‎‘Under the Silver Lake’ review by JeremiahBattle • Letterboxd
Under the Silver Lake

Under the Silver Lake ★★★★

Under The Silver Lake captivated all of my attention from beginning to end. I was enthralled by the mystery this film presents and how it unfolded before my eyes.

Under The Silver Lake is as thought provoking as it is goofy. It’s an examination on popular culture, the messages and codes that lay below the surface of the naked eye. It’s a film that presents obsession through one man’s undying passion to solve this spiraling goose chase of a mystery in Hollywood.

When watching this film I couldn’t help but think of films like Brian De Palmas Body Double, Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window, and Chinatown. Under The Silver Lake while similar to these films in one ways or another completely has an identity of its own and I really loved watching it.

Andrew Garfield is one of my favorite actors and this film further cemented him in that position for me. I think what he’s doing In this film is phenomenal.

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