My Thoughts on The Innocent Mage and Its Sequels - Three Cs

My Thoughts on The Innocent Mage and Its Sequels

My Thoughts on The Innocent Mage and Its Sequels

This week, I spent most of my free time reading a captivating fantasy series by Karen Miller. Technically, I read two separate series, each containing two books, but because all four books tell different parts of the same story, I can’t help but lump them together. The first two books comprise the Kingmaker, Kingbreaker series, and the second two make up the Fisherman’s Children series.

In the first book, The Innocent Mage, a young fisherman named Asher moves to the capital city of Lur to make his fortune. What he doesn’t know is that a mysterious group of people, known as The Circle, believe him to be the Innocent Mage, who is prophesied to save Lur from a terrible evil. With a little help from The Circle, Asher ends up working for and becoming friends with Prince Gar, while his destiny creeps ever closer.

Luke looks much more innocent than the mage on the cover.

I thoroughly enjoyed The Innocent Mage and highly recommend it. Asher’s character is entertaining and compelling, and seeing his friendship with Gar develop is heartwarming. By frequently having Circle members discuss the Prophecy and introducing Morg, the main villain, the author provides enough tension to keep the reader engaged.

The second book, The Awakened Mage, follows Asher’s journey as he takes on more responsibilities, endures incredible hardships, and ultimately fulfills his destiny. I don’t want to give too many details in case you decide to read it. Though I really liked The Awakened Mage, I felt like a conflict between two of the characters was not resolved as well as I expected it to be. I also found the book’s ending a bit abrupt, but that wasn’t a huge deal because the Fisherman’s Children continues Asher’s story.

Amy found this book as intriguing as I did.

The first book in the Fisherman’s Children series, The Prodigal Mage, focuses on Asher and his son, Rafel, as they struggle to overcome Morg’s lingering evil that threatens to destroy Lur. When Asher is incapacitated, Rafel decides to undertake a dangerous quest to try to save his home. What he finds in the lands beyond Lur, however, is worse than he ever imagined.

Taiyo decided to look away, just like the mage on the cover.

I found The Prodigal Mage intriguing and entertaining. I enjoyed seeing Asher as a father and getting to know his son. Rafel is headstrong and overconfident, but he has a good heart. I couldn’t help but root for him as he did his best to overcome whirlpools, earthquakes, and people’s prejudices.

The final book, The Reluctant Mage, centers on Deenie, Asher’s daughter. Deenie has never felt very brave, but when she senses that her brother is in trouble, she knows she must try to help him. She and her friend, Charis, face many dangers on their journey to rescue Rafel. In the end, Deenie must confront a deadly evil that threatens not only her brother, but the entire world.

Ivy thinks there’s not much better than a comfortable bed and a good book.

The Reluctant Mage was so good that I didn’t want to put it down. I liked Deenie’s character just as much as Asher’s. I found her struggle to find courage inspiring and relatable. The ending provided a satisfying conclusion to the book and the entire series.

These four books contain a little of everything I enjoy about fantasy: adventure, friendship, romance, and seemingly insurmountable obstacles. I enjoyed getting to know the characters and following them on their journeys. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for an engaging fantasy series, but I think I should warn you about two things.

First, these books contain a number of curse words. Not so many that I couldn’t enjoy them, but enough that it might bother some people. Second, a few beloved characters die over the course of the story. You need to be prepared to cry before you start reading them.

Reading the Kingmaker, Kingbreaker and Fisherman’s Children series made for an enjoyable week. I’m hoping to read even more good books this summer, and if I do, I’ll be sure to let you know.

What are you reading this summer? Let me know in the comments.

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