing down your device. Whether you misplaced your keyboard or your tablet doesn’t come with one in the first place, rest assured that resetting your Windows 10 tablet is still within reach, and we will show you how to accomplish it in the following sections.

Using The “Reset” Feature In Windows 10 Settings

The “Reset” feature in Windows 10 settings allows you to easily reset your tablet without the need of a keyboard. This method is straightforward and can help resolve various issues you may be facing with your Windows 10 tablet.

To begin, go to the Start menu and click on the Settings gear icon. Within the Settings menu, locate and click on the “Update & Security” option. In the left-hand menu, select the “Recovery” tab.

Under the “Reset this PC” section, click on the “Get started” button. A new window will appear, giving you the option to either keep your files or remove everything. Choose the option that suits your needs.

Next, you will be given the choice to perform a cloud-based reset or a locally initiated reset. If you have a stable internet connection, opting for a cloud-based reset can be faster and more convenient.

After making your selection, Windows will guide you through the reset process step by step. Depending on the speed and performance of your tablet, this process may take some time.

Overall, using the “Reset” feature in Windows 10 settings is an efficient and accessible way to reset your tablet without the need of a keyboard.

Accessing The Advanced Startup Options Menu For Reset

Accessing the Advanced Startup Options menu is a crucial method for resetting your Windows 10 tablet without a keyboard. This menu provides various boot options, including the ability to perform a reset. To access the menu, start by turning off your tablet.

Once your tablet is powered off, press and hold the volume up button (if your tablet has physical buttons) or the power button and volume up button simultaneously (if your tablet doesn’t have physical buttons). Keep holding the buttons until you see the device manufacturer logo or the Windows logo appear on the screen.

When the Advanced Startup Options menu appears, use the on-screen touch gestures to navigate through the options. Look for the “Troubleshoot” or “Reset this PC” option and tap on it. From there, select the “Remove everything” or “Keep my files” option, depending on your preference.

Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the reset process. Be aware that resetting your tablet will remove all personal files and apps, so it’s crucial to back up any important data beforehand.

Resetting Your Windows 10 Tablet Using A Recovery Drive

Resetting your Windows 10 tablet using a recovery drive is a reliable method to restore your device to its original settings. A recovery drive is a USB drive that contains a bootable version of Windows 10, which allows you to access advanced recovery options.

To begin the process, you will need to create a recovery drive using a separate computer. Connect a USB drive with at least 8GB of storage, type “recovery drive” in the Windows search bar, and click on the “Create a recovery drive” option. Follow the instructions provided, and Windows will create the recovery drive for you.

Once you have the recovery drive ready, connect it to your Windows 10 tablet and restart the device. Enter the BIOS menu by repeatedly pressing a specific key during startup (usually F12 or Esc), and change the boot priority order to prioritize the USB drive.

After the tablet boots from the recovery drive, you will be presented with a range of options to troubleshoot and reset your device. Select the appropriate reset option, follow the on-screen instructions, and wait for Windows 10 to complete the reset process.

Resetting your Windows 10 tablet using a recovery drive can be a lifesaver when your device encounters major software issues, ensuring a fresh start and improved performance.

Performing A Factory Reset Through The Windows Recovery Environment

Performing a factory reset through the Windows Recovery Environment is a great option if you are unable to access the Windows 10 settings or the Advanced Startup Options menu. This method allows you to restore your Windows 10 tablet to its original factory settings, removing all personal files and installed applications.

To perform a factory reset through the Windows Recovery Environment, start by shutting down your tablet. Then, press and hold the Volume Up button and the Power button simultaneously until the tablet powers on. Once the Windows logo appears, release the Power button but continue holding the Volume Up button until the Recovery Environment menu appears.

In the Recovery Environment menu, select the “Troubleshoot” option followed by “Reset this PC.” You will have the option to either keep or remove your personal files during the reset process. Choose the appropriate option based on your preferences and follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the factory reset.

It is important to note that performing a factory reset through the Windows Recovery Environment will erase all data on your tablet, so it is essential to back up any important files before proceeding.

