30 Minute Cardio Kickboxing Workout - HASfit - Free Full Length Workout Videos and Fitness Programs

Intermediate Difficulty
intermediate workout

Cardio Kickboxing is a great way to burn calories, relieve stress, and improve endurance. This 30 minute cardio kickboxing workout doesn’t require any equipment, but you may hold on to a couple of light hand weights or water bottles if you’d like to add resistance. Let’s go!

Warm Up
Split 3 Reach Throughs
Straight Leg Kick + Twist
Butt Kick + Arm Crossover

30 Minute Cardio Kickboxing Workout

1. Triple Jab + Hop Back
2. 2 Low + 2 High
3. 1,2,3, + Knee
4. Kick Check + Kick (both sides)
5. Duck + Block + Elbow, Elbow
6. Lead Front Kick + Jumping Knee
7. Punchout
8. Duck 1,2,3,4
9. High Knees
10. Alt Front Kicks
11. Block 2,3
12. 3,2 Switch Kick
13. 3 Body + Kick
14. Uppercut, Hook, Hook, Duck
15. Split Jack + Front Kick
16. 1,2 Duck 1,2
17. Right Kick to Left Kick
18. Uppercut, 2, Switch Kick
19. Uppercut, 3, Kick
20. 1,2 90 Turn
21. Low Squat Uppercuts
22. Parry, 2, 3
23. Parry, 3, 4
24. Lunge, 2
25. Lunge, 1
26. 1,2,3,4, Kick, Kick
27. 1,2,1,2 + Shuffle
28. Squat + Side to Side Parry

Cool Down
Side Lying Quad Stretch
Seated Reach to Scarecrow

[Music] what’s up has four tribe it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and this is my cardio kickboxing workout now there’s no equipment required for today’s routine but if you want to add some extra resistance feel free to grab on to either a couple of light hand weights or water bottles if you’re ready to go let’s do this [Music] alright let’s get started with our warm-up first one for the day is gonna warm up our posterior chain let’s get a nice wide stance with our toes point is slightly out slight bend in our knees we’re gonna do a split three reach so first let’s go ahead and reach out in front of us if you can reach and touch the floor that’s great back up straight down just a slight bend in those knees hips go back and then we’re gonna reach back between our legs now if you can’t quite touch the floor just do the best you can on the three reaches you should have a slight bend in your knees and you’re driving your hips back on every extension every time you’re bringing those hips back hinging at those hips warming up your glutes hamstrings and lower back getting ready for all this action we have coming up now the purpose of our warm-up today is to get your heart rate up and at the same time get a little extra mobility in and when raise and increase that overall body temperature making sure to breathe here again just a slight bend in those knees one reach out in front one straight down keep that head in line with your spine and then one through the legs finishing up here in five four three two one zero moving on to a straight leg kick and twist arms are out at your side now we’re gonna twist and kick in two opposite side and trying to touch that opposite side toe if you can’t quite do this you can go ahead and just bring that opposite side knee up as you twist you decide which variation is right for you again making sure to breathe this is a great one to loosen up and warm up that spine that spinal mobility as well as your hamstrings glutes shoulders chest a great all-in-one move getting you ready for these kicks and knees that we have coming up as well making sure to move at a warmup pace here we do want to get your heart rate up but at the same time it is just the warmup can’t quite get your legs up as high as I am here or really throughout today’s workout that’s all right we’re gonna encourage you to make it your own keep breathing keep moving here let’s go five four three two one zero okay a little combo move here we’re gonna go side to side butt kick plus arm crossover alternating between kicking your right and left glute at the same time alternating which arm do you have on top on that arm crossover again another combo move here shoulders chest back hamstrings quadriceps I’ll get them loosened up at the same time feeling loose here also a great move to just improve overall mobility call that a little extra credit throughout the warm-up so our last warm-up move take a second here to remind yourself what brought you here today to begin with what’s your goal what’s your motivator staying focused on it throughout today’s workout it’s gonna help you get through to the end all right keeping it going here almost done let’s go five four three two one zero check those arms loose let’s go getting right into it I’m gonna pick up my hand weights you again you decide if you want to use them or just your own body weight it’s totally up to you the first one for today is going to be a triple jab plus triple hop back hands are at your chin we’re in our fighting position we’re gonna go jab jab jab on every time we’re gonna step forward then we’re gonna triple hop back one two three step in jab step in jab step in jab three hops back repeat again when I kind of count any repetitions throughout today’s routine so we’re just getting in as many reps in as you can throughout this time period making sure to bring your hands back to your chin after every punch if you need to adjust any of these for your space or lack thereof feel free to do so good hot hands hot hands quick punches making sure to breathe breathing out on every punch coordinating that front lead step along with that punch then three quick hops back good