In-depth Q&A with Clare Donaldson on the Lead Exposure Elimination Project and more — EA Forum
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Clare Donaldson has had a varied career: currently, Clare is Director of the Lead Exposure Elimination Project.

Before that, Clare did a PhD in Earth Sciences, went through Charity Entrepreneurship's incubation program and was COO of the Happier Lives Institute.

Come with questions - why has Clare has changed careers? What it was like founding a charity? And what has been the secret of LEEP's success?


Globally, one in three children has dangerous levels of lead in their bloodstream. The Lead Exposure Elimination Project reduces lead poisoning by lobbying governments to ban lead use in paint. LEEP is only 2 years old, but they’ve already had success with the Malawin government and they’re now rapidly expanding their lobbying to other governments.

The Happier Lives Institute ( looks at how to improve global wellbeing.





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