public face - Tradu��o em portugu�s – Linguee

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The Head of Office is the legal
[...] representative and public face of the European [...]
Communities Personnel Selection Office and
is accountable to the Management Board.
O director � o
[...] representante legal e o rosto vis�vel do Servi�o [...]
de Selec��o do Pessoal das Comunidades Europeias, respondendo
perante o Conselho de Administra��o.
The vote would therefore leave behind the realms of abstract notions and purely
[...] national references and give the Union a public face.
A vota��o deixaria, assim, o dom�nio do abstracto ou das refer�ncias puramente
[...] nacionais, e a Uni�o passaria a ter figura e rosto.
The Executive Director is the legal
[...] representative and public face of the Agency and [...]
is accountable to the Management Board.
O Director Executivo � o
[...] representante legal e o rosto p�blico da Ag�ncia e � [...]
respons�vel perante o Conselho de Administra��o.
Some MDs have spent significantly more time chairing and consulting with the Board; others have devoted
much energy to managing
[...] the organization; while others have chosen to travel to capitals to serve actively as the public face of the Fund.
Alguns Diretores-Gerais dedicaram uma parcela significativa do seu tempo � presid�ncia e �s consultas do Conselho; outros
concentraram suas energias na
[...] gest�o da institui��o; outros, ainda, decidiram viajar para as capitais para promover ativamente a imagem do FMI.
In my opinion, the Petitions Committee is
[...] very much part of the public face of the European institutions: [...]
citizens can access the
committee and have their case heard, and it is a crucial part of EU citizenship.
Na minha perspectiva, a Comiss�o
das Peti��es � uma parte
[...] absolutamente integrante do rosto p�blico das institui��es [...]
europeias: Os cidad�os podem aceder
� comiss�o e apresentar o seu caso, o que constitui um elemento crucial da cidadania da UE.
The Director will be the legal
[...] representative and public face of the Office.
O Director � o
[...] representante legal e o rosto p�blico do Gabinete.
The Director
[...] is the legal representative and public face of the Foundation and is accountable [...]
to the Governing Board.
O director � o
[...] representante legal e p�blico da Funda��o e � respons�vel perante o Conselho de [...]
The ERCEA Director is the chief executive officer, the legal representative and public face of the Agency.
O Director da AECEI � o director executivo e representante legal da Ag�ncia, bem como o respons�vel pelas rela��es com o exterior.
It is our
[...] employees who are the public face of tesa around the [...]
globe, and it is our employees who have made the company
what it is today: the market leader in Europe and number two on the world market.
Os nossos funcion�rios s�o o rosto da tesa por todo o Mundo, [...]
e s�o os nossos funcion�rios que fizeram da companhia o que
ela � hoje: l�der de mercado na Europa e n�mero dois no mundo.
When people see the public face of McAfee, they look [...]
beyond our immediate company to our partnerships with those who do business with us and for us.
Quando as pessoas v�em o 'rosto' da McAfee, elas enxergam [...]
al�m da nossa empresa em si, vendo nossas parcerias com aqueles
que fazem neg�cios conosco e para n�s.
That is the promise that we made as Rotarians - a promise that is ours to keep, every day of our lives, in
our clubs, our vocations, and our communities - for each of us, in our every
[...] interaction, is the public face of Rotary.
� esta a promessa que carregamos conosco todos os dias de nossas vidas, em
[...] nossos clubes, profiss�es e comunidades.
And Gripple hangers are so small and unobtrusive they always ensure a clean
[...] appearance for the public face of your business.
Os ganchos Gripple s�o t�o pequenos e discretos que asseguram sempre uma
[...] apar�ncia limpa para a zona p�blica do seu estabelecimento.
Wael Ghonim has become the public face of the protests against the ruling [...]
regime in Egypt.
Wael Ghonim ajudou a incendiar a multid�o que tomou as ruas no Egito.
The public face of McAfee includes our [...]
business partnerships.
A imagem p�blica da McAfee inclui nossas [...]
parcerias de neg�cios.
But, as Sandra Schneiders reminds us, "prophetic action is the public face of mysticism"7.