Using A Touchscreen Input To Navigate The Reset Process

Navigating the reset process on a Windows 10 tablet without a keyboard can be a bit challenging, but with the use of a touchscreen input, it becomes much easier. To begin, access the Windows 10 settings by swiping in from the right edge of the screen and tapping on the “Settings” icon. From there, locate and tap on the “Update & Security” option.

Next, tap on the “Recovery” tab on the left-hand side of the screen. Here, you will find the option to reset your tablet. Tap on the “Get started” button under the “Reset this PC” section.

You will now be prompted to choose between two options, namely, “Keep my files” and “Remove everything.” Select the option that suits your needs and follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the reset.

Throughout the reset process, you may need to tap on various options and confirm your choices by tapping on buttons or checkboxes. Make sure to read each prompt carefully to avoid any accidental data loss.

By utilizing the touchscreen on your Windows 10 tablet, you can easily navigate the reset process without the need for an external keyboard.

Troubleshooting Common Issues During The Reset Process

During the reset process of your Windows 10 tablet, you may encounter some common issues that can hinder the reset or cause unexpected problems. It is important to be aware of these issues and how to troubleshoot them effectively.

One common issue is the tablet freezing or becoming unresponsive during the reset. In this case, you can try performing a forced restart by holding down the power button for a few seconds until the device shuts off, then turning it back on. If the freezing persists, you may need to seek further assistance from technical support.

Another issue you may come across is a missing or corrupted system file. This can prevent the reset process from completing successfully. To address this, you can use the Windows 10 installation media or recovery drive to repair or reinstall the operating system.

Additionally, if you receive error messages indicating that the reset could not be completed, you can try performing a startup repair using the Advanced Startup Options menu. This option can help diagnose and fix any issues that are preventing the reset.

By being aware of these common issues and their troubleshooting steps, you can overcome obstacles that may arise during the reset process of your Windows 10 tablet.


1. How can I reset my Windows 10 tablet without a keyboard?

To reset your Windows 10 tablet without a keyboard, you can follow these steps: navigate to the Start menu, open the Settings app, go to “Update & Security,” choose “Recovery,” and then click on “Get started” under the “Reset this PC” option.

2. Will resetting my Windows 10 tablet without a keyboard delete all my files?

Yes, resetting your Windows 10 tablet without a keyboard will erase all your files and reinstall the operating system, returning it to its factory settings. Therefore, it’s important to back up your files before proceeding with the reset.

3. Can I use the touch screen to perform the reset on my Windows 10 tablet?

Yes, you can use the touch screen to navigate through the settings and perform the reset on your Windows 10 tablet. Ensure that your touch screen is functioning properly before attempting the reset.

4. Are there any alternative methods to reset a Windows 10 tablet without a keyboard?

Yes, if your Windows 10 tablet has a physical volume button, you can also try performing a hard reset. Press and hold the volume up or down button along with the power button until the device restarts and the recovery options appear.

5. Will resetting my Windows 10 tablet improve its performance?

Resetting your Windows 10 tablet can help improve its performance by removing unnecessary files and settings that may be affecting its speed. However, keep in mind that it will also remove all your installed apps, so you may need to reinstall them after the reset.


In conclusion, resetting your Windows 10 tablet without a keyboard is a relatively simple process that can be done in just a few steps. By following the instructions provided in this article, you can easily reset your tablet and resolve any software issues that may be affecting its performance. Whether you are experiencing freezing or crashing issues, or simply want to start fresh with a clean slate, performing a reset can help rejuvenate your tablet and improve its overall functionality.

Additionally, it is important to note that resetting your tablet without a keyboard may require some additional steps or alternative methods compared to resetting with a keyboard. However, with the help of touch gestures and the on-screen keyboard, you can successfully reset your Windows 10 tablet and ensure it is functioning optimally. Remember to back up your important files and data before proceeding with the reset, as it will erase all personal data from your tablet. Overall, resetting your Windows 10 tablet without a keyboard is a handy skill to have, and can greatly enhance your tablet’s performance and usability.

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