come on keep it up keep it up how many can you get in this time period hands hot hands let’s do it come on working it together here let’s go five four three two one and zero good moving into a too low too high hands are at your chin we’re gonna squat back weight in our hips low – back up – low – back up – so it’s too low up too high good squatting down with that weight back in your hips extending that punch pointing with your thumb full extension on that punch and then bringing it right back to your chin good weights in the hips making sure to breathe body shot head shot repeat come on again it’s about how many can you get here and don’t worry we’ll be evening out right hand left sides throughout today’s routine go come on get it going get it going then ease you can get here with that right straight come on let’s go let’s go last ten seconds on this one pushing the pace four five four three two one zero hands rate your chin we’re going one two three one two three left hook twisting and me with that back leg one two three knee repeat one two three knee one two three grab them pull them into you and knee one two three repeat good again moving at your own pace throughout today’s routine you’re not competing with me competing with yourself coming back repeating this routine doing a little bit better every time good make sure to use those ABS use your core and every strike shouldn’t just be your arms but instead you’re pivoting getting that core engage using those hips good one two three knee keep it up come on and those ABS engage on every strike how many can you get right here pick that pace up come on as you start to get comfortable with that number system with every individual move start picking your pace up go a little bit better every rep here let’s go five four three two one zero all right hands are up we’re gonna do a combo here we’re gonna go kick check which is a defensive move blocking foot down kick with the opposite kick check block kick kick check kick so that lead leg block kick now again you might not be able to get your kicks as high as I am and that’s okay do the best you can or you can vary how high you bring up those kicks those roundhouse kicks but we want to turn those hips over bring it back return down turn those hips so again not just on the legs but getting those hips involved as well again you don’t have to go high every time you decide what’s the right height for you kick check kick a lot of core engagement on this one come on one into the next year we’re gonna switch it up in five four three two one zero now we’re gonna block with the back leg kick Jack down front leg kick kick check on the back down front leg kick you got to keep it up not about looking pretty here most of you aren’t going to be training for an actual fight with this just giving it everything you got getting a little bit better every workout and on every repetition come on let’s go it’s you versus you you are in competition with yourself and nobody else turning those hips over every time you’ll see I’m not perfect either come on keep it up keep it up how many can you get here a lot of legs going on here feeling good let’s go last ten seconds burn them out has to try let’s go five four three two one zero alright next combo we’re gonna go we’re gonna go full duck down weight back in your hips up block elbow elbow let’s try it again down so it’s like a squat duck lead arm block bring the elbow up elbow strike elbow strike again down lock elbow elbow repeat down lock elbow elbow you form on these elbows it’s a lot like a hook where you’re twisting at those hips we’re pointing that elbow heimo at the point of that elbow so we got defense defense offense offense keep it up hand stay at your chin and return to your chin after every strike come on keep it up keep it up how many can you get tried right here let’s go that weight back in your hips you should keep those hands up don’t let them sink in a little bit better every repetition here come on let’s go last 10 seconds what do you got what do you got four five four three two one zero excellent alright we’re giving our upper body a break moving into our lower body we’re gonna do a lead front kick bring that knee up chamber it point with the ball the foot down now jumping knee looking that knee up and forward you can either do it jumping me or you can just bring that knee up you decide which is right for you alternating between the two but on that knee if you’re doing the jumping version we’re lunging forward bringing those hips forward front kick jumping knee and back front kick jumping knee and back notice I’m keeping my hands up the whole time which is going to be even more of a challenge if you’re holding on to those the light hand weights and again you can vary that height of your strikes depending on your flexibility and your fitness level boom and then just go ahead and walk it back go ahead and chamber that knee point with the ball of the foot and then bring in the crown of that knee up boom good you see I’m not perfect either just all working together getting a little bit better on every repetition knee up front kick let’s go come on keep it up everybody come on here it is right here it’s your time working towards those goals thinking about what do you what its gonna take to accomplish those goals what’s your why how good is it gonna feel when you accomplish that