The 150+ Best Post-Rock Bands, Ranked

Updated May 1, 2024 64.8K views 186 items
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8.4K votes
1.4K voters

In the realm of experimental music, there's something truly unique and captivating about post-rock, a genre that dares to break traditional boundaries and move beyond familiar auditory landscapes. Home to some of the most innovative artists in history, post-rock thrives on unconventional song structures. It is often characterized by the integration of various genres and an avant-garde approach to instrumentation. Indeed, this genre inspires a profound appreciation for the expansive nature and limitless possibilities of music. 

Post-rock is a testament to artistic liberty, establishing a sanctuary for musicians who seek to venture beyond traditional rock paradigms. The best post-rock bands have left an indelible impression on the music scene, creating a milieu distinguished by songs with non-mainstream appeal and sophisticated musical complexity. It's not merely about popularity or chart-topping hits; it's about creative innovation and the ability to craft masterpieces that reshape our understanding of what music can truly embody. 

Take, for instance, the likes of Godspeed You! Black Emperor, This Will Destroy You, and Mogwai. Each of these post-rock bands has been instrumental in defining the genre, showcasing their genuine talent for experimental sound design. With powerful compositions such as This Will Destroy You's self-titled album,  Mogwai's Young Team, or any number of albums by Godspeed You! Black Emperor, these artists redefine musical parameters, consistently delivering unparalleled auditory experiences. They are luminary figures in the vast constellation of post-rock artists, playing a pivotal role in shaping the genre's distinctive aesthetic. 

As we explore the depth and breadth of post-rock music, it's clear that it is not just a genre, but also a sonic revolution. From the beautifully intricate soundscapes painted by Godspeed You! Black Emperor to the ethereal melodies of Mogwai, post-rock captivates with its idiosyncratic charm and distinctive musical language. As we immerse ourselves in the creative genius of these post-rock bands, we find inspiration in their audacious experimentation and unabashed originality. Undoubtedly, these artists stand as beacons within the post-rock domain, illuminating the way for fellow musicians and listeners alike. 

  • Godspeed You! Black Emperor is a seminal post-rock band that has consistently reinvented the sonic landscape with their expansive, dense, and emotionally charged sound since the mid-90s. As the torchbearers of the genre's political and experimental ethos, they truly embody the spirit of post-rock with their unique blend of orchestral arrangements, apocalyptic soundscapes, and spoken-word samples. The Montreal collective's continuous challenge of the status quo has resulted in numerous genre-defining albums like F#A#∞Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven, and Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend! Their unparalleled influence on the world of post-rock and their unwavering commitment to pushing boundaries makes them the epitome of the genre.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Godspeed You! Black Emperor
      - "Storm"
      - "Mladic"
      - "East Hastings"

    Dive Into Godspeed You! Black Emperor's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "She Dreamt She Was a Bulldozer, She Dreamt She Was Alone in an Empty Field"
      - "Piss Crowns are Trebled"

  • Mogwai
    279 votes

    As one of the pioneering forces behind post-rock, Scottish outfit Mogwai has long been synonymous with the genre's penchant for cinematic soundscapes and emotive instrumental stories. With a career spanning over two decades and an ever-evolving sound, they've never shied away from experimentation, relentlessly pushing the boundaries of post-rock while maintaining a keen sense of melody and atmosphere. Albums such as Young TeamCome On Die Young, and Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will serve as testaments to their ability to seamlessly merge crushing walls of sound with moments of quiet introspection. Mogwai's enduring influence has inspired countless bands in the genre, solidifying their legendary status in the world of post-rock.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Mogwai
      - "Hunted By a Freak"
      - "Auto Rock"
      - "2 Rights Make 1 Wrong"

    Dive Into Mogwai's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Yes! I am a Long Way from Home"
      - "Hexon Bogon"

