Information for current students | The University of Edinburgh
Moray House School of Education and Sport

Information for current students

We welcome all Moray House students to our community, whether on campus or online.

These pages provide information and resources for all current undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research students and they will be updated as information becomes available. However if you have questions and are unsure who to contact, get in touch with the School's Student Experience and Support Office who will be more than happy to help.

Student Experience and Support

Our Student Experience and Support Office is a hub of information, advice and guidance for Moray House School of Education and Sport students. If you have a question about any aspect of your life as a student at Moray House, please feel free to visit or contact us.

The new student support model

Information about the new student support model which is being introduced across the University.

Information for students with disabilities

Information about where to access support within the School and University before starting with us. Additional information can also be found on the student intranet. 

Information for students with disabilities

Research students' project titles/details can be found on our student profile pages  - via their names - on the 'Research Students' page (on our People section):

'Research Students' page

Research students should endeavour to keep their profile pages up to date. If you are one of our research students - here a Moray House - and you'd like a reminder of how to access to update your profile, please contact our PGR Programmes Officer.

Related Links

Seminars, conference and other events

Moray House Library

Moray House campus maps

Semester dates

University of Edinburgh students information