goal it’s all about that discipline day in and day out putting in the work and that’s what you’re doing right here keep it up come on with where yeah has four try don’t stop don’t let up just keep fighting for it right here come on we’re fighting together and it together strike after strike keeping those hands up don’t let them float down here let’s go five four three two one last one zero good alright hands stay up we’re gonna move into a punch-out 50/50 stance and punch enter right at your own head level bringing those hands back to your chin nice full range of motion punches pointing with those thongs so we see I’m getting torque on those punches I’m getting my core involved as well grind it out grind it out hot hands how many can you get pushing yourself here cuz nobody else can or will do it for you keep breathing do not hold your breath what do you got has to be tried move it to yourself right here those shoulders start burning you got to keep on moving learning to love that burn learning to push through it don’t stop when it burns we’re gonna stop when we’re done let’s go let’s go let’s go almost there almost there let’s go five four three two one zero hands stay up we’re gonna go duck wait back in the hips up one two three four big power punch duck one two three four big power puncher wait back in the hips one two three four good repeat one two three pivot boom right into that power punch each punch is gonna leave and load into the next so you’re twisting from side to side getting those hips involved come on let’s go focus on that form focus on not just punching with your arms but using those hips using that core getting it all involved here total body working together come on let’s go let’s go getting a little bit better we have every strike what do you got has four try pull it out later you know hold them back today we’re gonna empty that tank out give it everything we got come on no regrets last ten seconds come on come on come on push that pace big power punch let’s see it three two one zero right into high knees left and right knee up point those toes down reach up pull that opponent into you crunching that core as we bring that knee up as many high knee strikes as you can get here come on let’s go whoo let’s go never said it’d be easy but it will be worth it you got it you got it come on no letting up here put that pedal to the medal pull them in towards you bring that knee up how many can you get four five four three two one zero excellent all right no rest for that lower body we’re gonna alternate front kicks left right bring that knee up chamber it point with the ball of the foot left right when you’re kicking with that back leg make sure you bring it back into that starting position right last good pointing with the ball of your foot every time bringing that knee up first chambering it and then exploding forward snapping with the ball of the foot again you decide what’s appropriate height for your kicks might be higher than mine might be lower than mine you make it work for you either way we’re keeping those hands up do not drop them good if you hone those legs on this one especially after those high knees I’m feeling it too just keep moving here working together folks come on how’s your tribe what do you got put it all out there getting stronger together pushing through that burn let’s go last ten seconds how many can you get let’s go driving together four five four three two one zero hands stay up we’re gonna go block 2 3 repeat block 2 3 all upper body block 2 3 block twist return three twist good making sure to get that core involved on every punch excellent defense block that punch boom boom all poor hips all working together not just in your arms focus on it it’s all about that mind-body connection getting better with every repetition every time you come back repeating this workout you’ll get a little bit better push them through it right here come on would you come here for time to remind yourself come on let’s go one into the next year staying focused making sure to breathe exhale on every punch exhale on every punch come on what do you got what do you got almost through with this one let’s go last ten seconds come on push it push it four five four three two one zero alright next we’re gonna do upper body lower combo we’re going here three two switch kick down in front try it again three two hand back switch your feet kick down in front repeat three to switch kick it down in front again three two switch kick down in front three to switch kick down the front excellent keep it up now that switch is to get that front leg and back and by doing so you’re getting more power into that kick then if you were to just kick with it in front but if the switch is too much for you and feel free to three two kick and return again you decide which variation is appropriate for you whatever you do don’t stop movin don’t stop fighting and keep those hands up don’t want to get knocked in the head here come on one of the next don’t hold your breath breathe on every strike come on you got this you got this it’s you versus you getting a little stronger every strike what do you got traffic let’s go last ten seconds put it out there for five four three two one zero next we’re gonna go drop down three to the body stand up kick so three to the body high kick can’t get that high do the best you can three low kick