  • Sigur Rós
    253 votes

    Icelandic artists Sigur Rós have long captivated listeners with their magical, ethereal sound that transcends conventional post-rock parameters. Employing a unique blend of lush orchestration, expansive guitar textures, and Jónsi Birgisson's otherworldly falsetto vocals, the band weaves intricate sonic tapestries that are at once hauntingly beautiful and deeply emotive. Their groundbreaking albums such as Ágætis byrjun( ), and Takk... showcase their ability to effortlessly transport listeners to faraway realms with their enchanting, ambient soundscapes. Sigur Rós's unparalleled artistry and innovative approach to post-rock have made them a beacon of inspiration for countless musicians and fans alike.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Sigur Rós
      - "Hoppípolla"
      - "Svefn  -g  -englar"
      - "Starálfur"

    Dive Into Sigur Rós's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Rafstraumur"
      - "E  -bow"

  • Hailing from Texas, This Will Destroy You is a post-rock powerhouse that explores the delicate balance between beauty and devastation. The band's masterful manipulation of dynamics, from subdued, ethereal melodies to awe-inspiring, crushing crescendos, has carved a distinct niche for them in the genre. Albums like Young Mountain and This Will Destroy You showcase their innate ability to blend intricate textures and emotive guitar work with meticulously crafted compositions that evoke a sense of longing, triumph, and despair. This Will Destroy You's emotional depth and refined musicianship place them firmly among post-rock's most iconic acts.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From This Will Destroy You
      - "Quiet"
      - "The Mighty Rio Grande"
      - "They Move on Tracks of Never  -Ending Light"

    Dive Into This Will Destroy You's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "A Three  -Legged Workhorse"
      - "There Are Some Remedies Worse Than the Disease"

  • Texas-based quartet Explosions in the Sky have been crafting cinematic, emotionally resonant post-rock soundscapes for over two decades. Their signature blend of shimmering guitar melodies, intricate drum patterns, and soaring crescendos create a distinct sonic identity that has made them one of the genre's most beloved acts. With seminal albums like Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever and The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place, the band has consistently demonstrated their unparalleled ability to weave intricate narratives through their instrumentation, effectively capturing the essence of post-rock's storytelling power. Explosions in the Sky's emotive soundscapes and keen sense of dynamics continue to resonate with listeners, solidifying their status as post-rock luminaries.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Explosions in the Sky
      - "Your Hand in Mine"
      - "First Breath After Coma"
      - "The Only Moment We Were Alone"

    Dive Into Explosions in the Sky's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Snow and Lights"
      - "Greet Death"

  • Mono
    179 votes

    As one of Japan's most respected and influential post-rock bands, Mono has spent over two decades honing their craft and creating lush, epic soundscapes that blend both classical and rock elements. Their expansive compositions, often characterized by beautiful string arrangements and dramatic crescendos, create a transcendent listening experience that defies genre boundaries. Albums such as Hymn to the Immortal WindRequiem for Hell, and Nowhere Now Here showcase the band's masterful use of tension and release, encapsulating the emotional weight and grandiosity that post-rock is known for. Mono's unique ability to meld disparate influences into a cohesive and powerful sound has earned them a dedicated following and a lasting impact on the genre.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Mono
      - "Halcyon (Beautiful Days)"
      - "Pure as Snow (Trails of the Winter Storm)"
      - "Ashes in the Snow"

    Dive Into Mono's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "A Thousand Paper Cranes"
      - "Life in Mono"

  • If These Trees Could Talk, hailing from Akron, Ohio, have carved out a place in the post-rock world with their intricate, dynamic, and emotionally charged instrumental compositions. Their distinct blend of ambient melodies, heavy riff-based grooves, and evocative atmospheres create an immersive listening experience that's both gripping and cathartic. Albums such as Above the Earth, Below the SkyRed Forest, and The Bones of a Dying World showcase the band's ability to expertly navigate the delicate balance between power and serenity, truly embodying the spirit of post-rock. If These Trees Could Talk's unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of the genre has garnered them acclaim from both critics and fans alike.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From If These Trees Could Talk
      - "Barren Lands of the Modern Dinosaur"
      - "The First Fire"
      - "Berlin"