7 Por isso
[...] mesmo, hoje falamos de uma "tradi��o m�stico-prof�tica", de que nos sentimos parte, [...]
como religiosos Irm�os.
the resident representative could
[...] maintain and expand the public face of the IMF in Malawi
O representante residente poderia
[...] manter e expandir a face p�blica do FMI no Malawi
Agree who is the public face of the organisation [...]
and who can speak to the press.
Al�m disso, chegue a um acordo em rela��o a quem ser� o representante da
[...] organiza��o junto ao p�blico e quem falar� com [...]
a imprensa.
PUBLIC FORUM: Face to face meeting for discussing policies related to Internet resource allocation.
F�RUM P�BLICO: Reuni�o presencial para a discuss�o de pol�ticas sobre aloca��o de recursos de Internet.
To present the work and process mentioned in 1. orally, in
[...] the context of public trial face a jury, as well [...]
as counter-argue and defend their work
against the examiner(s) issue (s ).
Apresentar o trabalho e processo referidos em 1. oralmente,
[...] em contexto de prova p�blica, perante um j�ri, assim [...]
como defender e contra-arguir o
seu trabalho perante as quest�es do(s arguentes).
The Green Paper states that
[...] universities and public research organisations face growing funding [...]
and organisational challenges.
O Livro Verde afirma que as universidades
[...] e os organismos p�blicos de investiga��o se confrontam com desafios [...]
crescentes em mat�ria de financiamento e organiza��o.
Certainly we need more people, more money and
[...] better coordination in public services to face emergencies.
N�o h� d�vida que s�o necess�rios mais meios e mais pessoal e uma melhor
[...] coordena��o dos servi�os p�blicos para fazer face �s emerg�ncias.
Despite the reservations
[...] of their own public and in the face of such media [...]
criticism, they made many tough decisions.
Apesar das
[...] reservas do seu pr�prio p�blico, e perante tais cr�ticas [...]
dos media, tomaram muitas decis�es dif�ceis.
According to the public the major problem the PNTL face in carrying out [...]
their work is that they don't receive sufficient
training (26%) in order to help them understand law and order, and to shift police mentality towards serving the community better.
De acordo com o p�blico, o maior problema da PNTL no desempenho do [...]
seu trabalho � que n�o recebem forma��o suficiente (26%),
para ajud�-los a compreenderem a lei e a ordem, e para mudarem a mentalidade, para servirem melhor a comunidade.
(c) coins that are legal tender shall be
[...] accepted, at their face value, in payment of all public and private debts [...]
in East Timor
(c) as moedas met�licas com curso legal ser�o aceites, ao seu valor nominal, no
[...] pagamento de todas as d�vidas p�blicas e privadas em Timor-Leste
Beyond the difficulties of access and of
[...] remaining in school, young people face the reality of public institutions that are geared, [...]
for the most part, towards
the offering of formal curricular contents and prove to be very closed to the creation of spaces and situations that favor experiences of sociability, solidarity, public debates, and cultural and formative activities of a extra-school nature.
Al�m das dificuldades de acesso e perman�ncia na
[...] escola, os(as) jovens enfrentam a realidade de institui��es p�blicas que se orientam, sobretudo, [...]
para a oferta
de conte�dos curriculares formais e se apresentam pouco abertas para a cria��o de espa�os e situa��es que favore�am experi�ncias de sociabilidade, solidariedade, debates p�blicos e atividades culturais e formativas de natureza extra-escolar.
Immigrants face many barriers to enjoying public services.
Os imigrantes enfrentam muitas barreiras no acesso aos servi�os p�blicos.
The hours should not face for the analysis of national public policies and pursuit of acquisition and [...]
application of knowledge.
As horas n�o presenciais dever�o ser destinadas � an�lise de pol�ticas p�blicas nacionais como exerc�cio [...]
de aquisi��o e aplica��o de conhecimentos.
Developing countries without manufacturing capacities in the pharmaceutical sector should be allowed to benefit from
[...] this system to face public health problems.
Os pa�ses em vias de desenvolvimento que n�o possuem capacidades
de produ��o no sector farmac�utico devem poder beneficiar deste sistema, a fim de
[...] combater os problemas de sa�de p�blica.
Muito obrigado pelo seu voto!
Com a sua ajuda, podemos melhorar a qualidade dos nossos servi�os.