high boom so we’re getting our hands down taking it to the body and we’re surprising them with the high kick down up yeah excellent keep those hands up throughout playing defense all the while come on one in the nest drop those legs into a squat body kick one into the nest come on hard combo here harder than it looks keep it up keep it up or aiming with that knife edge of the shin on that kick not aiming with our foot on this one and you want that knife edge of your shin good good good keep it up come on last ten seconds how many can you get here four five four three two one zero hands are up right into it we’re gonna go uppercut with that backhand drop your weight in your hips uppercut hook hook dock so load that punch with your legs uppercut hook hook duck uppercut hook look duck again uppercut hook hook duck I met up recover bringing that pinky on it hook twist hook twist weight back on our hips for a squad come on keep it up how many can you get it here mostly upper body on this one a little squat thrown in come on come on come on what do you got proving it to yourself how strong you are right here right now what do you got I want you to exceed your own expectations today stronger than you thought you were capable of more than you thought you were capable of come on we’re almost there push it push it four five four three two one zero excellent all right we’re going all lower body on this one start with your feet together we’re gonna go split Jack jump out back together front kick down split back alternating side front kick hands by your chin throughout spread them right back into the kick again on that front kick we bring that knee up chamber it kick snapping with the balls of your feet one into the next come on you got it staying in tough here stand light on your feet you got neighbors underneath you we don’t want them to hear you if you need to at this point you can go just alternating kicks but preferred method is with the hop you decide which one is going to be right for you at this stage in the workout come on keep those hands up by your chin remember to play defense here split light and back come on keep it up what do you got has to try stay engaged stay focused on that why what brought you here today what is it come on let’s go let’s go four five four three two one and zero hands at your chin we’re gonna go one two duck one two one two duck one two quick as fast as you can once you knock one two again once you duck one two again once you duck one two so you’re basically dropping at the hips going down as fast as you can like you’re dropping the door underneath you once you drop one two good again once you drop excellence all about speed on that drop and on the punches go again how many can you get right here breathe throughout do not hold your breath come on come on come on what do you got here staying focused not about being perfect just about doing the best you can hear come on come on almost on with this one and five four three two one and zero excellent all right we got some kicks coming up next we’re gonna go right kick down in front left kick down in front back to return right kick down left kick down back to return right chick down left kick down and return so on that right kick you’re setting it down in front so now get that left leg in back return and stay up ready defensive position back into it come on let’s go how many can you get here again if you need to vary your height feel free to do so you want to go high you want to go low whatever is right for you here but just keep moving no breaks no giving up come on you’re a fighter not a quitter let’s see it right here one right into the next get in stronger on every kick every kick is getting you it just that much closer to your goals think about it what are you working towards what’s it gonna take to get there staying focused on it right here let’s go on last ten seconds fighting through fighting through it four five four three two one zero next little combo move coming we’re gonna go uppercut to switch kick so it brought lead arm uppercut to switch your feet kick back down again uppercut to switch kick again uppercut to switch kick back uppercut to switch back working out those mental muscles just as much as your physical muscles today that’s on purpose gotta be sharp even when we’re tired come on let’s go let’s go how many can you get here focus in one strike leaving right into the next good make sure to breathe do not hold your breath here folks come on uppercut that lead arm right straight last one here four five four three two one zero switching it up now we’re gonna go uppercut with your right arm and we’re gonna go three hook and kick back leg return uppercut three kick return uppercut three kick return again uppercut three kick return on an uppercut we’re not swinging like this instead loading with those legs getting those legs and hips involved that’s where that momentum that’s where that power comes from one into the next come on keep it up what do you got right here well they hit all out there be sure to breathe whatever you do do not hold your breath keep pushing right here last ten seconds what do you got what do you got what do you made of let’s see it four five four three two one and zero nice all right we’re gonna get some footwork involved in this next one and we’re gonna go one two 90-degree hop one two turn those hips 