    Dive Into If These Trees Could Talk's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Malabar Front"
      - "Red Forest"

  • Russian Circles

    Hailing from Chicago, Russian Circles have been pushing the boundaries of post-rock since their formation in 2004. Their complex, rhythmically driven compositions, often featuring heavy, sludgy riffs and intricate guitar work, have earned them a reputation as one of the genre's most inventive acts. With albums like EnterGeneva, and Blood Year, the trio showcases their ability to seamlessly merge elements of post-rock, metal, and ambient music into a singularly captivating sound. Russian Circles' relentless experimentation and deft musicianship continue to push the genre forward, solidifying their status as post-rock innovators.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Russian Circles
      - "Station"
      - "Youngblood"
      - "Mlàdek"

    Dive Into Russian Circles's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "3040"
      - "Micah"

  • God is an Astronaut, an Irish trio formed in 2002, have long been captivating audiences with their evocative, atmospheric brand of post-rock. Their distinct blend of lush ambient textures, driving rhythms, and ethereal melodies creates a cinematic listening experience that transports the listener to otherworldly realms. With critically acclaimed albums like All is Violent, All is BrightFar From Refuge, and Epochs, the band has consistently demonstrated their ability to push the boundaries of post-rock while retaining a coherent and engaging sound. God is an Astronaut's commitment to exploration and innovation within the genre has earned them a dedicated fan base and critical acclaim.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From God is an Astronaut
      - "All Is Violent, All Is Bright"
      - "Fragile"
      - "Echoes"

    Dive Into God is an Astronaut's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Snowfall"
      - "Fall from the Stars"

  • Tortoise
    85 votes

    Tortoise, a Chicago-based quintet, has been at the forefront of post-rock since their inception in the early 90s, crafting intricate and genre-defying compositions that fuse elements of jazz, dub, and experimental rock. Their innovative use of unconventional instrumentation and structures, coupled with a keen focus on rhythm, has established the band as pioneers of the genre and a major influence on future post-rock acts. Seminal albums like Millions Now Living Will Never Die and TNT showcase Tortoise's ability to seamlessly blend disparate musical influences into cohesive, mesmerizing soundscapes. The band's groundbreaking approach to composition and relentless pursuit of innovation continue to push the boundaries of post-rock, solidifying their status as true trailblazers.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Tortoise
      - "Djed"
      - "I Set My Face to the Hillside"
      - "Glass Museum"

    Dive Into Tortoise's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Seneca"
      - "In Sarah, Mencken, Christ and Beethoven There Were Women and Men"

  • 65daysofstatic

    As pioneers of combining electronic and post-rock elements, 65daysofstatic have been reshaping the landscape of the genre since their formation in 2001. Hailing from Sheffield, England, the band's unique fusion of glitchy beats, intricate guitar work, and sprawling soundscapes create a sonic experience that's both immersive and exhilarating. Albums such as The Fall of MathOne Time for All Time, and We Were Exploding Anyway showcase the band's exceptional ability to meld genres while maintaining a distinct identity within the world of post-rock. 65daysofstatic's fearless experimentation and inventive approach to composition have made them a powerful force within the genre, inspiring countless musicians to follow in their footsteps.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From 65daysofstatic
      - "Retreat! Retreat!"
      - "Radio Protector"
      - "Drove Through Ghosts to Get Here"

    Dive Into 65daysofstatic's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Aren't We All Running?"
      - "Prisms"

  • Slint
    86 votes

    As one of the early pioneers of post-rock, Slint's influence on the genre is undeniable. Formed in Louisville, Kentucky in the late 80s, the band's innovative approach to composition, incorporating elements of math rock, noise, and experimental rock, laid the groundwork for many future post-rock acts. Their seminal album Spiderland remains a cornerstone of the genre, showcasing the band's unique blend of sparse, angular guitar work, complex time signatures, and haunting spoken-word vocals. Though their time together was brief, Slint's impact on the world of post-rock has been immeasurable, inspiring countless musicians to explore new sonic territories.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Slint
      - "Good Morning, Captain"
      - "Breadcrumb Trail"
      - "Spiderland"

