The Meaning Behind The Song: The Monkey That Became President by Tom T. Hall - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: The Monkey That Became President by Tom T. Hall


The Meaning Behind The Song: The Monkey That Became President by Tom T. Hall

Title The Monkey That Became President
Artist Tom T. Hall
Writer/Composer Tom T. Hall
Album We All Got Together And… (1972)
Release Date 1972
Genre Country
Producer N/A

The Message Behind the Song

The Monkey That Became President by Tom T. Hall is a thought-provoking country song released in 1972 as part of the album “We All Got Together And…”. The lyrics tell the story of an unexpected turn of events where a seemingly average monkey defies expectations and becomes an influential figure in society.

From the opening verse, the song captures the surprise and disbelief that surround the monkey’s entry into the world. The lyrics describe his physical appearance and the initial assumption that he lacks intelligence. However, as the song progresses, it becomes clear that appearances can be deceiving.

The monkey’s intelligence and abilities astonish everyone, as he learns to walk, talk, and even read books. The media, politicians, and the public are captivated by this extraordinary creature. His insight, charm, and philosophical fairness make him universally admired, transcending political and social divides. The lyrics emphasize how he is welcomed everywhere and even makes appearances on popular TV shows like “the Carson show.”

The contrasting reactions of different groups highlight the unusual nature of the monkey’s rise to power. Conservatives appreciate his wit and ideas, while liberals also find themselves drawn to his charm. Even the bigots and integrationists are united in their support for him. The song emphasizes his invincibility in political debates, with no one daring to challenge him openly. Eventually, he is nominated as President, bringing peace and harmony throughout the universe.

Personal Connection to the Song

Personally, “The Monkey That Became President” has always been a fascinating song to me. Growing up, I was exposed to various political discussions, and this song served as a satirical commentary on the state of politics. It made me reflect on the surreal nature of political scenarios and how unexpected outcomes can sometimes arise.

The clever lyrics and catchy melody of the song have made it a favorite of mine. It offers a tongue-in-cheek critique of political systems and the flaws within society. The monkey’s rise to power symbolizes the potential for unexpected leaders who challenge conventional thinking and bring about positive change.

The Song’s Relevance Today

Despite being released almost five decades ago, “The Monkey That Became President” continues to resonate with audiences today. In an era where political disillusionment and skepticism are prevalent, the song serves as a reminder that change can come from unexpected sources. It questions the qualities we value in leaders and challenges us to reflect on the state of our own political landscape.

Furthermore, the song also serves as a critique of blind allegiance and the dangers of placing too much trust in political figures. It challenges listeners to question the intentions and actions of those who hold positions of power.

In conclusion, “The Monkey That Became President” by Tom T. Hall is a timeless song that offers a satirical take on politics and society. Its thought-provoking message encourages contemplation and highlights the need to scrutinize those in power. As a personal favorite, it reminds me to approach political situations with a critical eye and seek unconventional solutions in today’s complex world.

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