90-degree hop one two turn those hips one two turn those hips now we’re going the other way one two turn those hips one two turn those hips again it’s just a little hop turn those hips in a 90-degree angle once we get all the way back around reverse it and go that opposite direction so all of those hips light footwork on this one bringing those hands back to your chin after every punch remember bringing those hands back is just as important as the actual punch itself good hot hands hot hands what do you got tribe right here come on let’s prove it to yourself every punch you’re getting a little bit better every punch you’re getting a little bit faster a little bit stronger and a little bit closer to that goal come on nice and light on those feet if you have neighbors underneath you I do not want them to hear you right here right here come on almost there last time around come over and stay up even on the hop and three two one zero next we’re going to get into a low squat position hands are up by our chin we’re holding this isometric low squat and we’re just going uppercuts that’s it right here hands are up keeping them high staying in that low squat position and yes you’re not imagining things we are gonna burn those legs out with this one it’s on purpose fighting through that burn you’re stronger than that burn right here hands back to the chin and uppercut come on that’s it weight back in the hips fighting through it fighting through it it’s all mental come on don’t give in don’t give in you’re stronger than that burn would you come here for let’s do it four five four three two one zero up hands are up I know the legs are burnin mine are too we’re gonna go parry back dodge that punch it two three so it’s parry hands are up to three we’re leaning back roll that shoulder two three so defense dodge that punch two three defensive parry two three again defense to 3x and I come on keeping it up here we don’t have much left don’t stop when it hurts we’re gonna stop it when you’re done come on let’s go I’m feeling it too maybe thousands maybe millions of us at home over feeling that same burn you’re feeling we’re in it together tribe fighting together four five four three one switch it up opposite side now appearing to the opposite side back to the left hook for so parry three four parry three four dodge that punch three forehand stay up dodge that punch three four keep it up dodge it roll that shoulder rolling with that punch three four come on not much left on this one fight him through to the end what do you got tribe what do you got prove it to yourself not to me not to anybody else this is for you right here because you deserve it you’re worth it let’s see it come on four five four three two one zero hands stay up we’re gonna launch plus two lunge to back up so it’s a body shot straight ahead keep it that opposite hand up for a defense stepping out both knees drop to a ninety and then bring that hand back drop to the nine you bring that hand back good you got it come on don’t stop right back punch it in lunging a little total body move here don’t let that opposite arm rest either come on try not to bounce that back knee off the floor stand light it under control good posture let’s go ten seconds on this side how many can you get how many can you get four five four three two one hands up opposite now we’re gonna step with that back leg and we’re going to punch with the one back leg lunge whoo it’s hard to in those legs become jelly mine are too big lunch with the one big lunch with the one you got it big ones one back to the chin back to that ready position so bring that leg all the way back every time both knees drop into that ninety come on this is it in competition with yourself you’re a fighter not a quitter let’s see it right here it’s all about that push persisting until something happens that’s what you’re doing right here right now let’s see it let’s go last 10 seconds almost there almost there 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 excellent all right stick with me we got a six part sequence next we’re gonna go one two three four switch kick down in front kick down in front and return one two three four switch kick down in front kick down in front and return again one two three four switch kick down in front kick down in front you got it come on getting as many as you can right here getting a little bit better every time don’t worry about how pretty it looks just worry about getting it done at this point in time and the workout come on let’s go stand light on those feet right here right here remember it’s not about how bad you want it it’s about how hard you’re willing to work for it and that’s what you’re doing right here right now putting in that work your dreams aren’t gonna become a reality overnight and they’re not gonna happen by wishing gotta put in that work that’s what you’re doing right here come on don’t stop one into the next 1 2 3 4 switch kick it and go one last one here in five four three two one and zero excellent hands are up we’re gonna go 1 2 + shuffle weights in your hips and we’re just doing a punch out 1 2 1 2 those shoulders are burned out mine are feeling it too you got weight in your hips don’t cross your feet and don’t knock them together just keep moving you can’t spell change without being challenged pushing ourselves outside of that comfort zone it’s not even