    Dive Into Slint's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Glenn"
      - "Nosferatu Man"

  • Hammock
    78 votes

    Nashville-based duo Hammock has carved out a niche within the post-rock landscape thanks to their dreamy, ethereal soundscapes that resonate with deep emotional depth. Utilizing layers of ambient textures, reverberant guitar work, and lush string arrangements, the pair weave intricate sonic tapestries that evoke a sense of tranquility and introspection. Albums such as Raising Your Voice...Trying to Stop an EchoDeparture Songs, and Universalis showcase the duo's mastery of blending serene atmospherics with soaring crescendos, capturing the essence of the genre's emotive power. With their immersive sound and keen sense of mood, Hammock has crafted a unique and enchanting post-rock experience that continues to captivate listeners.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Hammock
      - "Cold Front"
      - "I Can Almost See You"
      - "Breathturn"

    Dive Into Hammock's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Wish"
      - "Mono No Aware"

  • Caspian
    108 votes

    Hailing from Massachusetts, Caspian has been consistently pushing the boundaries of post-rock with their expansive and dynamic soundscapes since their formation in 2003. The band's expert manipulation of dynamics and atmosphere, effortlessly transitioning from serene ambient passages to crushing walls of sound, has earned them a devoted fan base and critical acclaim. Albums such as The Four TreesTertia, and Dust and Disquiet showcase Caspian's ability to craft deeply emotive and intricate compositions that reflect the genre's storytelling prowess. The band's relentless pursuit of innovation and growth ensures that they remain a vital force within the post-rock landscape.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Caspian
      - "Some Are White Light"
      - "Hymn for the Greatest Generation"
      - "Darkfield"

    Dive Into Caspian's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Circles on Circles"
      - "Of Foam and Wave"

  • Formed in 1999 as an offshoot of Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Thee Silver Mt. Zion (officially known as Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra) has made a significant impact on the post-rock genre with their unique blend of chamber music, punk, and experimental rock. The Montreal-based collective's use of orchestral arrangements, politically charged lyrics, and unconventional song structures has earned them a reputation as one of the genre's most inventive acts. Albums such as He Has Left Us Alone but Shafts of Light Sometimes Grace the Corner of Our Rooms...Horses in the Sky, and Kollaps Tradixionales showcase the band's ability to push the boundaries of post-rock while maintaining a distinct and evocative sound. Thee Silver Mt. Zion's unwavering commitment to experimentation and innovation cements their status as leaders of the genre.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Thee Silver Mt. Zion
      - "Horses in the sky"
      - "God Bless Our Dead Marines"
      - "BlindBlindBlind"

    Dive Into Thee Silver Mt. Zion's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "13 Angels Standing Guard Round the Side of Your Bed"
      - "Microphones in the Trees"

  • Toronto-based collective Do Make Say Think has spent over two decades redefining the post-rock landscape with their eclectic amalgam of jazz, ambient, and experimental rock influences. Their intricate, multi-layered compositions often showcase a strong emphasis on rhythm and melody, creating an engaging listening experience that defies easy categorization. Albums such as Goodbye Enemy Airship the Landlord is Dead& Yet & Yet, and Stubborn Persistent Illusions highlight the band's exceptional talent for blending diverse musical elements into cohesive and captivating soundscapes. Do Make Say Think's unique sonic vision continues to push the boundaries of post-rock, solidifying their place among the genre's most innovative acts.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Do Make Say Think
      - "Goodbye Enemy Airship"
      - "A Tender History in Rust"
      - "Herstory of Glory"

    Dive Into Do Make Say Think's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Fredericia"
      - "Auberge Le Mouton Noir"

