Chapter 12 Memoirs - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Walkthrough & Guide - GameFAQs
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by CyricZ

Table of Contents

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Guide and Walkthrough (PS5) by CyricZ

Version: 1.4 | Updated: 05/09/2024
FAQ of the Month Winner: March 2024

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. FAQ
  3. The Basics
    1. Basic Controls
    2. Menus
    3. Hints and Tips
  4. Exploring the World
    1. Isezaki Ijincho, Yokohama
    2. Honolulu, Hawaii
    3. Kamurocho, Tokyo
    4. Important Characters
    5. Glossary of Terms
  5. RPG Mechanics
    1. Combat
    2. Party Members and Skills
    3. The Job System at a Glance
    4. Exclusive Jobs
    5. The Dragon of Dojima
    6. Male Jobs
    7. Female Jobs
    8. Personality and Bonds
    9. Poundmates
  6. Story Walkthrough
    1. Chapter 1: Doin' the Best I Can
    2. Chapter 2: Paradise, Hawaiian Style
    3. Chapter 3: The Fool
    4. Chapter 4: In the Ghetto
    5. Chapter 5: Suspicious Minds
    6. Chapter 6: Puppet on a String
    7. Chapter 7: Trouble
    8. Chapter 8: Return to Sender
    9. Chapter 9: Hard Headed Woman
    10. Chapter 10: Don't Be Cruel
    11. Chapter 11: Devil in Disguise
    12. Chapter 12: For Ol' Times Sake
    13. Chapter 13: Promised Land
    14. Finale: If I Can Dream
  7. Substories
    1. Chapter 1 Substories
    2. Chapter 2 Substories
    3. Chapter 3 Substories
    4. Chapter 4 Substories
    5. Chapter 5 Substories
    6. Chapter 6 Substories
    7. Chapter 9 Substories
    8. Romance Substories
  8. The Bucket List (Mid Game Spoilers)
    1. Chapter 8 Memoirs
    2. Chapter 12 Memoirs
    3. Finale Memoirs
  9. Dondoko Island
    1. Dondoko Tips
    2. DIY Furnishing and Lodging
    3. Dokopedia and Souvenirs
    4. Guest List
    5. Dondoko Farm
  10. Sujimon League
    1. Suji Stops and Gacha Dispensers
    2. Sujimon Dossier 1-50
    3. Sujimon Dossier 51-100
    4. Sujimon Dossier 101-150
    5. Raids and Rivals
    6. The Discreet Four
    7. Sujimon Stadium
  11. Sujidex
    1. Sujimon 001 - 040
    2. Sujimon 041 - 082
    3. Sujimon 083 - 123
    4. Sujimon 124 - 163
    5. Sujimon 164 - 203
    6. Sujimon 204 - 242
    7. Sujimon 243 - 281
    8. Sujimon 282 - 317 (SPOILERS)
  12. City Exploration
    1. Aloha Links
    2. Crown Enemies in Town
    3. Food Bonuses
    4. Honk-Honk
    5. Kamulop Fortunes
    6. Party Chat, Walk & Talk, Table Talk
    7. Photo Rally
    8. Recycling Center
    9. Safes and Containers
  13. Dungeons
    1. Hawaiian Haunt
    2. Yokohama Underground
    3. The Big Swell (Post-game DLC)
  14. Arcade Games
    1. SEGA Bass Fishing
    2. SpikeOut
    3. UFO Catcher
    4. Virtua Fighter 3tb
  15. Gambling Games
    1. Blackjack
    2. Koi-koi
    3. Oicho-kabu
    4. Poker
  16. Minigames
    1. Batting Center
    2. Can Quest
    3. Crazy Delivery
    4. Darts
    5. Golf Center
    6. Karaoke
    7. Mahjong
    8. Miss Match
    9. Ounabara Vocational School
    10. Shogi
    11. Sicko Snap
  17. Items
    1. Recovery, Status, Battle and Growth
    2. Materials and Sujimon Items
    3. CDs, Street Surfer, Gifts, and Other Items
  18. Equipment
    1. Weapons
    2. Protective Gear
    3. Julie's Gearworks
  19. Completion
    1. Personality Challenges
    2. Unfinished Business (Mid Game Spoilers)
    3. Trophies and Achievements
    4. New Game Plus and Premium Adventure
    5. DLC
  20. Standard Guide Stuff

The Bucket List (Mid Game Spoilers)

Chapter 12 Memoirs

Yokohama Memoirs

#35 - Names and Faces

This is found in Survive Bar. Speak to the Bartender. This unlocks him both as a Poundmate and a Guest at Dondoko.

#36 - Shooting for the Stars

This unlocks for access after completing "Will the Stars Shine Again?" below. Go to the Bar District, head up the stairs on the side of the river to the upper level of bars and approach the one marked: "Ginsharin".

Kamurocho Memoirs

#37 - Thank You Very Michi!

This is part of the story and cannot be missed. You get a Tiger Belt at the end of it.

#39 - Will the Stars Shine Again?

Another memoir that's part of the story and cannot be missed.

#40 - x4 Shine!

This unlocks after completing "Shooting for the Stars". Go to the marked spot northeast of the Millennium Tower. You'll fight three Level 40 dudes. You'll get an Ecstasy Rope as a reward. This will also unlock Yuki & Koyuki as Poundmates and Dondoko Guests.

  1. CyricZ started writing to get all the thoughts in his head about video games onto paper and it got out of hand.

    If you're looking for other guides by him, you can search the Yakuza series or the LEGO series on GameFAQs.