WATCH: Kayleigh McEnany holds White House news briefing | PBS NewsHour

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WATCH: Kayleigh McEnany holds White House news briefing

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany is describing Monday’s Electoral College vote confirming Joe Biden as the nation’s next president as just “one step in the constitutional process.”

Watch the news briefing in the video player above.

McEnany’s assessment is the latest example of White House officials declining to accept Biden’s victory, even after the Electoral College vote Monday of 306 for Biden and 232 for President Donald Trump.

McEnany was asked Tuesday by reporters whether Trump now considers Biden to be the president-elect and whether he plans to invite him to the White House.

She declined to provide such acknowledgement, saying “the president is still involved in ongoing litigation related to the election. Yesterday’s vote was one step in the constitutional process, so I will leave that to him and refer you to the campaign for more on that litigation.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday broke his silence on the winner of the presidency, saying, “The Electoral College has spoken.”

McEnany says she has not gotten the president’s reaction to McConnell or to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s statement of congratulations to Biden.

McEnany also said President Trump “is absolutely open” to taking the COVID-19 vaccine being distributed this week, but because he recently recovered from having the coronavirus, he will wait until “his medical team determines its best.”

The press secretary said Trump’s priority is front line workers and those in long term care facilities but a number of senior White House administration officials will receive the shot “for the purpose of instilling public confidence,” she says.