Playbook not recognized on Windows 7 64bit Desktop - BlackBerry Forums at
  1. freethisberrydotcom's Avatar
    Just wondering if anyone else experiencing problems with connecting the Playbook with DM or even mass storage support. On my Desktop PC which has Windows 7 64 bit, it does not recognize. I went into Device manager and this is the error under the BlackBerry Smartphone driver:
    "Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source. (Code 52)"

    I've tried deleting the driver and reinstalling, along with DM.. Please let me know if anyone has the solution.

    Thank you.

    BTW: It recognized on my Windows 7 64bit Netbook but only for mass storage mode. Can't connect to DM.
    04-19-11 10:05 PM
  2. mike-berry's Avatar
    Same problem here too Hopefully someone has a fix. I will continue to try to get it work, I will post back if I get results
    04-19-11 10:19 PM
  3. anon1937793's Avatar
    Running Win 7 64 bit ultimate.

    No problems.

    EDIT: With SP1
    04-19-11 10:20 PM
  4. mca312's Avatar
    My PB works on my win 7 x64 through DM and Mass Storage. I just plugged it in and installed the drivers, restarted my computer and viola.
    04-19-11 10:21 PM
  5. mike-berry's Avatar
    Running Win 7 64 bit ultimate.

    No problems.
    You just plugged it in and it recognized it?
    04-19-11 10:21 PM
  6. raptornation15's Avatar
    No issues installing drivers for Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
    04-19-11 10:22 PM
  7. mike-berry's Avatar
    Installing drivers aren't an issue, its that it isn't recognized... Makes me mad because I have just about tried everything.

    Wi-Fi Sharing
    Complete the following steps to share files over a Wi-Fi connection:
    From the BlackBerry PlayBook home screen, select the settings icon.
    Select Storage and Sharing.
    Toggle Wi-Fi Sharing to ON.
    Tap Properties to verify network identification information. (PlayBook name, password etc)
    From a Windows or Mac based computer on the same network as the BlackBerry PlayBook, navigate to the IP address of the PlayBook which can be found under Settings > About > Network.
    On a Windows computer, open the Run dialog box and type \\ (where should be replaced with the actual IP address of the BlackBerry PlayBook)
    On a Mac computer, select Go -> Connect to Server... and type smb:// (where should be replaced with the actual IP address of the BlackBerry PlayBook)
    Users will then connect to the media folder which contains several subfolders such as documents, music, photos, videos etc.  Users can then move files between the computer and these folders.
    Quoted from the blackberry help section. Its not so much of the computer not recognizing it, it has to be with drivers because you can access it as mass storage. All I did was connect and drag and drop files to it. Pretty easy, but unconventional. Well, now I don't have anything to complain about. PERFECT!

    Just fix DM

    Last but not least, I added a network location with the IP Address I used to connect to the playbook so now I don't always have to type in the address. Hope this helped!

    *SideNote* You cannot create a network location directly to the IP Address you must either going into the Certs folder or go into the media folder like "\\\media"

    Also if transferring over larger files use the usb because it gives you considerably high transfer rates like 4Mb/S+
    Last edited by mike-berry; 04-19-11 at 10:51 PM.
    pb730c3 likes this.
    04-19-11 10:30 PM
  8. wolfspiritt's Avatar
    I had that same problem last night until I manually downloaded the latest version of Desktop Manager. I had checked for updates from within DM and it installed version but it wouldn't see my PB. I then manually went and looked for updates (since there were people it was working for) and found that there actually is a newer version I blew away the old version and installed this one and wham! It saw my PB right away.

