If there’s one kind of athlete people should avoid getting into a scuffle with more than any other, it’s MMA fighters.

These athletes train tirelessly to perfect the art of beating opponents up in all areas of one-on-one combat. Needless to say, any regular person is at an automatic disadvantage that could lead to horrific consequences when getting physical with a professional combatant.

From criminals caught red-handed to aggressive drunks who didn’t know when to back down, many people have foolishly wound up on the receiving end of a beating from an MMA warrior over the years. On the back of the woman who threatened to fight Maycee Barber, here are three other instances of foolish people picking fights they can’t possibly win.

#3. Jared Gordon

MMA Junkie

The lightweight stalwart found himself caught up in an unexpectedly brutal street brawl back in December 2017.

Gordon was hanging out with some friends by a barbershop when one of them spotted a former jiu-jitsu student. When the pair went over to say hello, another two men entered the picture, quickly getting violent with the student. From there, all hell broke loose, with Gordon quickly locking up with one of the aggressors before crashing into a glass door.

While Gordon did put a beating on the assailant, it came at a price, as the shattered glass severely lacerated his hand.

#2. Jon Jones

Image: Thomas Shea/USA TODAY Sports

Jon Jones was attempting to relax on the day of his first-ever UFC Light Heavyweight Championship when trouble struck.

“Bones” was driving to the park with his coaches ahead of UFC 128 when they trio came across a robbery in-progress. The assailant had smashed the window on an elderly couple’s car before making a run for it with some of their valuables.

Jones was quick to jump into action, with the criminal’s attempts at both fleeing and fending Jones off unsurprisingly going very badly. “Bones” wound up restraining the assailant until police arrived.

#1. Matt Serra

Matt Serra’s UFC 2018 Hall of Fame induction kicked off with a surprise showdown the night before. Serra was enjoying dinner at a Las Vegas restaurant when an inebriated patron began getting aggressive towards staff and other people eating.

Never one to rest on his laurels, Serra confronted the irate customer. Foolishly, the troublemaker threw the first punch, immediately coming undone at the hands of Serra and his extensive grappling skills.

From there, the former UFC Welterweight Champion kept his struggling foe grounded, neutralizing him with the Brazilian jiu-jitsu expertise that had given so many of his opponents trouble in the Octagon.

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Picking a fight with an MMA fighter is undoubtedly a risky move, as these three individuals learned the hard way:

  1. The Barroom Brawler: One night at a local bar, a rowdy patron decided to test his luck by picking a fight with a seemingly average guy. Little did he know, that guy was actually an experienced MMA fighter enjoying a night out. The brawler quickly regretted his decision as he found himself on the receiving end of a lightning-fast takedown and a series of well-placed strikes. The lesson here? Don’t underestimate anyone, especially in a bar full of witnesses.
  2. The Road Rage Rager: While stuck in traffic, a hot-headed driver decided to vent his frustrations by honking incessantly and hurling insults at the car in front of him. To his surprise, the driver of the other car calmly stepped out, revealing himself to be a trained MMA fighter. In a matter of seconds, the road rager found himself pinned to the ground, regretting his impulsive outburst.
  3. The Loudmouth at the Gym: At the local gym, a loudmouthed braggart made the mistake of challenging the wrong person to a sparring match. Unbeknownst to him, his opponent was a professional MMA fighter who preferred to keep a low profile outside the ring. The loudmouth’s boasts quickly turned to groans of pain as he found himself outmatched and outclassed by his humble adversary.

In each of these instances, foolish individuals learned the hard way that picking a fight with an MMA fighter is a recipe for disaster. MMA fighters train rigorously to hone their skills, and their expertise can quickly turn the tables on overconfident adversaries. It’s a valuable lesson in humility and respect for those who dare to test their mettle against these formidable athletes.

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How about Joe Schilling? That was bad and sad. Happy that Luke just Ko’d that dude.