  • The Most Serene Republic

    The Most Serene Republic

    14 votes

    Canadian outfit The Most Serene Republic has been pushing the boundaries of post-rock since their formation in 2003, incorporating elements of indie rock, jazz, and experimental music into their eclectic sound. Their emphasis on lush instrumentation, intricate arrangements, and unconventional song structures has earned them a reputation as one of the genre's most inventive acts. Albums such as Underwater CinematographerPopulation, and And the Ever Expanding Universe highlight the band's ability to seamlessly blend disparate musical elements into captivating and emotive soundscapes. The Most Serene Republic's unique sonic vision and commitment to experimentation have made them a major force within the post-rock landscape.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From The Most Serene Republic
      - "Content Was Always My Favourite Colour"
      - "Proposition 61"
      - "Jelly Chamber"

    Dive Into The Most Serene Republic's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Solipsism Millionaires"
      - "Why So Looking Back"

  • Red Sparowes
    58 votes

    Los Angeles-based quintet Red Sparowes has been crafting captivating post-rock soundscapes since 2003, incorporating elements of ambient, progressive, and experimental rock into their expansive compositions. The band's unique approach to instrumentation, often featuring layers of pedal steel guitar and textured synth work, creates an immersive and atmospheric listening experience. Albums such as At the Soundless Dawn, Every Red Heart Shines Toward the Red Sun, and The Fear is Excruciating, But Therein Lies the Answer showcase Red Sparowes' ability to seamlessly blend heavy riffs with delicate ambient passages, reflecting the genre's penchant for dramatic shifts in mood and intensity. With their innovative sound and evocative storytelling, Red Sparowes has established themselves as a formidable force within the post-rock landscape.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Red Sparowes
      - "Alone and Unaware, the Landscape was Transformed in Front of Our Eyes"
      - "A Message of Avarice Rained Down and Carried Us Away into False Dreams of Endless Riches"
      - "Buildings Began to Stretch Wide Across the Sky, And the Air Filled With A Reddish Glow"

    Dive Into Red Sparowes's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Like the Howling Glory of the Darkest Winds, This Voice Was Thunderous and the Words Holy"
      - "Our Happiest Days Slowly Began to Turn into Dust"

  • Cloudkicker


    18 votes

    Cloudkicker, the solo project of multi-instrumentalist Ben Sharp, has gained a devoted following within the post-rock community thanks to his unique fusion of ambient, progressive, and metal influences. Sharp's expert manipulation of dynamics, intricate guitar work, and powerful drum programming create a diverse sonic palette that defies easy categorization. Albums such as BeaconsFade, and Little Histories showcase the depth and range of Cloudkicker's sound, offering a fresh perspective on the possibilities of instrumental music. With his DIY ethos and commitment to exploring new sonic territories, Ben Sharp has carved out a unique niche for Cloudkicker within the post-rock landscape.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Cloudkicker
      - "Let Yourself Be Huge"
      - "The Discovery"
      - "Explore, Be Curious"

    Dive Into Cloudkicker's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "We're goin' in. We're going down."
      - "Here, wait a minute! Damn it!"

  • Maybeshewill
    62 votes

    Hailing from Leicester, England, Maybeshewill has made a name for themselves within the post-rock genre with their unique fusion of electronic, punk, and instrumental rock elements. The band's intricate compositions often feature glitchy beats, angular guitar riffs, and atmospheric synth work, creating a sound that is both engaging and emotionally resonant. Albums such as Not for Want of TryingI Was Here for a Moment, Then I Was Gone, and Fair Youth showcase the band's exceptional talent for blending diverse musical influences into a singular, cohesive sound that pushes the boundaries of post-rock. Maybeshewill's innovative approach to composition and their relentless pursuit of growth ensure that they remain a vital force within the genre.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Maybeshewill
      - "He Films the Clouds, Pt. 2"
      - "Not for Want of Trying"
      - "Critical Distance"

    Dive Into Maybeshewill's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "The Paris Hilton Sex Tape"
      - "In Another Life, When We Are Cats"

