Édith Piaf | Biography, Songs & Death | Study.com
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Édith Piaf | Biography, Songs & Death

Instructor Sasha Blakeley

Sasha Blakeley has a Bachelor's in English Literature from McGill University and a TEFL certification. She has been teaching English in Canada and Taiwan for seven years.

Discover iconic French singer Édith Piaf and her importance in the music world. Learn about her remarkable life and illustrious career until her unfortunate death. Updated: 09/16/2022

Édith Piaf was a French singer and actress known for singing ballads. She lived from 1915 to 1963 and is considered a major symbol of French culture in the first half of the twentieth century. Many of her songs are still widely listened to and covered today. Generally, she sang in French; her major theme was love, often with an element of tragedy. Some of her songs are partly or entirely in English. Piaf experienced a number of personal issues over the course of her life, some of which contributed to her early death. She is still considered an important icon in French history today.

Unconventional Childhood & Family

Piaf's birth name was Édith Giovanna Gassion. She was born in Paris. Her mother was a singer from a Moroccan Berber background and her father was an acrobat, so she grew up in a family that prized performance. However, Piaf was not raised by her parents for long. She was sent to live with her maternal grandmother and then her paternal grandmother, both of whom either deliberately mistreated her or were unable to adequately provide for her care. An infection when she was three years old caused Piaf to go blind, though she regained her sight a few years later. Adults around her noted her remarkable voice, and eventually, she rejoined her father and traveled with him as he performed.

Singing in the Streets of Paris

In order to earn an income, Piaf sang on the streets of Paris when she was a teenager. When she was seventeen years old, she gave birth to a daughter who died of meningitis at the age of two. In 1935, a cabaret owner named Louis Leplée discovered Piaf and gave her a job singing in his nightclub. She quickly earned the nickname ''La Môme Piaf,'' which was slang for ''little sparrow.'' The nickname referred to how small Piaf was: she was under five feet tall and weighed just 90 pounds, possibly due in part to malnutrition during her childhood.


Edith Piaf was known for her distinctive singing voice and is still considered a French icon

A black and white photograph of Edith Piaf, who is smiling but not looking at the camera

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Édith Piaf was a French singer and actress known for her distinctive voice and for contributing significantly to French culture throughout her career. She had a challenging life that was marked by repeated personal tragedies. She had a difficult childhood and gave birth to a daughter when she was 17. The baby, her only child, died at the age of two. After starting out singing on street corners, Piaf was discovered in 1935 and rapidly rose to stardom. During World War II, she may have worked for the French Resistance; details of her life remain unclear.

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Édith Piaf was a French singer and actress known for her distinctive voice and for contributing significantly to French culture throughout her career. She had a challenging life that was marked by repeated personal tragedies. She had a difficult childhood and gave birth to a daughter when she was 17. The baby, her only child, died at the age of two. After starting out singing on street corners, Piaf was discovered in 1935 and rapidly rose to stardom. During World War II, she may have worked for the French Resistance; details of her life remain unclear.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Piaf's most famous song?

Piaf's most famous song by far is La Vie en Rose. Although it was originally written in French, there is now an almost equally famous English version.

What is the meaning of La Vie en Rose?

La Vie en Rose is a love song, like most of Piaf's songs. It is about the way that love can allow people to see the world through rose-tinted glasses.

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