    I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate x64.
    04-20-11 11:11 AM
  9. Mercury's Avatar
    damn I'm glad my Win7 Ultimate 64bit didn't give me any problems. I fired up DM, hooked my PB, and 2min later I was syncing music and seeing the networked drive in "my computer" no issues at all.
    04-20-11 11:15 AM
  10. eds817's Avatar
    There's even a newer version of DM out there.
    04-20-11 11:16 AM
  11. freethisberrydotcom's Avatar
    Appreciate all the replies.. Thank you. But still no go.. tried different version of DM and nothing. I am wondering if there is driver software available for the playbook so that it can be installed prior to be plugged into a pc ?
    rjedge54 likes this.
    04-20-11 01:16 PM
  12. teamfoster03's Avatar
    I cant get it to work on windows 7, 32bit version. works on my xp system but not win 7. DM opens when i connect the pb via usb and then gives an error. "bb desktop software cannot communicate with the connected device. gives me the option to retry (does nothing) update(hangs for 30min and fails) or close. I checked device manager and "research In Motion network device" is installed under networking adapters and doesn't have a problem. what else does the pb need to show up in dm or under my computer?
    04-20-11 08:55 PM
  13. P.B.B's Avatar
    I cant get it to work on windows 7, 32bit version. works on my xp system but not win 7. DM opens when i connect the pb via usb and then gives an error. "bb desktop software cannot communicate with the connected device. gives me the option to retry (does nothing) update(hangs for 30min and fails) or close. I checked device manager and "research In Motion network device" is installed under networking adapters and doesn't have a problem. what else does the pb need to show up in dm or under my computer?
    Unplug the Playbook from your computer, close the Desktop Manager and restart your computer. Once the computer boots up plug the Playbook into the computer, then launch the Desktop Manager. If you are still having the same problem, you may want to uninstall the Desktop Manager and download it from the BlackBerry site. Run the installation, restart your computer, plug the Playbook and launch the Desktop Manager.
    PatrickMJS likes this.
    04-20-11 09:02 PM
  14. olinga's Avatar
    Hi this needs to get back up top.
    Im having the same issue as first poster.

    No regoc from DM or as a drive in windows, so far only wifi trasfer works but == mad slow >1mb

    When I plugged my PB in i either get nothing from DM or windows or windows starts installing drivers but fails

    error meesage reads " RIM Device Drive Device unplugged" when it was definetly not unplugged

    How can this not work like a reg external drive or device, i've never had a cheap as thumb stick not install its own drivers properly. what the **** RIM at least put them on your website!!!!

    Anyway if this isn't working thru the usb by monday its going back to FS and i will have to face the barrage of told u so's

    edit: Nothing metioned in this or other threads seemed to help me. besides the DM and usb connection, everything else works fine. No problem with bridging on my 9300
    Last edited by olinga; 04-21-11 at 12:37 AM.
    04-21-11 12:34 AM
  15. Tomee's Avatar
    I cant get it to work on windows 7, 32bit version. works on my xp system but not win 7. DM opens when i connect the pb via usb and then gives an error. "bb desktop software cannot communicate with the connected device. gives me the option to retry (does nothing) update(hangs for 30min and fails) or close. I checked device manager and "research In Motion network device" is installed under networking adapters and doesn't have a problem. what else does the pb need to show up in dm or under my computer?
    Has anyone found a fix for this yet? I have the same problem as above, but I am running Windows 7 home premium 64 bit. I can connect to the PB through the network using the USB, but the desktop software will just not communicate.
    gman-88 likes this.
    06-22-11 12:26 AM
  16. dgary8's Avatar
    This my sound strange, try changing the USB cable you are connecting with.
    I had the same problem, and when Ii used a different cable it connected.

    I have so many cables, I don't know if it's the same one that came with the PB or not.

    I've noticed the same type of issues when charging also.
    06-22-11 02:45 AM
  17. MobileMadness002's Avatar
    To those of you having issues, have you checked your disk manager to see if the device is being loaded into the table.

    This is from my Torch but the concept still holds true I think. I don't have a PB but it still should load a drive like the BB does.
    06-22-11 04:58 AM
  18. fnguyen's Avatar
    running W7 64 bits professional no issues
    06-22-11 05:16 AM
  19. Marcel38's Avatar
    Possible Solution: What I did was a reboot of the PlayBook while it is connected via USB to your windows 7 machine.

    Then the drivers will be installed ... (And of course install the latest DTM so u can do backups and sync)

    Hope this helps!
    egzbuen likes this.
    06-22-11 05:24 AM
  20. AvallonM's Avatar
    Possible Solution: What I did was a reboot of the PlayBook while it is connected via USB to your windows 7 machine.

    Then the drivers will be installed ... (And of course install the latest DTM so u can do backups and sync)

    Hope this helps!
    Thanks! This worked for me.

    Have been trying to connect this damn thing all night. I am using Windows 7 x86 SP1. Firstly I installed Blackberry Desktop Software (BDS - the latest version), opened the program, then connected the PlayBook (PB). Windows would try to install the drivers but for some reason the USB drive would APPEAR to disconnect the PB halfway through the installation, even though the PB said it was still connected, and so the drivers wouldn't install. BDS still recognised an "unknown device" but couldn't connect to it, the exact message being "Blackberry Desktop cannot communicate with the connected device."