  • The Arcana

    The Arcana

    55 votes

    The Arcana, a British post-rock trio, has been captivating audiences worldwide with their enchanting fusion of orchestral, ambient, and traditional rock elements since 2006. The band's expert manipulation of dynamics and atmospheric textures creates a mesmerizing and immersive sound that pushes the boundaries of post-rock. Albums such as Tomorrow is YesterdayReflections, and Lemon Freddy Phantom of the Sky showcase The Arcana's ability to effortlessly blend diverse musical influences into cohesive and emotive soundscapes. The band's innovative approach to composition and dedication to painting vivid sonic landscapes have earned them a loyal fanbase and critical acclaim within the post-rock community.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From The Arcana
      - "Under the Sun"
      - "Tomorrow is Yesterday"
      - "Wings of the Dove"

    Dive Into The Arcana's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "The Baker"
      - "Love"

  • The Album Leaf

    The Album Leaf, the brainchild of multi-instrumentalist Jimmy LaValle, has made waves in the post-rock scene since its inception in 1998. LaValle's intricate and atmospheric compositions feature a striking blend of electronic, ambient, and instrumental rock elements, resulting in a uniquely captivating sound. Seminal albums such as In a Safe Place, Into the Blue Again, and A Chorus of Storytellers showcase The Album Leaf's distinctive take on post-rock, offering a fresh and innovative perspective on the genre. LaValle's keen sense of melody and atmospheric layering continues to resonate with listeners, solidifying The Album Leaf's place within the post-rock canon.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From The Album Leaf
      - "Thule"
      - "The Light"
      - "See In You"

    Dive Into The Album Leaf's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Always for You"
      - "Window."

  • Pyramids


    11 votes

    Hailing from Denton, Texas, Pyramids have been defying the conventions of post-rock since their establishment in 2008. The band's unique blend of ambient, shoegaze, and experimental rock influences creates a mesmerizing and evocative sonic experience that pushes the limits of the genre. Notable albums such as Pyramids and A Northern Meadow highlight the band's talent for crafting intricate, ethereal soundscapes that seamlessly fuse disparate musical elements. Pyramids' groundbreaking approach to composition and unwavering commitment to experimentation have cemented their status as innovators within the post-rock world.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Pyramids
      - "I, Singularity"
      - "The Echo Of Something Lovely"
      - "Sleds"

    Dive Into Pyramids' History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Hellmonk"
      - "Innocent Eye, Crystal See"

  • Indiana-based outfit Early Day Miners has made a significant impact on the post-rock scene since their formation in 1999, melding elements of ambient, shoegaze, and slowcore into their evocative compositions. The band's penchant for introspective songwriting, atmospheric guitar work, and delicate dynamics has earned them a devoted following and critical acclaim within the genre. Albums such as Let Us Garlands Bring, Jefferson at Rest, and The Treatment highlight Early Day Miners' ability to create captivating soundscapes that reflect the subtle nuances and emotional depth of post-rock. Their unique approach to composition and dedication to exploring new sonic possibilities ensure their continued prominence within the genre.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Early Day Miners
      - "Deserter"
      - "Placer Found"
      - "So Slowly"

    Dive Into Early Day Miners' History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "East Berlin at Night"
      - "The Lake Departed"

  • The Union Trade

    The Union Trade

    15 votes

    San Francisco-based outfit The Union Trade has been captivating post-rock fans since their formation in 2006 with their unique fusion of shoegaze, ambient, and alternative rock influences. Their emotive and dynamic compositions showcase a masterful use of texture, atmosphere, and melody, resulting in a deeply immersive and engaging sound. Albums such as Everyday IncludingA Place of Long Years, and The Sum of Its Parts demonstrate The Union Trade's exceptional ability to create evocative soundscapes that simultaneously push the boundaries of post-rock while retaining a distinct and captivating identity. The band's innovative approach to music-making and commitment to exploring new sonic possibilities ensure their continued prominence within the genre.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From The Union Trade
      - "Everyday Including Holidays"
      - "Drakes Equation"
      - "Svalbard"

    Dive Into The Union Trade's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Deserted"
      - "Drifters and Displaced"