physical anymore it’s all mental come on let’s go right to the very end tribe right to the very end give it everything you got and then some come on in your head it’s in your head come on all about that mental toughness which is what we’re developing right now let’s go last ten seconds what do you got what do you got four five four three two one zero hands are at your chin 50/50 stance we’re gonna pair a side to side as we squat getting that core involved and stay at your chin sitting back weight in our hips getting those obliques fire in here side to side side to side nice and control getting that time under tension and then we’re feeling it here when those legs you tired and they’re burning and they tell you they got nothing left you got to take control you’re in charge not your legs you can’t squat with your legs anymore squat with your heart let’s see it you can do this you can do anything think about how good you’re gonna feel when this workout is all done almost there try come on don’t quit on me don’t quit on yourself let’s go five four three two one zero and and that is it you made it you set those hand weights down I’m feeling it too no movie magic here take a couple of deep breaths and we’re gonna move into a cool-down we can actually move to the floor take your time coming on down now the purpose of the cooldown is allow our heart rates to come down slowly and at the same time we’re going to get a little bit added mobility and stretching in here a lot of quadricep work today so we’re starting with a lying quad stretch I’m going to reach back either grab your foot or your ankle good posture that knee and clothes try not to flare it out we’re just doing a static stretch so we’re just holding and any static stretch we’re getting to about 85 90 percent of what you’re capable of you want to feel a good stretch but you don’t want to feel real pain either nice big deep breaths allowing that heart rate to come down four five four three two one zero all right let’s switch it up now same move opposite side turn it over totally common and begin totally common if you have one side a little tighter than the other don’t let that alarm you I know a lot of time my left is a little tighter than my right that’s why we’re going through the stretches that’s why unilateral moves and unilateral stretches working one side at the top at a time it can be so effective help us to even out any imbalances we may have again big deep breaths here four five four three two one stretch it out we’re coming up onto our back side let’s get those legs out straight in front of us a little combo move here we’re gonna do a seated reach bring those toes back arms up and over big reach if you can reach your toes great if not do the best you can pulling those toes back either way stretching hamstrings glutes hamstring lower back we’re gonna come straight up with the arms straight up and do a scarecrow bring those elbows down stretching out that back and shoulders great mobility move and then back up and over big stretch through the posterior chain and hold three two one arm straight up and good posture as we pull down on those elbows like we have a string attached to a nice and slow up and over keep those knees down don’t allow them to come up so if that means you can’t quite touch your toe that’s okay we’re at here keep those knees down arms up good posture hold down on those elbows let’s go one last I’m arms up and over toes are back feeling those calves hamstrings glutes lower back holding four three two one straight up and down on those elbows good posture alright last one we’re gonna do a butterfly stretch now I want you to bring those feet together and we’re gonna bring them in as close as we can to you may be closer than me and maybe more out here do the best you can it’s a great one for your hips as well as your groin area a lot of work on those kicks today and now we can gently apply pressure down on the legs and this is just a static hold so we’re just holding again 85 90 % what you’re capable of for additional stretch go ahead and bring your upper body forward you decide if that’s right for you or if you’re okay just in the upright position really depends on what it takes for you to get to that eighty ninety percent stretch threshold nice big deep breaths here taking a minute to just be proud of what you’ve achieved today I know I’ve said it before but it bears repeating it’s working out we’re easy everybody be fit but that’s not the case which is why I used to be proud of yourself for showing up pushing it through right to the very end you earned that workout today you earned that completion holding four three two one zero come on up nice and slow man am i dripping wet today it’s a hot one in the gym I’ll be sweating anyway Who am I kidding thank you so much for working out and pushing it through right to the very end with me today we’d ask you please support our mission of keeping these great workouts free you can do so by going and downloading our free app it’s available for both Android and iOS you can also stop by our store pick up some has Big Ear or our diet guide eating for life we’d ask you please follow us on one of your favorite social media channel is and make sure you give this workout a thumb up thank you again so much for joining me today throughout this workout I’m coach Kozak and I’ll see you at your next workout