The Meaning Behind The Song: Ride Like The Wind by Christopher Cross - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Ride Like The Wind by Christopher Cross


Christopher Cross is an American singer-songwriter who rose to fame in the early 1980s with his smooth and easy-listening sound. His hit song “Ride Like The Wind” was released in 1980 and remains one of his most popular tracks to this day.

The song tells a story of a man on the run, trying to escape from something or someone. It’s a fast-paced and catchy tune that captures the imagination of the listener. However, there is more to this song than just a catchy melody. In this article, we will delve deeper into the meaning behind “Ride Like The Wind” and explore its message.

What inspired the song?

Like many songwriters, Christopher Cross drew inspiration from personal experiences when writing his songs. “Ride Like The Wind” was inspired by the story of an individual who tried to escape from religious persecution. This person was fleeing from government officials who were looking to arrest and possibly execute him for his beliefs.

Cross was moved by this story and felt that the man’s situation resonated with the universal human desire to be free. He wanted to capture this feeling in a song that would inspire people to overcome their fears and pursue their dreams.

The lyrics

The lyrics of “Ride Like The Wind” are simple yet powerful. They tell the story of a man who is riding through the night, trying to outrun something. He is determined to keep going, no matter what obstacles he may face. The chorus, in particular, is very memorable:

“Ride like the wind, to be free again
And I’ve got such a long way to go
To make it to the border of Mexico
So I’ll ride like the wind, ride like the wind”

The song’s message is clear – the man is fighting for his freedom and will do whatever it takes to achieve it. It’s a message that resonates with people all over the world who face similar struggles.

The production

The production of “Ride Like The Wind” is also worth mentioning. The song features a catchy guitar riff and lively drumbeat that help to bring the lyrics to life. The instrumentation and sound definitely played a critical part in the success of the song.

One interesting fact is that Michael Omartian, the producer of the song, also played the keyboards on it. Omartian is a highly regarded musician who has produced music for numerous artists, including Whitney Houston, Rod Stewart, and Donna Summer.

The impact of “Ride Like The Wind”

“Ride Like The Wind” was a massive hit when it was released in 1980. It reached the second spot on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart and was a top ten hit in several countries worldwide. The album it was featured on, Christopher Cross, went on to win five Grammy Awards, including Album of the Year.

The song’s impact was felt not just in the music industry but in popular culture as well. It has been featured in numerous films, television shows, and commercials over the years. It is a song that continues to resonate with people.

The legacy of “Ride Like The Wind”

Nearly four decades after its release, “Ride Like The Wind” remains a beloved song. It has been covered by numerous artists, including Saxon, East Side Beat, and Klaus Schulze. The song’s message of determination and freedom has continued to inspire people all over the world.

In conclusion, “Ride Like The Wind” is more than just a catchy tune. It’s a song that captures the essence of the human spirit and inspires us to keep pushing forward, no matter what obstacles we may face. It’s a timeless classic that continues to inspire new generations of music fans.

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