  • City of the Lost

    City of the Lost

    15 votes

    City of the Lost, a Russian post-rock outfit, has been captivating audiences with its distinctive blend of atmospheric soundscapes, heavy guitar riffs, and emotive melodies since its formation in 2010. The band's evocative compositions expertly balance epic crescendos with quieter moments of introspection, resulting in a highly immersive listening experience. Albums such as At the EdgeMaster Martin, and Wild Wind Blows showcase the band's ability to meld diverse musical elements into a cohesive sound that pushes the boundaries of the post-rock genre. City of the Lost's unique approach to music-making and dedication to innovation ensure its continued prominence within the post-rock landscape.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From City of the Lost
      - "Rise from the Ashes"
      - "At the Edge"
      - "Master of the Speeed"

    Dive Into City of the Lost's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Godspeed, You!"
      - "Mariner’s Dream"

  • Yndi halda
    53 votes

    Formed in Kent, England, Yndi halda has been crafting highly emotive and cinematic post-rock soundscapes since the early 2000s. The band's distinctive blend of lush orchestration, intricate guitar work, and atmospheric textures creates a transcendent listening experience that is both engaging and emotionally resonant. Seminal albums such as Enjoy Eternal Bliss and Under Summer showcase Yndi halda's ability to capture the essence of post-rock's storytelling power through their expert manipulation of tension and release. Their unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of the genre and exploring new sonic territories has solidified Yndi halda's place among the ranks of post-rock's most influential acts.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Yndi halda
      - "Illuminate My Heart, My Darling!"
      - "Dash and Blast"
      - "Golden Threads from the Sun"

    Dive Into Yndi halda's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "A Song for Starlit Beaches"
      - "We Flood Empty Lakes"

  • Blueneck


    18 votes

    Originating from North Somerset, England, Blueneck has made a significant impact on the post-rock genre with their hauntingly beautiful fusion of ambient, electronic, and cinematic influences. The band's evocative soundscapes, often characterized by lush piano melodies, atmospheric synths, and emotive vocals, create an immersive and introspective listening experience. Albums such as Scars of the MidwestRepetitions, and King Nine demonstrate Blueneck's ability to craft sonic narratives that are both deeply emotional and highly innovative. Their unique approach to composition and commitment to exploring new sonic territories have earned Blueneck a devoted fanbase and critical acclaim within the post-rock community.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Blueneck
      - "Lilitu"
      - "Sirens"
      - "Epiphany"

    Dive Into Blueneck's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Venger"
      - "Pneumothorax"

  • Balmorhea
    34 votes

    Formed in Austin, Texas, Balmorhea has garnered critical acclaim and a dedicated following for their evocative fusion of ambient, classical, and folk influences within the post-rock landscape. The band's nuanced compositions often showcase lush acoustic instrumentation, intricate arrangements, and a strong emphasis on melody, resulting in a uniquely captivating sound. Albums such as Rivers ArmsAll is Wild, All is Silent, and Stranger demonstrate Balmorhea's exceptional ability to create deeply emotive and immersive soundscapes that push the boundaries of post-rock while maintaining a distinct and enchanting identity. Their unwavering commitment to innovation and exploration ensures their continued prominence within the genre.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Balmorhea
      - "Remembrance"
      - "Bowsprit"
      - "Settler"

    Dive Into Balmorhea's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Masollan"
      - "Dream of Thaw"

  • The American Dollar

    The American Dollar

    48 votes

    The American Dollar, an instrumental duo hailing from New York, has been making a significant impact on the post-rock scene since their formation in 2005. The band's unique blend of electronic, ambient, and rock influences creates an immersive and emotionally charged sound that resonates deeply with listeners. Notable albums such as A Memory StreamAwake in the City, and Across the Oceans showcase the duo's exceptional talent for crafting evocative soundscapes that expertly balance lush atmospherics with engaging melodies. The American Dollar's distinct sonic vision and unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of post-rock ensure their continued prominence within the genre.

    Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From The American Dollar
      - "Anything You Synthesize"
      - "Signaling Through the Flames"
      - "A Moment"

    Dive Into The American Dollar's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts
      - "Sequoia"
      - "Mosaic"