    So, I unistalled BDS, reset the comp, and just plugged the PB in. Hooray, something worked! The device drivers seemed to install (although the device was name "RIM Device" and so did the Blackberry Device Manager (BDM). I then installed BDS again expecting results but received the same error message again.

    I then unplugged the PB and unistalled all the apps I had installed since buying it and ensured that File and WiFi Sharing was turned on in the Storage and Sharing area of the settings panel. I also disabled my antivirus on my computer, and, with the PB plugged in, checked it's network settings in the Network and Sharing Centre where it had forged a network connection under a Local Area Connect (making sure sharing was enabled - just in case).

    Still nothing.

    At this point I realised that even after Windows appeared to successfully install the drivers and Blackberry the software, something was still missing. Under device manager the driver was up-to-date, and I definitely had the latest versions of BDS and BDM installed. I then pulled the USB cable in and out, disconnecting and connecting the PB, and trying different ports - sometime the computer wouldn't even recognise the device! Other times it would reinstall the drivers, sometimes successfully sometimes not! After one unsuccessful attempt at driver installation, I clicked on the Windows error message and changed the settings to Windows always installed the driver software from it's database, and not by following the device's instructions. I think this helped.

    Then I came across the above post. With both programs installed (BDS and BDM), and the PB on and connected via USB, with WiFi on and connected to the same network as my main comp, I reset it via the battery icon. The first reset yielded positive results - Windows 7 searched online and successfully installed "Blackberry Playbook" for the first time, and not a "RIM Device" as previously. BDS recognised it as a PB for the first time and not an "unknown device". But then it lost the connection. Again whilst leaving it connected via USB I reset the PB. Windows tried to install the drivers just before the PB powered off but was unsuccessful as the PB was shortly "unplugged" (powered off). However, once it reset and was powering on, it recognised it again and tried to install the drivers. It was successful again but this time BDS recognised it and started initializing the device, which then leads to setting it up as notmal and syncing it. It communicated with the PB and stayed connected!

    So, if you are pulling your hair out and experiencing simliar things to what I have, then this solution may be for you. Leaving the USB in, and have all required software installed, reset the PB a couple of times and it should sort itself out.

    All the best,
    and thank you Marcel,
    TheDube likes this.
    07-02-11 09:58 AM
  21. TheDube's Avatar
    Many thanks - that did the trick for me!!

    However, the first day that I had this problem I was trying to connect my PB to download the videos I took at my in-laws 50th anniversary party. Since I was trying everything to get it to work (like everyone else having the problem) I clicked on the "update" option. It actually updated my OS on the PB so now I've lost those videos and wife will not be happy.

    I know it's a wonky file system on the PB but is there anyway to access those lost videos?

    08-01-11 10:06 AM
  22. Duvi's Avatar
    Mine has worked since day 1 on my Dell XPS 410 with win7 pro 64bit.
    08-01-11 11:21 AM
  23. Mystweaver's Avatar
    I'm running W7 Home Premium 64 bit. Couldn't get my playbook recognized on my pc... it would say it was connected and then disconnect right away, and the PC didn't see it as a blackberry device. Made sure I had upgrade to W7 SP1 and updates in place. Plugged in playbook, re-started it while it was plugged in via USB. This caused an install of drivers that looked like it didn't work. On a hunch, I then went to Device manager, found the RIM device that now shows up, Right clicked it to view properties, and found it wasn't enabled. Had to tell it to enable itself! Jeez! Playbook immediately connected with Desktop and I'm happily backing up the PB at this time. Transferring files via WiFi via the IP was painfully slow!!!
    09-21-11 03:33 PM
  24. newcollector's Avatar
    Glad you got it working right. Dragging and dropping is a lot quicker and easier than WiFi.
    gman-88 likes this.
    09-21-11 03:37 PM
  25. iainathome's Avatar
    just foolishly bought the playbook, my pc wont recognise it despite numerous deletions & re installs of the software. Tried to like it, but it's an appalling piece of equipment, backed by amateurish support. thankfully i only paid €240, giving it to my 3 year old in the morning, she will destroy it in minutes, & i'll buy the ipad i should have bought
    11-08-11 08:39 PM
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